How to use the ledgerblue.ecWrapper.PrivateKey function in ledgerblue

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ledgerblue examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github LedgerHQ / blue-loader-python / ledgerblue / View on Github external
printer.addArea(param_start, paramsSectionContent)
		# account for added regions (install parameters, icon ...)
		appLength = printer.maxAddr() - printer.minAddr()
		loader.createAppNoInstallParams(args.appFlags, appLength, args.appName, None, path, 0, len(paramsSectionContent), string_to_bytes(args.appVersion))
		# account for added regions (install parameters, icon ...)
		appLength = printer.maxAddr() - printer.minAddr()
		loader.createAppNoInstallParams(args.appFlags, appLength, args.appName, args.icon, path, None, None, string_to_bytes(args.appVersion))

	hash = loader.load(0x0, 0xF0, printer, targetId=args.targetId, targetVersion=args.targetVersion, doCRC=not (args.nocrc or NOCRC)) 

	print("Application full hash : " + hash)

	if (signature == None and args.signApp):
		masterPrivate = PrivateKey(bytes(bytearray.fromhex(args.signPrivateKey)))
		signature = masterPrivate.ecdsa_serialize(masterPrivate.ecdsa_sign(bytes(binascii.unhexlify(hash)), raw=True))
		print("Application signature: " + str(binascii.hexlify(signature)))

	if (args.tlv):
	else:, signature)
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class SCP:

		def __init__(self, dongle, targetId, rootPrivateKey):
			secret = getDeployedSecretV2(dongle, rootPrivateKey, targetId)
			self.loader = HexLoader(dongle, 0xe0, True, secret)

		def encryptAES(self, data):
			return self.loader.scpWrap(data);

		def decryptAES(self, data):
			return self.loader.scpUnwrap(data);

	dongle = getDongle(args.apdu)
	if args.scp:
		if args.rootPrivateKey is None:
			privateKey = PrivateKey()
			publicKey = binascii.hexlify(privateKey.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
			print("Generated random root public key : %s" % publicKey)
			args.rootPrivateKey = privateKey.serialize()
			scp = SCP(dongle, args.targetId, bytearray.fromhex(args.rootPrivateKey))

	for data in file:
		data = binascii.unhexlify(data.replace("\n", ""))
		if len(data) < 5:
		if args.scp:
			apduData = data[4:]
			apduData = scp.encryptAES(bytes(apduData))
			apdu = bytearray([data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], len(apduData)]) + bytearray(apduData)
			result =
			result = scp.decryptAES((result))
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def getDeployedSecretV2(dongle, masterPrivate, targetId, signerCertChain=None, ecdh_secret_format=None):
	testMaster = PrivateKey(bytes(masterPrivate))
	testMasterPublic = bytearray(testMaster.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
	targetid = bytearray(struct.pack('>I', targetId))

	if targetId&0xF < 2:
		raise BaseException("Target ID does not support SCP V2")

	# identify
	apdu = bytearray([0xe0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(targetid)]) + targetid

	# walk the chain 
	nonce = os.urandom(8)
	apdu = bytearray([0xe0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(nonce)]) + nonce
	auth_info =
	batch_signer_serial = auth_info[0:4]
	deviceNonce = auth_info[4:12]
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def getDeployedSecretV1(dongle, masterPrivate, targetId):
	testMaster = PrivateKey(bytes(masterPrivate))
	testMasterPublic = bytearray(testMaster.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
	targetid = bytearray(struct.pack('>I', targetId))

	if targetId&0xF != 0x1:
		raise BaseException("Target ID does not support SCP V1")

	# identify
	apdu = bytearray([0xe0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(targetid)]) + targetid

	# walk the chain 
	batch_info = bytearray('E050000000')))
	cardKey = batch_info[5:5 + batch_info[4]]

	# if not found, get another pair
	#if cardKey != testMasterPublic:
github LedgerHQ / blue-loader-python / ledgerblue / View on Github external
def getDeployedSecretV2(dongle, masterPrivate, targetid, issuerKey):
		testMaster = PrivateKey(bytes(masterPrivate))
		testMasterPublic = bytearray(testMaster.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
		targetid = bytearray(struct.pack('>I', targetid))

		# identify
		apdu = bytearray([0xe0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(targetid)]) + targetid

		# walk the chain
		nonce = os.urandom(8)
		apdu = bytearray([0xe0, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(nonce)]) + nonce
		auth_info =
		batch_signer_serial = auth_info[0:4]
		deviceNonce = auth_info[4:12]

