How to use the mdtraj.utils.in_units_of function in mdtraj

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def save_netcdf(self, filename, force_overwrite=True):
        """Save trajectory in AMBER NetCDF format

        filename : str
            filesystem path in which to save the trajectory
        force_overwrite : bool, default=True
            Overwrite anything that exists at filename, if it's already there
        with NetCDFTrajectoryFile(filename, 'w', force_overwrite=force_overwrite) as f:
            f.write(coordinates=in_units_of(self._xyz, Trajectory._distance_unit, NetCDFTrajectoryFile.distance_unit),
                    cell_lengths=in_units_of(self.unitcell_lengths, Trajectory._distance_unit, f.distance_unit),
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# Assume that its a rectilinear box
            cell_angles = 90.0 * np.ones_like(cell_lengths)
    elif isinstance(f, (LAMMPSTrajectoryFile, DCDTrajectoryFile)):
        cell_lengths, cell_angles = res[1:]
    elif len(res) == 4 or isinstance(f, (HDF5TrajectoryFile, DTRTrajectoryFile, NetCDFTrajectoryFile)):
        cell_lengths, cell_angles = res[2:4]
    elif len(res) == 3:
        # this tng format.
        box = res[2]
        assert len(res) == 1, "len:{l}, type={t}".format(l=len(res), t=f)
        #raise NotImplementedError("format read function not handled..." + str(f))

    in_units_of(box, f.distance_unit, Trajectory._distance_unit, inplace=True)
    if cell_lengths is not None:
        in_units_of(cell_lengths, f.distance_unit, Trajectory._distance_unit, inplace=True)

    return TrajData(xyz, cell_lengths, cell_angles, box)
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if 'xyz' in out_fields and 'xyz' in data:
        data['xyz'] = in_units_of(data['xyz'], in_units, out_units, inplace=True)
    if 'box' in out_fields:
        if 'box' in data:
            data['box'] = in_units_of(data['box'], in_units, out_units, inplace=True)
        elif 'cell_angles' in data and 'cell_lengths' in data:
            a, b, c = data['cell_lengths'].T
            alpha, beta, gamma = data['cell_angles'].T
            data['box'] = np.dstack(md.utils.unitcell.lengths_and_angles_to_box_vectors(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma))
            data['box'] = in_units_of(data['box'], in_units, out_units, inplace=True)
            del data['cell_lengths']
            del data['cell_angles']

    if 'cell_lengths' in out_fields:
        if 'cell_lengths' in data:
            data['cell_lengths'] = in_units_of(data['cell_lengths'], in_units, out_units, inplace=True)
        elif 'box' in data:
            a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = md.utils.unitcell.box_vectors_to_lengths_and_angles(data['box'][:, 0], data['box'][:, 1], data['box'][:, 2])
            data['cell_lengths'] = np.vstack((a, b, c)).T
            data['cell_angles'] = np.vstack((alpha, beta, gamma)).T
            data['cell_lengths'] = in_units_of(data['cell_lengths'], in_units, out_units, inplace=True)
            del data['box']

    ignored_keys = ["'%s'" % s for s in set(data) - set(out_fields)]
    formated_fields = ', '.join("'%s'" % o for o in out_fields)
    if len(ignored_keys) > 0:
        warn('%s data from input file(s) will be discarded. '
             'output format only supports fields: %s' % (', '.join(ignored_keys),
                                                         formated_fields)) = False

    return data
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The angles (\alpha, \beta, \gamma) defining the unit cell for
            each frame.

        If the input arrays are of dimension deficient by one, for example
        if the coordinates array is two dimensional, the time is a single
        scalar or cell_lengths and cell_angles are a 1d array of length three,
        that is okay. You'll simply be saving a single frame.
        if self._mode not in ['w', 'ws', 'a', 'as']:
            raise IOError('The file was opened in mode=%s. Writing is not allowed.' % self._mode)

        coordinates = in_units_of(coordinates, 'angstroms')
        time = in_units_of(time, 'picoseconds')
        cell_lengths = in_units_of(cell_lengths, 'angstroms')
        cell_angles = in_units_of(cell_angles, 'degrees')

