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def calc_mean_doppler(datetime_start=timezone.datetime(2010,1,1,
tzinfo=timezone.utc), datetime_end=timezone.datetime(2010,2,1,
tzinfo=timezone.utc), domain=Domain(NSR().wkt,
'-te 10 -44 40 -30 -tr 0.05 0.05')):
geometry = WKTReader().read(domain.get_border_wkt(nPoints=1000))
ds = Dataset.objects.filter(entry_title__contains='Doppler',
time_coverage_start__range=[datetime_start, datetime_end],
Va = np.zeros(domain.shape())
Vd = np.zeros(domain.shape())
ca = np.zeros(domain.shape())
cd = np.zeros(domain.shape())
sa = np.zeros(domain.shape())
sd = np.zeros(domain.shape())
sum_var_inv_a = np.zeros(domain.shape())
sum_var_inv_d = np.zeros(domain.shape())
for dd in ds:
uris = dd.dataseturi_set.filter(uri__endswith='nc')
for uri in uris:
template = '''
# test input options
if xml_filename and not kml_filename:
# if only input XML-file is given - convert it to KML
# open XML, get all domains
with open(xml_filename, 'rb') as xml_file:
xml_domains = list(ElementTree(file=xml_file).getroot())
# convert domains in XML into list of domains
domains = [Domain(srs=xml_filename, ext=domain.attrib['name'])
for domain in xml_domains]
elif not xml_filename and kml_filename:
# if only output KML-file is given
# then convert the current domain to KML
domains = [self]
# otherwise it is potentially error
raise ValueError('Either xmlFileName(%s)\
or kmlFileName(%s) are wrong' % (xml_filename, kml_filename))
# get border of each domain and join them to a one string
borders = ''.join([domain._get_border_kml() for domain in domains])
# open KML, write the modified template
with open(kml_filename, 'wt') as kml_file:
combinations = [('te', 'lle', 4), ('ts', 'tr', 2)]
extent_dict = {}
for combination in combinations:
option = re.findall(Domain._gen_regexp(*combination), extent_str)[0]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(' must contains exactly 2 parameters '
'("-te" or "-lle") and ("-ts" or "-tr")')
key, extent_dict = Domain._add_to_dict(extent_dict, option)
if key is 'te' or key is 'lle':
elif key is 'ts' or key is 'tr':
return extent_dict
def get_or_create(self, uri, reprocess=False, *args, **kwargs):
# ingest file to db
ds, created = super(DatasetManager, self).get_or_create(uri, *args,
fn = nansat_filename(uri)
n = Nansat(fn)
# Reproject to leaflet projection
xlon, xlat = n.get_corners()
d = Domain(NSR(3857),
'-lle %f %f %f %f -tr 1000 1000' % (
xlon.min(), xlat.min(), xlon.max(), xlat.max()))
# Get band numbers of required bands according to standard names
speedBandNum = n._get_band_number({'standard_name': 'wind_speed'})
dirBandNum = n._get_band_number({'standard_name': 'wind_from_direction'})
# Get numpy arrays of the bands
speed = n[speedBandNum]
dir = n[dirBandNum]
## It probably wont work with nansatmap...
#nmap = Nansatmap(n, resolution='l')
#nmap.pcolormesh(speed, vmax=18)
#nmap.quiver(-speed*np.sin(dir), speed*np.cos(dir), step=10, scale=300,
# set Dataset entry_title
ds.entry_title = 'SAR NRCS'
# Unless reprocess==True, we may not need to do the following... (see
# in sar doppler processor)
#visExists = ... # check if visualization(s) already created
#if visExists and not reprocess:
# warnings.warn('NO VISUALISATIONS CREATED - update')
# return ds, created
n = Nansat(nansat_filename(uri))
lon, lat = n.get_corners()
d = Domain(NSR(3857),
'-lle %f %f %f %f -tr 1000 1000' % (
lon.min(), lat.min(), lon.max(), lat.max()))
n.reproject(d, eResampleAlg=1, tps=True)
# Get all NRCS bands
s0bands = []
pp = []
for key, value in n.bands().iteritems():
if value['standard_name']==standard_name:
except KeyError:
''' Create data products
def __repr__(self):
"""Creates string with basic info about the Nansat object"""
out_str = '{separator}{filename}{separator}Mapper: {mapper}{bands}{separator}{domain}'
return out_str.format(separator=self.OUTPUT_SEPARATOR, filename=self.filename,
bands=self.list_bands(False), mapper=self.mapper,
extentDict : dictionary
has key ('te' or 'lle') and ('tr' or 'ts') and their values.
ValueError : occurs when the extent_str is improper
combinations = [('te', 'lle', 4), ('ts', 'tr', 2)]
extent_dict = {}
for combination in combinations:
option = re.findall(Domain._gen_regexp(*combination), extent_str)[0]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(' must contains exactly 2 parameters '
'("-te" or "-lle") and ("-ts" or "-tr")')
key, extent_dict = Domain._add_to_dict(extent_dict, option)
if key is 'te' or key is 'lle':
elif key is 'ts' or key is 'tr':
return extent_dict
# If dataset and srs are given (but not ext):
# use AutoCreateWarpedVRT to determine bounds and resolution
elif ds is not None and srs is not None:
srs = NSR(srs)
tmp_vrt = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(ds, None, srs.wkt)
if tmp_vrt is None:
raise NansatProjectionError('Could not warp the given dataset to the given SRS.')
self.vrt = VRT.from_gdal_dataset(tmp_vrt)
# If SpatialRef and extent string are given (but not dataset)
elif srs is not None and ext is not None:
srs = NSR(srs)
# create full dictionary of parameters
extent_dict = Domain._create_extent_dict(ext)
# convert -lle to -te
if 'lle' in extent_dict.keys():
extent_dict = self._convert_extentDic(srs, extent_dict)
# get size/extent from the created extent dictionary
geo_transform, raster_x_size, raster_y_size = self._get_geotransform(extent_dict)
# create VRT object with given geo-reference parameters
self.vrt = VRT.from_dataset_params(x_size=raster_x_size, y_size=raster_y_size,
gcps=[], gcp_projection='')
elif 'lat' in kwargs and 'lon' in kwargs:
warnings.warn('Domain(lon=lon, lat=lat) will be deprectaed!'
'Use Domain.from_lonlat()', NansatFutureWarning)
# create self.vrt from given lat/lon
# test input options
if xmlFileName is not None and kmlFileName is None:
# if only input XML-file is given - convert it to KML
# open XML, get all domains
xmlFile = file(xmlFileName, 'rb')
kmlFileName = xmlFileName + '.kml'
xmlDomains = ElementTree(file=xmlFile).getroot()
# convert domains in XML into list of domains
domains = []
for xmlDomain in list(xmlDomains):
# append Domain object to domains list
domainName = xmlDomain.attrib['name']
domains.append(Domain(srs=xmlFileName, ext=domainName))
elif xmlFileName is None and kmlFileName is not None:
# if only output KML-file is given
# then convert the current domain to KML
domains = [self]
# otherwise it is potentially error
raise OptionError('Either xmlFileName(%s)\
or kmlFileName(%s) are wrong' % (xmlFileName, kmlFileName))
# open KML, write header
kmlFile = file(kmlFileName, 'wt')