Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
"Rebuilding the index may take several minutes, depending on the size of "
"your Dropbox. Please do not modify any items in your local Dropbox folder "
"during this process. Any changes to local files while rebuilding may be "
click.echo("\n".join(message1) + "\n")
click.echo("\n".join(message2) + "\n")
click.confirm("Do you want to continue?", abort=True)
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
with MaestralProxy(config_name, fallback=True) as m0:
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
future = executor.submit(m0.rebuild_index)
with MaestralProxy(config_name, fallback=True) as m1:
while future.running():
msg = ("\r" + m1.status).ljust(width)
click.echo(msg, nl=False)
click.echo("\rRebuilding complete.".ljust(width))
click.echo("Maestral does not appear to be linked.")
def level(config_name: str, level_name: str, running: bool):
"""Gets or sets the log level. Changes will take effect after restart."""
import logging
if level_name:
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
level_num = logging._nameToLevel[level_name]
with MaestralProxy(config_name, fallback=True) as m:
m.set_log_level("app", "log_level", level_num)
click.echo("Log level set to {}.".format(level_name))
os.environ["MAESTRAL_CONFIG"] = config_name
from maestral.config.main import CONF
level_num = CONF.get("app", "log_level")
level_name = logging.getLevelName(level_num)
click.echo("Log level: {}".format(level_name))
def set_dir(config_name: str, new_path: str, running: bool):
"""Change the location of your Dropbox folder."""
if _is_maestral_linked(config_name):
from maestral.sync.main import Maestral
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
with MaestralProxy(config_name, fallback=True) as m:
if not new_path:
# don't use the remote instance because we need console interaction
new_path = Maestral._ask_for_path()
click.echo("Dropbox folder moved to {}.".format(new_path))
def status(config_name: str, running: bool):
"""Returns the current status of the Maestral daemon."""
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
with MaestralProxy(config_name) as m:
n_errors = len(m.sync_errors)
color = "red" if n_errors > 0 else "green"
n_errors_str =, fg=color)
click.echo("Account: {}".format(m.get_conf("account", "email")))
click.echo("Usage: {}".format(m.get_conf("account", "usage")))
click.echo("Status: {}".format(m.status))
click.echo("Sync errors: {}".format(n_errors_str))
except Pyro5.errors.CommunicationError:
click.echo("Maestral daemon is not running.")
def file_status(config_name: str, running: bool, local_path: str):
"""Returns the current sync status of a given file or folder."""
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
with MaestralProxy(config_name) as m:
stat = m.get_file_status(local_path)
except Pyro5.errors.CommunicationError:
def errors(config_name: str, running: bool):
"""Lists all sync errors."""
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
with MaestralProxy(config_name) as m:
err_list = m.sync_errors
if len(err_list) == 0:
click.echo("No sync errors.")
max_path_length = max(len(err["dbx_path"]) for err in err_list)
column_length = max(max_path_length, len("Relative path")) + 4
click.echo("PATH".ljust(column_length) + "ERROR")
for err in err_list:
c0 = "'{}'".format(err["dbx_path"]).ljust(column_length)
c1 = "{}. {}".format(err["title"], err["message"])
click.echo(c0 + c1)
except Pyro5.errors.CommunicationError:
click.echo("Maestral daemon is not running.")
def ls(dropbox_path: str, running: bool, config_name: str, list_all: bool):
"""Lists contents of a Dropbox directory."""
if not dropbox_path.startswith("/"):
dropbox_path = "/" + dropbox_path
if _is_maestral_linked(config_name):
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
with MaestralProxy(config_name, fallback=True) as m:
entries = m.list_folder(dropbox_path, recursive=False)
if not entries:
click.echo("Could not connect to Dropbox")
excluded_status = (m.excluded_status(e["path_lower"]) for e in entries)
# display results
for e, ex in zip(entries, excluded_status):
if not ex == "included":
excluded_str =" ({})".format(ex), bold=True)
excluded_str = ""
type_str = "Folder" if e["type"] == "FolderMetadata" else "File"
if not e["name"].startswith(".") or list_all:
def excluded_remove(dropbox_path: str, config_name: str, running: bool):
"""Removes a folder from the excluded list and re-syncs."""
if not dropbox_path.startswith("/"):
dropbox_path = "/" + dropbox_path
if dropbox_path == "/":
click.echo("The root directory is always included.", fg="red"))
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
if _is_maestral_linked(config_name):
with MaestralProxy(config_name, fallback=True) as m:
click.echo("Included directory '{}' in syncing.".format(dropbox_path))
:param str config_name: The name of the Maestral configuration to use.
:param int timeout: Number of sec to wait for daemon to shut down before killing it.
:returns: ``True`` if terminated gracefully, ``False`` if killed and ``None`` if the
daemon was not running.
:rtype: bool
import signal
import time
logger.debug("Stopping daemon")
pid = get_maestral_pid(config_name)
if pid:
# tell maestral daemon to shut down
with MaestralProxy(config_name) as m:
except Pyro5.errors.CommunicationError:
logger.debug("Could not communicate with daemon")
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) # try to send SIGTERM to process
logger.debug("Terminating daemon process")
except ProcessLookupError:
logger.debug("Daemon was not running")
return # return ``None`` if process did not exist
# wait for maestral to carry out shutdown
logger.debug("Waiting for shutdown")
t0 = time.time()
while time.time() - t0 < timeout:
def unlink(config_name: str, running: bool):
"""Unlinks your Dropbox account."""
if _is_maestral_linked(config_name):
from maestral.sync.daemon import MaestralProxy
if running:
with MaestralProxy(config_name, fallback=True) as m:
click.echo("Unlinked Maestral.")
click.echo("Maestral is not linked.")