        # typecheck all of the input arguments rigorously
        coordinates = ensure_type(coordinates, np.float32, 3, 'coordinates', length=None,
            can_be_none=False, shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        n_frames, n_atoms = coordinates.shape[0], coordinates.shape[1]

        time = ensure_type(time, np.float32, 1, 'time', length=n_frames,
            can_be_none=True, warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        cell_lengths = ensure_type(cell_lengths, np.float64, 2, 'cell_lengths', length=n_frames,
            can_be_none=True, shape=(n_frames, 3), warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)
        cell_angles = ensure_type(cell_angles, np.float64, 2, 'cell_angles', length=n_frames,
            can_be_none=True, shape=(n_frames, 3), warn_on_cast=False, add_newaxis_on_deficient_ndim=True)

        # are we dealing with a periodic system?
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for cluster in nbr_list:
                cluster_water_coords = water_coordinates[cluster]
                if len(cluster) > cutoff:
                    near_flag = 0
                    waters_offset = [(water_id_frame_list[wat][0] + self.start_frame,
                                      ((water_id_frame_list[wat][1] - start_point) * self.water_sites)
                                      + self.wat_oxygen_atom_ids[0]) for wat in cluster]

                    com = np.zeros(3)
                    masses = np.ones(cluster_water_coords.shape[0])
                    masses /= masses.sum()
                    com[:] = water_coordinates[cluster]
                    cluster_center = com[:]
                    # Raise flag if the current cluster center is within 1.2 A of existing cluster center
                    for other, coord in enumerate(final_cluster_coords[:-1]):
                        dist = np.linalg.norm(md.utils.in_units_of(cluster_center, "nanometers", "angstroms") - coord)
                        if dist < 1.20:
                            near_flag += 1
                    # Only add cluster center if it is at a safe distance from others
                    if near_flag == 0:
                        final_cluster_coords.append(md.utils.in_units_of(cluster_center, "nanometers", "angstroms"))
                        cluster_index += 1
        # otherwise store data for each user defined cluster
            # For each cluster, set cluster center equal to geometric center of all waters in the cluster
            final_cluster_coords = md.utils.in_units_of(init_cluster_coords, "nanometers", "angstroms")
            site_waters = []
            cluster_index = 1
            for cluster in nbr_list:
                waters_offset = [(water_id_frame_list[wat][0] + self.start_frame,
                                  ((water_id_frame_list[wat][1] - start_point) * self.water_sites)
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    def generate_clusters(self, ligand_file):
        # Obtain binding site solute atoms using ligand atom coordinates
        ligand = md.load_pdb(ligand_file)
        ligand_coords = md.utils.in_units_of([0, :, :], "nanometers", "angstroms", inplace=True)
        first_frame = md.load_frame(self.trajectory, 0, top=self.topology_file)
        solute_pos = md.utils.in_units_of([0, self.non_water_atom_ids, :], "nanometers", "angstroms")
        search_space = NeighborSearch(solute_pos, 5.0)
        near_indices = search_space.query_nbrs_multiple_points(ligand_coords)
        binding_site_atom_indices = [self.non_water_atom_ids[nbr_index] for nbr_index in near_indices]
        # Obtain water molecules solvating the binding site
        stride = 10
        print "Reading in trajectory for clustering."
        trj = md.load(self.trajectory, top=self.topology)
        trj_short = trj[self.start_frame:self.start_frame + trj.n_frames:stride]
        print "Obtaining a superconfiguration of all water molecules found in the binding site throught the trajectory."
        binding_site_waters = md.compute_neighbors(trj_short, 0.50, binding_site_atom_indices, haystack_indices=self.wat_oxygen_atom_ids)
        # generate a list of all waters with their frame ids
        water_id_frame_list = [(i, nbr) for i in range(len(binding_site_waters)) for nbr in binding_site_waters[i]]
        # Set up clustering loop
        print "Performing clustering on the superconfiguration."
        cutoff = trj_short.n_frames * 2 * 0.1401
        if np.ceil(cutoff) - cutoff <= 0.5:
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_check_mode(self.mode, ('w', 'a'))

