How to use the libnacl.sign.Verifier function in libnacl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few libnacl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github saltstack / libnacl / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_sign(self):
        msg = (b'Well, that\'s no ordinary rabbit.  That\'s the most foul, '
               b'cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.')
        signer = libnacl.dual.DualSecret()
        signed = signer.sign(msg)
        signature = signer.signature(msg)
        self.assertNotEqual(msg, signed)
        veri = libnacl.sign.Verifier(signer.hex_vk())
        verified = veri.verify(signed)
        verified2 = veri.verify(signature + msg)
        self.assertEqual(verified, msg)
        self.assertEqual(verified2, msg)
github saltstack / libnacl / tests / unit / View on Github external
def test_sign(self):
        msg = (b'Well, that\'s no ordinary rabbit.  That\'s the most foul, '
               b'cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.')
        signer = libnacl.sign.Signer()
        signed = signer.sign(msg)
        signature = signer.signature(msg)
        self.assertNotEqual(msg, signed)
        veri = libnacl.sign.Verifier(signer.hex_vk())
        verified = veri.verify(signed)
        verified2 = veri.verify(signature + msg)
        self.assertEqual(verified, msg)
        self.assertEqual(verified2, msg)
github openprocurement / openprocurement.api / src / openprocurement / api / View on Github external
aserver, server, db = set_api_security(settings)
    config.registry.couchdb_server = server
    if aserver:
        config.registry.admin_couchdb_server = aserver
    config.registry.db = db

    # Document Service key
    config.registry.docservice_url = settings.get('docservice_url')
    config.registry.docservice_username = settings.get('docservice_username')
    config.registry.docservice_password = settings.get('docservice_password')
    config.registry.docservice_upload_url = settings.get('docservice_upload_url')
    config.registry.docservice_key = dockey = Signer(settings.get('dockey', '').decode('hex'))
    config.registry.keyring = keyring = {}
    dockeys = settings.get('dockeys') if 'dockeys' in settings else dockey.hex_vk()
    for key in dockeys.split('\0'):
        keyring[key[:8]] = Verifier(key)

    # Archive keys
    arch_pubkey = settings.get('arch_pubkey', None)
    config.registry.arch_pubkey = PublicKey(arch_pubkey.decode('hex') if arch_pubkey else SecretKey().pk)

    # migrate data
    if not os.environ.get('MIGRATION_SKIP'):
        for entry_point in iter_entry_points('openprocurement.api.migrations'):
            plugin = entry_point.load()

    config.registry.server_id = settings.get('id', '')

    # search subscribers
    subscribers_keys = [k for k in settings if k.startswith('subscribers.')]
    for k in subscribers_keys:
github Tribler / py-ipv8 / ipv8 / keyvault / private / View on Github external
        Create a new LibNaCL secret key. Optionally load it from a string representation.
        Otherwise generate it from the 25519 curve.

        :param binarykey: load the sk from this string (see key_to_bin())
        # Load the key, if specified
        if binarykey:
            crypt, seed = (binarykey[:libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES],
                           binarykey[libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES: libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES
                                     + libnacl.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES])
            self.key = libnacl.dual.DualSecret(crypt, seed)
            self.key = libnacl.dual.DualSecret()
        # Immediately create a verifier
        self.veri = libnacl.sign.Verifier(self.key.hex_vk())
github duniter / duniter-python-api / examples / View on Github external
password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: ")

    # Create key object
    key = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password)

    # Display your public key
    print("Public key for your credentials: %s" % key.pubkey)

    message = input("Enter your message: ")

    # Sign the message, the signed string is the message itself plus the
    # signature
    signed_message = key.sign(bytes(message, "utf-8"))  # type: bytes

    # To create a verifier pass in the verify key:
    veri = libnacl.sign.Verifier(key.hex_vk())
    # Verify the message!
    verified = veri.verify(signed_message)

    # save signed message in a file
    with open(SIGNED_MESSAGE_FILENAME, "wb") as file_handler:

    print("Signed message saved in file ./{0}".format(SIGNED_MESSAGE_FILENAME))
github saltstack / libnacl / libnacl / View on Github external
if 'priv' in key_data and 'sign' in key_data and 'pub' in key_data:
        return libnacl.dual.DualSecret(
    elif 'priv' in key_data and 'pub' in key_data:
        return libnacl.public.SecretKey(
    elif 'sign' in key_data:
        return libnacl.sign.Signer(
    elif 'pub' in key_data:
        return libnacl.public.PublicKey(
    elif 'verify' in key_data:
        return libnacl.sign.Verifier(key_data['verify'])
    elif 'priv' in key_data:
        return libnacl.secret.SecretBox(
    raise ValueError('Found no key data')
github Tribler / dispersy / View on Github external
def __init__(self, binarykey=""):
        if binarykey:
            crypt, seed = binarykey[:libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES], binarykey[libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES : libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES + libnacl.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES]
            self.key = libnacl.dual.DualSecret(crypt, seed)
            self.key = libnacl.dual.DualSecret()
        self.veri = libnacl.sign.Verifier(self.key.hex_vk())
github Tribler / py-ipv8 / ipv8 / keyvault / public / View on Github external
Create a new LibNaCL public key. Optionally load it from a string representation or
        using a public key and verification key.

        :param binarykey: load the pk from this string (see key_to_bin())
        :param pk: the libnacl public key to use in byte format
        :param hex_vk: a verification key in hex format
        # Load the key, if specified
        if binarykey:
            pk, vk = (binarykey[:libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES],
                      binarykey[libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES: libnacl.crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES
                                + libnacl.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES])
            hex_vk = libnacl.encode.hex_encode(vk)
        # Construct the public key and verifier objects
        self.key = libnacl.public.PublicKey(pk)
        self.veri = libnacl.sign.Verifier(hex_vk)