How to use the mirakuru.compat.SIGKILL function in mirakuru

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mirakuru examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ClearcodeHQ / mirakuru / tests / executors / View on Github external
def test_already_closed():
    """Check that the executor cleans after itself after it exited earlier."""
    with SimpleExecutor('python') as executor:
        assert executor.running()
        os.killpg(, SIGKILL)

        def process_stopped():
            """Return True only only when self.process is not running."""
            return executor.running() is False
        assert executor.process
    assert not executor.process
github ClearcodeHQ / mirakuru / src / mirakuru / View on Github external
def __init__(  # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
            command: Union[str, List[str], Tuple[str, ...]],
            cwd: Optional[str] = None,
            shell: bool = False,
            timeout: Union[int, float] = 3600,
            sleep: float = 0.1,
            sig_stop: int = signal.SIGTERM,
            sig_kill: int = SIGKILL,
            envvars: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
            stdin: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = subprocess.PIPE,
            stdout: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = subprocess.PIPE,
            stderr: Union[None, int, IO[Any]] = None
    ) -> None:
        Initialize executor.

        :param (str, list) command: command to be run by the subprocess
        :param str cwd: current working directory to be set for executor
        :param bool shell: same as the `subprocess.Popen` shell definition.
            On Windows always set to True.
        :param int timeout: number of seconds to wait for the process to start
            or stop.
        :param float sleep: how often to check for start/stop condition
        :param int sig_stop: signal used to stop process run by the executor.
github ClearcodeHQ / mirakuru / src / mirakuru / View on Github external
def cleanup_subprocesses() -> None:
    """On python exit: find possibly running subprocesses and kill them."""
    # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, reimported, import-outside-toplevel
    # atexit functions tends to loose global imports sometimes so reimport
    # everything what is needed again here:
    import os
    import errno
    from mirakuru.base_env import processes_with_env
    from mirakuru.compat import SIGKILL
    # pylint: enable=redefined-outer-name, reimported, import-outside-toplevel

    pids = processes_with_env(ENV_UUID, str(os.getpid()))
    for pid in pids:
            os.kill(pid, SIGKILL)
        except OSError as err:
            if err.errno != errno.ESRCH:
                print("Can not kill the", pid, "leaked process", err)