How to use the musictheory.mnote.fromName function in musictheory

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def scaleMenu():
    while True:
        print("Please input the list of 7 notes in the Scale (ex: 'C Ds E ...'), a smaller list to autocomplete, or write G or g for random:")
        scalet = usrinp()
        if scalet in "Gg":
            scale = musictheory.scale7()
            notenames = str.split(scalet, " ")
            notes = ()
            for i in range(len(notenames)):
                if len(notenames[i]) != 0:
                    notes = notes + (musictheory.mnote.fromName(notenames[i] + "0"),)
            scale = musictheory.scale7(notes)
        while True:
            print ("Accept? (Yy, Nn, Pp(preview)):")
            inp = usrinp()
            if inp in "Yy":
                return scale
            elif inp in "Nn":
            elif inp in "Pp":