How to use the kipoi.get_source function in kipoi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kipoi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github kipoi / models / tests / View on Github external
@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_name", models_to_test(kipoi.get_source("kipoi")))
def test_model(model_name, caplog):
    """kipoi test ...

    source_name = "kipoi"
    assert source_name == "kipoi"

    env_name = conda_env_name(model_name, model_name, source_name)
    env_name = "test-" + env_name  # prepend "test-"

    # if environment already exists, remove it
    if env_exists(env_name):
        print("Removing the environment: {0}".format(env_name))