How to use the libpysal.weights.contiguity.Rook function in libpysal

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github spatialucr / geosnap / geosnap / analyze / View on Github external
        model_name = method
    if not columns:
        raise ValueError("You must provide a subset of columns as input")
    if not method:
        raise ValueError("You must choose a clustering algorithm to use")
    if scaler == "std":
        scaler = StandardScaler()

    times = gdf[time_var].unique()
    gdf = gdf.set_index([time_var, id_var])

    # this is the dataset we'll operate on
    data = gdf.copy()[columns + ["geometry"]]

    contiguity_weights = {"queen": Queen, "rook": Rook}

    if spatial_weights in contiguity_weights.keys():
        W = contiguity_weights[spatial_weights]
        W = spatial_weights

    models = _Map()
    ws = {}
    clusters = []
    gdf[model_name] = np.nan

    # loop over each time period, standardize the data and build a weights matrix
    for time in times:
        df = data.loc[time].dropna(how="any", subset=columns).reset_index()
        df[time_var] = time