How to use the karmabot.core.register.facet_registry.register function in karmabot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few karmabot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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                    return unichr(int(text[2:-1]))
            except ValueError:
            # named entity
                text = unichr(htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]])
            except KeyError:
        # leave as is
        return text
    return re.sub("&#?\w+;", fixup, text)

class LmgtfyFacet(ThingFacet):
    name = "lmgtfy"
    commands = thing.add_child(CommandSet(name))

    def does_attach(cls, thing):
        return == "lmgtfy"

    @commands.add(u"lmgtfy {item}",
                  u"googles for a {item}")
    def lmgtfy(self, context, item):
        api_url = ""
        response = urlopen(api_url + urlencode(dict(v="1.0",
        response = dict(JSONDecoder().decode(
        top_result = {}
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# This file is part of 'karmabot' and is distributed under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE for more details.
from karmabot.core.client import thing
from karmabot.core.register import facet_registry
from karmabot.core.thing import ThingFacet
from karmabot.core.commands.sets import CommandSet
from itertools import chain

def numbered(strs):
    return (u"{0}. {1}".format(num + 1, line)
            for num, line in enumerate(strs))

class HelpFacet(ThingFacet):
    name = "help"
    commands = thing.add_child(CommandSet(name))
    short_template = u"\"{0}\""
    full_template = short_template + u": {1}"

    def does_attach(cls, thing):
        return True

    def get_topics(self, this_thing):
        topics = dict()
        for cmd in chain(thing, this_thing.iter_commands()):
            if cmd.visible:
                topic = cmd.format.replace("{thing}",
                help ="{thing}",
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from urllib2 import urlopen

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

from karmabot.core.client import thing
from karmabot.core.facets import Facet
from karmabot.core.register import facet_registry
from karmabot.core.commands.sets import CommandSet

#      Get rid of course command syntax? maybe?
#      Add error handing to webpage fetching.
#      Search with different keys.

class ScheduleFacet(Facet):
    Class which implements the ThingFacet interface and provides the new
    karmabot course info reporting functionality.
    name = "course"
    commands = thing.add_child(CommandSet(name))
    URL = ""

    @commands.add(u"course {CSXXX} {TERM} {YEAR}",
                  u"Get course information from CS website.")
    def course(self, context, CSXXX, TERM, YEAR):
        High level command handler for the course command. Manages
        course cache and recrawls if timeout is exceeded.
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# Copyright the Karmabot authors and contributors.
# All rights reserved.  See AUTHORS.
# This file is part of 'karmabot' and is distributed under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE for more details.
from karmabot.core.client import listen, thing
from karmabot.core.thing import ThingFacet
from karmabot.core.commands.sets import CommandSet
from karmabot.core.register import facet_registry, presenter_registry

class KarmaFacet(ThingFacet):
    name = "karma"
    listens = listen.add_child(CommandSet(name))

    def does_attach(cls, thing):
        return True

    @listens.add(u"{thing}++", help_str=u"add 1 to karma")
    def inc(self, thing, context):, 0)[context.who] += 1

    @listens.add(u"{thing}--", help_str=u"subtract 1 from karma")
    def dec(self, thing, context):
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def load_core(self):
        for facet in self.core_facets:
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# Copyright the Karmabot authors and contributors.
# All rights reserved.  See AUTHORS.
# This file is part of 'karmabot' and is distributed under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE for more details.
from karmabot.core import ircutils
from karmabot.core.client import thing
from karmabot.core.commands.sets import CommandSet
from karmabot.core.thing import ThingFacet
from karmabot.core.register import facet_registry, presenter_registry

class NameFacet(ThingFacet):
    name = "name"
    commands = thing.add_child(CommandSet(name))

    def does_attach(cls, thing):
        return True

    @commands.add(u"{thing}\?*", help_str=u"show information about {thing}")
    def describe(self, context, thing):
        # this is a thing object not the list of things

@presenter_registry.register(set(["name"]), order=-10)
def present(thing, context):
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# Copyright the Karmabot authors and contributors.
# All rights reserved.  See AUTHORS.
# This file is part of 'karmabot' and is distributed under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE for more details.
from karmabot.core.client import VERSION
from karmabot.core import thing
from karmabot.core.register import facet_registry, presenter_registry

class KarmaBotFacet(thing.ThingFacet):
    name = "karmabot"

    def does_attach(cls, thing):
        return == "karmabot"

    #TODO: add save/reload/quit commands, customizable messages and behavior

@presenter_registry.register(set(["karmabot", "name", "karma", "description"]))
def present(thing, context):
    output_str = u"{name}[v{version}]({karma}): {descriptions} ({things} things)"
    text = output_str.format(
        name=thing.describe(context, facets=set(["name"])),
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def topic(self):
        return"topic", None)

    def topic(self, value):["topic"] = value

def present(thing, context):
    facet = thing.facets["ircchannel"]
    if facet.topic:
        return u"Topic: {topic}".format(topic=facet.topic)

class IRCUserFacet(ThingFacet):
    #TODO: IRCUser facet, with trusted/admin types and verified hostmasks
    name = "ircuser"

    def does_attach(cls, thing):
        # Attached by the listener
        return False

    def is_verified(self):
        return"verified", False)

    def is_verified(self, value):["verified"] = value