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Display one 5-D image layer using the add_image API
import numpy as np
from skimage import data
import napari
with napari.gui_qt():
viewer = napari.view(np.random.random((4, 4, 1, 30, 40)))
ds.n_threads = 4
raw = ds[:]
ds = f['probs/membranes']
ds.n_threads = 4
mem = ds[:]
ds = f['volumes/segmentation/multicut']
ds.n_threads = 4
mc_seg = ds[:]
ds = f['volumes/segmentation/lifted_multicut']
ds.n_threads = 4
lmc_seg = ds[:]
with napari.gui_qt():
viewer = napari.Viewer()
viewer.add_image(raw, name='raw')
viewer.add_image(mem, name='membranes')
viewer.add_labels(mc_seg, name='mc-seg')
viewer.add_labels(lmc_seg, name='lmc-seg')
Add named or unnamed vispy colormaps to existing layers.
import numpy as np
import vispy.color
from skimage import data
import napari
histo = data.astronaut() / 255
rch, gch, bch = np.transpose(histo, (2, 0, 1))
red = vispy.color.Colormap([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
green = vispy.color.Colormap([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
blue = vispy.color.Colormap([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
with napari.gui_qt():
v = napari.Viewer()
rlayer = v.add_image(rch, name='red channel')
rlayer.blending = 'additive'
rlayer.colormap = 'red', red
glayer = v.add_image(gch, name='green channel')
glayer.blending = 'additive'
glayer.colormap = green # this will appear as [unnamed colormap]
blayer = v.add_image(bch, name='blue channel')
blayer.blending = 'additive'
blayer.colormap = {'blue': blue}
:type verbose: bool, optional
:param use_pylibczi: specify if pylibczi was used to read the CZI file, defaults to True
:type use_pylibczi: bool, optional
def calc_scaling(data, corr_min=1.0,
# get min-max values for initial scaling
minvalue = np.round((data.min() + offset_min) * corr_min)
maxvalue = np.round((data.max() + offset_max) * corr_max)
print('Scaling: ', minvalue, maxvalue)
with napari.gui_qt():
# create scalefcator with all ones
scalefactors = [1.0] * len(array.shape)
# initialize the napari viewer
print('Initializing Napari Viewer ...')
viewer = napari.Viewer()
if metadata['ImageType'] == 'ometiff':
# find position of dimensions
posZ = metadata['DimOrder BF Array'].find('Z')
posC = metadata['DimOrder BF Array'].find('C')
posT = metadata['DimOrder BF Array'].find('T')
# get the scalefactors from the metadata
from skimage import data
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.transform import pyramid_gaussian
import napari
import numpy as np
# create pyramid from astronaut image
base = np.tile(data.astronaut(), (8, 8, 1))
pyramid = list(
pyramid_gaussian(base, downscale=2, max_layer=4, multichannel=True)
print('pyramid level shapes: ', [p.shape[:2] for p in pyramid])
with napari.gui_qt():
# add image pyramid
napari.view_image(pyramid, is_pyramid=True)
if data.shape[c_axis] > 3:
visible = False
visible = True
visible = True
# Drop channel from dims string
dims = (
dims.replace(Dimensions.Channel, "")
if Dimensions.Channel in dims
else dims
# Run napari
with napari.gui_qt():
ndisplay=3 if Dimensions.SpatialZ in dims else 2,
except ModuleNotFoundError:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"'napari' has not been installed. To use this function install napari "
"with either: pip install napari' or "
def segment_from_embeddings():
in_folder = '/home/pape/Work/data/data_science_bowl/dsb2018/test/images'
input_images = os.listdir(in_folder)
test_image = input_images[0]
test_name = os.path.splitext(test_image)[0]
im = np.asarray(imageio.imread(os.path.join(in_folder, test_image)))
pred_file = './predictions.h5'
with h5py.File(pred_file, 'r') as f:
pred = f[test_name][:]
pca = embed.embedding_pca(pred).transpose((1, 2, 0))
seg = embed.embedding_slic(pred)
with napari.gui_qt():
viewer = napari.Viewer()
viewer.add_image(im, name='image')
viewer.add_image(pca, rgb=True, name='pca')
viewer.add_labels(seg, name='segmentation')
# Create name for window
if isinstance(self.reader, ArrayLikeReader):
title = f"napari: {self.dask_data.shape}"
title = f"napari: {}"
# Handle RGB entirely differently
if rgb:
# Swap channel to last dimension
new_dims = f"{dims.replace(Dimensions.Channel, '')}{Dimensions.Channel}"
data = transforms.transpose_to_dims(
data=data, given_dims=dims, return_dims=new_dims
# Run napari
with napari.gui_qt():
ndisplay=3 if Dimensions.SpatialZ in dims else 2,
axis_labels=dims.replace(Dimensions.Channel, ""),
# Handle all other images besides RGB not requested
# Channel axis
c_axis = (
if Dimensions.Channel in dims
Displays an xarray
import xarray as xr
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("""This example uses a xarray but xarray is not
installed. To install try 'pip install xarray'.""")
import numpy as np
import napari
data = np.random.random((20, 40, 50))
xdata = xr.DataArray(data, dims=['z', 'y', 'x'])
with napari.gui_qt():
# create an empty viewer
viewer = napari.Viewer()
# add the xarray
layer = viewer.add_image(xdata, name='xarray')
with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f:
inp = f['raw'][:]
bb = np.s_[0:5, 0:256, 0:256]
matrix = compute_affine_matrix(scale=(2., 2., 2.), rotation=(25., 0., 0.))
print("Transform elf ...")
t1 = transform_subvolume_with_affine(inp, matrix, bb)
print("Transform scipy ...")
t2 = affine_transform(inp, matrix, order=0)[bb]
not_close = ~np.isclose(t1, t2)
print("Not close elements:", not_close.sum(), "/", t2.size)
not_close = not_close.reshape(t2.shape)
with napari.gui_qt():
viewer = napari.Viewer()
viewer.add_image(t1, name='transformed-elf')
viewer.add_image(t2, name='transformed-scipy')
viewer.add_labels(not_close, name='diff-pixel')