Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
'lb': np.array([-3,-2]),
'ub': np.array([ 3, 2]),
'gen_batch_size': 5,
'num_inst': 1,
'batch_mode': False,
# 'save_every_k': 10
# Tell libEnsemble when to stop
exit_criteria = {'elapsed_wallclock_time': 0.1}
# Perform the run
H, flag = libE(sim_specs, gen_specs, exit_criteria)
filename = '6-hump_camel_results_History_length=' + str(len(H)) + '_evals=' + str(sum(H['returned'])) + '_ranks=' + str(MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size())
print("\n\n\nRun completed.\nSaving results to file: " + filename)
if flag == 2:
print("\n\n\nKilling COMM_WORLD")
def float_x1000(H, persis_info, sim_specs, _):
Multiplies worker ID by 1000 and sends back values
Input (X) is ignored in this case
# All values
output = np.zeros(1, dtype=sim_specs['out'])
# First test fill - even though - it will do arr_vals and scal_val
jobctl = JobController.controller
x = jobctl.workerID * 1000.0
output.fill(x) # All set
output['scal_val'] = x + x/1e7 # Make scalar value distinct
return output, persis_info
# Run with Executor --------------------------------------------------
task = exctr.submit(calc_type='sim', machinefile=machinefilename,
stdout=outfile, stderr=errfile, hyperthreads=True)
while(not task.finished):
H_o['f'][i] = six_hump_camel_func(x)
# v = np.random.uniform(0, 10)
# print('About to sleep for :' + str(v))
# time.sleep(v)
calc_status = UNSET_TAG # Returns to worker
if all(t == 'FINISHED' for t in task_states):
calc_status = WORKER_DONE
elif any(t == 'FAILED' for t in task_states):
calc_status = TASK_FAILED
return H_o, persis_info, calc_status
def _final_receive_and_kill(self, persis_info):
Tries to receive from any active workers.
If time expires before all active workers have been received from, a
nonblocking receive is posted (though the manager will not receive this
data) and a kill signal is sent.
# Send a handshake signal to each persistent worker.
if any(self.W['persis_state']):
for w in self.W['worker_id'][self.W['persis_state'] > 0]:
logger.debug("Manager sending PERSIS_STOP to worker {}".format(w))
self.wcomms[w-1].send(PERSIS_STOP, MAN_SIGNAL_KILL)
if not self.W[w-1]['active']:
# Re-activate if necessary
self.W[w-1]['active'] = self.W[w-1]['persis_state']
exit_flag = 0
while (any(self.W['active']) or any(self.W['persis_state'])) and exit_flag == 0:
persis_info = self._receive_from_workers(persis_info)
if self.term_test(logged=False) == 2:
# Elapsed Wallclock has expired
if not any(self.W['persis_state']):
if any(self.W['active']):
exit_flag = 2
if len(part_splitstr) == 1: # Single Partition
splitstr = fullstr.split('[', 1)
if len(splitstr) == 1: # Single Node
return splitstr
prefix = splitstr[0]
nidstr = splitstr[1].strip("]")
nidlst = EnvResources._noderange_append(prefix, nidstr)
else: # Multiple Partitions
splitgroups = [str.split('[', 1) for str in part_splitstr]
prefixgroups = [group[0] for group in splitgroups]
nodegroups = [group[1].strip(']') for group in splitgroups]
nidlst = []
for i in range(len(prefixgroups)):
prefix = prefixgroups[i]
nidstr = nodegroups[i]
nidlst.extend(EnvResources._noderange_append(prefix, nidstr))
return sorted(nidlst)
if not empty:
if 'sim_dir' in Worker.sim_specs:
#worker_dir = Worker.sim_specs['sim_dir'] + '_' + str(comm_color) + "_" + str(rank)
self.worker_dir = Worker.sim_specs['sim_dir'] + '_' + str(self.workerID)
if 'sim_dir_prefix' in Worker.sim_specs:
self.worker_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(Worker.sim_specs['sim_dir_prefix']), os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.worker_dir)))[1])
assert ~os.path.isdir(self.worker_dir), "Worker directory already exists."
# if not os.path.exists(worker_dir):
shutil.copytree(Worker.sim_specs['sim_dir'], self.worker_dir)
self.locations[EVAL_SIM_TAG] = self.worker_dir
#Optional - set workerID in job_controller - so will be added to jobnames
jobctl = JobController.controller
except Exception as e:
print("Info: No job_controller set on worker", workerID)
self.job_controller_set = False
self.job_controller_set = True
def send_mgr_worker_msg(comm, O):
"""Send message from worker to manager.
D = {'calc_out': O,
'libE_info': {'persistent': True},
'calc_status': UNSET_TAG,
'calc_type': EVAL_GEN_TAG
comm.send(EVAL_GEN_TAG, D)
- If no points are left, call the gen_f
Work = {}
gen_count = sum(W['persis_state'] == EVAL_GEN_TAG)
already_in_Work = np.zeros(len(H),dtype=bool) # To mark points as they are included in Work, but not yet marked as 'given' in H.
# If i is idle, but in persistent mode, and its calculated values have
# returned, give them back to i. Otherwise, give nothing to i
for i in W['worker_id'][np.logical_and(W['active']==0,W['persis_state']!=0)]:
gen_inds = H['gen_worker']==i
if np.all(H['returned'][gen_inds]):
last_ind = np.nonzero(gen_inds)[0][np.argmax(H['given_time'][gen_inds])]
Work[i] = {'persis_info': persis_info[i],
'H_fields': sim_specs['in'] + [name[0] for name in sim_specs['out']],
'libE_info': {'H_rows': np.atleast_1d(last_ind),
'persistent': True
for i in W['worker_id'][np.logical_and(W['active']==0,W['persis_state']==0)]:
# perform sim evaluations from existing runs (if they exist).
q_inds_logical = np.logical_and.reduce((~H['given'],~H['paused'],~already_in_Work))
if np.any(q_inds_logical):
sim_ids_to_send = np.nonzero(q_inds_logical)[0][0] # oldest point
Work[i] = {'H_fields': sim_specs['in'],
'persis_info': {}, # Our sims don't need information about how points were generatored
persis_info[i]['run_order'] = [ind]
gen_count += 1
elif np.any(task_avail):
# Perform sim evaluations from existing runs
q_inds_logical = np.logical_and(task_avail, H['local_pt'])
if not np.any(q_inds_logical):
q_inds_logical = task_avail
sim_ids_to_send = np.nonzero(q_inds_logical)[0][0] # oldest point
sim_work(Work, i, sim_specs['in'], np.atleast_1d(sim_ids_to_send), [])
task_avail[sim_ids_to_send] = False
elif (gen_count == 0
and not np.any(np.logical_and(W['active'] == EVAL_GEN_TAG,
W['persis_state'] == 0))):
# Finally, generate points since there is nothing else to do
gen_count += 1
gen_work(Work, i, gen_specs['in'], [], persis_info[i])
return Work, persis_info
def gen_work(Work, i, H_fields, H_rows, persis_info, **libE_info):
"Add gen work record to work array."
libE_info['H_rows'] = H_rows
Work[i] = {'H_fields': H_fields,
'persis_info': persis_info,
'tag': EVAL_GEN_TAG,
'libE_info': libE_info}