How to use the medcat.utils.loggers.basic_logger function in medcat

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few medcat examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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import json
import pandas
import spacy
from time import sleep
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Queue, Pool, Array
from medcat.cdb import CDB
from medcat.spacy_cat import SpacyCat
from medcat.preprocessing.tokenizers import spacy_split_all
from medcat.utils.spelling import CustomSpellChecker
from medcat.utils.spacy_pipe import SpacyPipe
from medcat.preprocessing.cleaners import spacy_tag_punct
from medcat.utils.helpers import get_all_from_name, tkn_inds_from_doc
from medcat.utils.loggers import basic_logger

log = basic_logger("CAT")

# Check scispacy models
from medcat.utils.helpers import check_scispacy

class CAT(object):
    """ Annotate a dataset
    SEPARATOR = ""
    NESTED_ENTITIES = os.getenv("NESTED_ENTITIES", 'false').lower() == 'true'
    KEEP_PUNCT = os.getenv("KEEP_PUNCT", ":|.").split("|")

    def __init__(self, cdb, vocab=None, skip_stopwords=True, meta_cats=[]):
        self.cdb = cdb
        self.vocab = vocab
        # Build the required spacy pipeline
github CogStack / MedCAT / medcat / View on Github external
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Queue, Pool, Array
from medcat.cdb import CDB
from medcat.spacy_cat import SpacyCat
from medcat.preprocessing.tokenizers import spacy_split_all
from medcat.utils.spelling import CustomSpellChecker
from medcat.utils.spacy_pipe import SpacyPipe
from medcat.preprocessing.cleaners import spacy_tag_punct
from medcat.utils.helpers import get_all_from_name, tkn_inds_from_doc
from medcat.utils.loggers import basic_logger
from medcat.utils.data_utils import make_mc_train_test
import time
import sys, traceback
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

log = basic_logger("CAT")

class CAT(object):
    The main MedCAT class used to annotate documents, it is built on top of spaCy
    and works as a spaCy pipline. Creates an instance of a spaCy pipline that can
    be used as a spacy nlp model.

        cdb (medcat.cdb.CDB):
            The concept database that will be used for NER+L
        vocab (medcat.utils.vocab.Vocab, optional):
            Vocabulary used for vector embeddings and spelling. Default: None
        skip_stopwords (bool):
            If True the stopwords will be ignored and not detected in the pipeline.
            Default: True
        meta_cats (list of medcat.meta_cat.MetaCAT, optional):
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""" Representation class for CDB data
import pickle
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix
#from gensim.matutils import unitvec
from medcat.utils.matutils import unitvec, sigmoid
from medcat.utils.attr_dict import AttrDict
from medcat.utils.loggers import basic_logger
import os
import pandas as pd

log = basic_logger("cdb")
class CDB(object):
    """ Holds all the CDB data required for annotation
    MAX_COO_DICT_SIZE = int(os.getenv('MAX_COO_DICT_SIZE', 10000000))
    MIN_COO_COUNT = int(os.getenv('MIN_COO_COUNT', 100))

    def __init__(self):
        self.index2cui = [] # A list containing all CUIs 
        self.cui2index = {} # Map from cui to index in the index2cui list
        self.name2cui = {} # Converts a normalized concept name to a cui
        self.name2cnt = {} # Converts a normalized concept name to a count
        self.name_isunique = {} # Should this name be skipped
        self.name2original_name = {} # Holds the two versions of a name
        self.name2ntkns = {} # Number of tokens for this name
        self.name_isupper = {} # Checks was this name all upper case in cdb 
        self.cui2desc = {} # Map between a CUI and its cdb description
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from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import numpy as np
from medcat.utils.models import LSTM as MODEL
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, f1_score, confusion_matrix, precision_score, recall_score
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim

from medcat.utils.loggers import basic_logger
log = basic_logger("utils")

def get_batch(ind, batch_size, x, y, cpos, device):
    # Get the start/end index for this batch
    start = ind * batch_size
    end = (ind+1) * batch_size

    # Get the batch
    x_batch = x[start:end]
    y_batch = y[start:end]
    c_batch = cpos[start:end]

    # Return and move the batches to the right device
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from medcat.utils.vocab import Vocab
import numpy as np
import pandas
from medcat.preprocessing.tokenizers import spacy_split_all
from medcat.preprocessing.cleaners import spacy_tag_punct, clean_name, clean_def
from medcat.utils.spacy_pipe import SpacyPipe
from functools import partial
from medcat.utils.spelling import CustomSpellChecker
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from medcat.preprocessing.iterators import SimpleIter
from medcat.utils.loggers import basic_logger

log = basic_logger("CAT")

class MakeVocab(object):
    def __init__(self, cdb, vocab=None, word_tokenizer=None):
        self.cdb = cdb

        self.w2v = None
        if vocab is not None:
            self.vocab = vocab
            self.vocab = Vocab()

        # Build the required spacy pipeline
        self.nlp = SpacyPipe(spacy_split_all, disable=['ner', 'parser', 'vectors', 'textcat'])

        # Get the tokenizer
        if word_tokenizer is not None:
github CogStack / MedCAT / medcat / View on Github external
from spacy.tokens import Span
import numpy as np
import operator
from medcat.utils.loggers import basic_logger
from medcat.utils.matutils import unitvec
from medcat.utils.ml_utils import load_hf_tokenizer, build_vocab_from_hf
from spacy.lang.en.stop_words import STOP_WORDS
import os
log = basic_logger("spacycat")

# IF UMLS it includes specific rules that are only good for the Full UMLS version
if os.getenv('TYPE', 'other').lower() == 'umls':"Using cat_ann for annotations")
    from medcat.cat_ann import CatAnn
else:"Using basic_cat_ann for annotations")
    from medcat.basic_cat_ann import CatAnn

class SpacyCat(object):
    """ A Spacy pipe module, can be easily added into a spacey pipline

    cdb:  the cdb object of class cat.cdb representing the concepts
    vocab:  vocab object of class cat.utils.vocab with vector representations