		# if not found, get another pair
		#if cardKey != testMasterPublic:
github LedgerHQ / blue-loader-python / ledgerblue / View on Github external
if (signerCertChain):
		for cert in signerCertChain:
			apdu = bytearray([0xE0, 0x51, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(cert)]) + cert
		print("Using test master key %s " % binascii.hexlify(testMasterPublic))
		dataToSign = bytes(bytearray([0x01]) + testMasterPublic)
		signature = testMaster.ecdsa_sign(bytes(dataToSign))
		signature = testMaster.ecdsa_serialize(signature)
		certificate = bytearray([len(testMasterPublic)]) + testMasterPublic + bytearray([len(signature)]) + signature
		apdu = bytearray([0xE0, 0x51, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(certificate)]) + certificate
	# provide the ephemeral certificate
	ephemeralPrivate = PrivateKey()
	ephemeralPublic = bytearray(ephemeralPrivate.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
	print("Using ephemeral key %s" %binascii.hexlify(ephemeralPublic))
	dataToSign = bytes(bytearray([0x11]) + nonce + deviceNonce + ephemeralPublic)
	signature = testMaster.ecdsa_sign(bytes(dataToSign))
	signature = testMaster.ecdsa_serialize(signature)
	certificate = bytearray([len(ephemeralPublic)]) + ephemeralPublic + bytearray([len(signature)]) + signature
	apdu = bytearray([0xE0, 0x51, 0x80, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(certificate)]) + certificate

	# walk the device certificates to retrieve the public key to use for authentication
	index = 0
	last_dev_pub_key = PublicKey(bytes(testMasterPublic), raw=True)
	devicePublicKey = None
	while True:
		if index == 0:			
			certificate = bytearray('E052000000')))
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retry = 0
		# di = sha256(i || retrycounter || ecdh secret)
		while True:
			sha256 ='sha256')
			sha256.update(struct.pack(">IB", keyindex, retry))

			# compare di with order
			CURVE_SECP256K1 = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
			if int.from_bytes(sha256.digest(), 'big') < CURVE_SECP256K1.order:
			#regenerate a new di satisfying order upper bound

		# Pi = di*G
		privkey = PrivateKey(bytes(sha256.digest()))
		pubkey = bytearray(privkey.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
		# ki = sha256(Pi)
		sha256 ='sha256')
		#print ("Key " + str (keyindex) + ": " + sha256.hexdigest())
		return sha256.digest()
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batch_signer_serial = auth_info[0:4]
		deviceNonce = auth_info[4:12]

		# if not found, get another pair
		#if cardKey != testMasterPublic:
		#	   raise Exception("Invalid batch public key")

		dataToSign = bytes(bytearray([0x01]) + testMasterPublic)
		signature = testMaster.ecdsa_sign(bytes(dataToSign))
		signature = testMaster.ecdsa_serialize(signature)
		certificate = bytearray([len(testMasterPublic)]) + testMasterPublic + bytearray([len(signature)]) + signature
		apdu = bytearray([0xE0, 0x51, 0x00, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(certificate)]) + certificate

		# provide the ephemeral certificate
		ephemeralPrivate = PrivateKey()
		ephemeralPublic = bytearray(ephemeralPrivate.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
		dataToSign = bytes(bytearray([0x11]) + nonce + deviceNonce + ephemeralPublic)
		signature = testMaster.ecdsa_sign(bytes(dataToSign))
		signature = testMaster.ecdsa_serialize(signature)
		certificate = bytearray([len(ephemeralPublic)]) + ephemeralPublic + bytearray([len(signature)]) + signature
		apdu = bytearray([0xE0, 0x51, 0x80, 0x00]) + bytearray([len(certificate)]) + certificate

		# walk the device certificates to retrieve the public key to use for authentication
		index = 0
		last_pub_key = PublicKey(binascii.unhexlify(issuerKey), raw=True)
		device_pub_key = None
		while True:
				if index == 0:
						certificate = bytearray('E052000000')))
				elif index == 1:
github LedgerHQ / blue-loader-python / ledgerblue / View on Github external
args = get_argparser().parse_args()

	if args.apilevel == None:
		args.apilevel = 10
	if args.targetId == None:
		args.targetId = 0x31000002
	if args.fileName == None:
		raise Exception("Missing fileName")
	if args.appName == None:
		raise Exception("Missing appName")
	if args.path_slip21 != None and args.apilevel < 10:
		raise Exception("SLIP 21 path not supported using this API level")
	if args.appFlags == None:
		args.appFlags = 0
	if args.rootPrivateKey == None:
		privateKey = PrivateKey()
		publicKey = binascii.hexlify(privateKey.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False))
		print("Generated random root public key : %s" % publicKey)
		args.rootPrivateKey = privateKey.serialize()

	args.appName = string_to_bytes(args.appName)

	parser = IntelHexParser(args.fileName)
	if args.bootAddr == None:
		args.bootAddr = parser.getBootAddr()

	path = b""
	curveMask = 0xff
	if args.curve != None:
		curveMask = 0x00
		for curve in args.curve:
			if curve == 'secp256k1':