        # these must be either both present or both absent. since
        # we're going to throw an error if one is present w/o the other,
        # lets do it now.
        if cell_lengths is None and cell_angles is not None:
            raise ValueError('cell_lengths were given, but no cell_angles')
        if cell_lengths is not None and cell_angles is None:
            raise ValueError('cell_angles were given, but no cell_lengths')

        # if the input arrays are simtk.unit.Quantities, convert them
        # into md units. Note that this acts as a no-op if the user doesn't
        # have simtk.unit installed (e.g. they didn't install OpenMM)
        coordinates = in_units_of(coordinates, None, 'nanometers')
        time = in_units_of(time, None, 'picoseconds')
        cell_lengths = in_units_of(cell_lengths, None, 'nanometers')
        cell_angles = in_units_of(cell_angles, None, 'degrees')
        velocities = in_units_of(velocities, None, 'nanometers/picosecond')
        kineticEnergy = in_units_of(kineticEnergy, None, 'kilojoules_per_mole')
        potentialEnergy = in_units_of(potentialEnergy, None, 'kilojoules_per_mole')
        temperature = in_units_of(temperature, None, 'kelvin')
        alchemicalLambda = in_units_of(alchemicalLambda, None, 'dimensionless')

        # do typechecking and shapechecking on the arrays
        # this ensure_type method has a lot of options, but basically it lets
        # us validate most aspects of the array. Also, we can upconvert
        # on defficent ndim, which means that if the user sends in a single
        # frame of data (i.e. coordinates is shape=(n_atoms, 3)), we can
        # realize that. obviously the default mode is that they want to
        # write multiple frames at a time, so the coordinate shape is
        # (n_frames, n_atoms, 3)
        coordinates = ensure_type(coordinates, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3,
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force_overwrite : bool, default=True
            Overwrite anything that exists at filename, if it's already there

        Amber restart files can only store a single frame. If only one frame
        exists, "filename" will be written.  Otherwise, "filename.#" will be
        written, where # is a zero-padded number from 1 to the total number of
        frames in the trajectory
        if self.n_frames == 1:
            with AmberRestartFile(filename, 'w', force_overwrite=force_overwrite) as f:
                coordinates = in_units_of(self._xyz, Trajectory._distance_unit,
                lengths = in_units_of(self.unitcell_lengths, Trajectory._distance_unit,
                f.write(coordinates=coordinates, time=self.time[0],
                        cell_lengths=lengths, cell_angles=self.unitcell_angles)
            fmt = '%s.%%0%dd' % (filename, len(str(self.n_frames)))
            for i in xrange(self.n_frames):
                with AmberRestartFile(fmt % (i+1), 'w', force_overwrite=force_overwrite) as f:
                    coordinates = in_units_of(self._xyz, Trajectory._distance_unit,
                    lengths = in_units_of(self.unitcell_lengths, Trajectory._distance_unit,
                    f.write(coordinates=coordinates[i], time=self.time[0],
                            cell_lengths=lengths[i], cell_angles=self.unitcell_angles[i])
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def save_hdf5(self, filename, force_overwrite=True):
        """Save trajectory to MDTraj HDF5 format

        filename : str
            filesystem path in which to save the trajectory
        force_overwrite : bool, default=True
            Overwrite anything that exists at filename, if its already there
        with HDF5TrajectoryFile(filename, 'w', force_overwrite=force_overwrite) as f:
            f.write(coordinates=in_units_of(, Trajectory._distance_unit, f.distance_unit),
                    cell_lengths=in_units_of(self.unitcell_lengths, Trajectory._distance_unit, f.distance_unit),
            f.topology = self.topology
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        filename : str
            filesystem path in which to save the trajectory
        force_overwrite : bool, default=True
            Overwrite anything that exists at filename, if its already there
        if self._have_unitcell:
            if not np.all(self.unitcell_angles == 90):
                raise ValueError('Only rectilinear boxes can be saved to mdcrd files. '
                                 'Your angles are {}'.format(self.unitcell_angles))

        with MDCRDTrajectoryFile(filename, mode='w', force_overwrite=force_overwrite) as f:
            f.write(xyz=in_units_of(, Trajectory._distance_unit, f.distance_unit),
                    cell_lengths=in_units_of(self.unitcell_lengths, Trajectory._distance_unit, f.distance_unit))