How to use the jsonlines.jsonlines.ReaderWriterBase function in jsonlines

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jsonlines examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def read(self):
        return self.lines.pop(0)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.lines.__iter__()

def custom5_process(str_lines):
    return [ujson.loads(l) for l in str_lines]

class Custom5Reader(jsonlines.jsonlines.ReaderWriterBase):
    def __init__(self, fp):

        len_timer = Timer("Extracting lines as strings").start()
        str_lines = [f for f in fp]

        group_timer = Timer("Grouping lines").start()
        num_groups = POOL_WORKERS
        line_groups = [[] for _ in range(POOL_WORKERS)]
        for i, line in enumerate(str_lines):
            group = i % num_groups

        with mp.Pool(POOL_WORKERS) as p:
            async_batched_results = p.map_async(custom5_process, line_groups)
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def read(self):
        return self.lines.pop(0)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.lines.__iter__()

def custom4_process(str_line):
    output = ujson.loads(str_line)
    return output

class Custom4Reader(jsonlines.jsonlines.ReaderWriterBase):
    def __init__(self, fp):

        len_timer = Timer("Extracting lines as strings").start()
        str_lines = [f for f in fp]

        with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
            results =, str_lines)

        list_timer = Timer("Converting results generator to list").start()
        self.lines = list(results)

    def read(self):
        return self.lines.pop(0)
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def stop(self):
        self.t2 = time.time()
        print(f'Timer "{}" took {humanize_float(self.t2-self.t1)} seconds')
        return self.t2-self.t1

def custom1_process(args):
    assert len(args) == 2
    str_line, q = args
    output = ujson.loads(str_line)
    return output

class Custom1Reader(jsonlines.jsonlines.ReaderWriterBase):

    def __init__(self, fp):

        m = mp.Manager()
        shared_queue = m.Queue()
        progress = 0
        len_timer = Timer("Calculating file length").start()
        str_lines = [f for f in fp]
        total_size = len(str_lines)

        with mp.Pool(POOL_WORKERS) as p:
            async_results = p.map_async(custom1_process, zip(str_lines, itertools.repeat(shared_queue)))
            with tqdm(desc="Manifest Loading Progress", total=total_size, unit_scale=True) as tqdm_progress:
                while True:
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                except InvalidLineError:
                    if not skip_invalid:
        except EOFError:

    def __iter__(self):
        See :py:meth:`~Reader.iter()`.
        return self.iter()

class Writer(ReaderWriterBase):
    Writer for the jsonlines format.

    The `fp` argument must be a file-like object with a ``.write()``
    method accepting either text (unicode) or bytes.

    The `compact` argument can be used to to produce smaller output.

    The `sort_keys` argument can be used to sort keys in json objects,
    and will produce deterministic output.

    For more control, provide a a custom encoder callable using the
    `dumps` argument. The callable must produce (unicode) string output.
    If specified, the `compact` and `sort` arguments will be ignored.

    When the `flush` argument is set to ``True``, the writer will call
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def read(self):
        return self.lines.pop(0)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.lines.__iter__()

def custom2_process(str_line):
    output = ujson.loads(str_line)
    return output

class Custom2Reader(jsonlines.jsonlines.ReaderWriterBase):
    def __init__(self, fp):

        len_timer = Timer("Extracting lines as strings").start()
        str_lines = [f for f in fp]

        with mp.Pool(POOL_WORKERS) as p:
            async_results = p.map_async(custom2_process, str_lines)
            results = async_results.get()
            assert async_results.successful(), "There was an uncaught error"

        self.lines = results

    def read(self):
        return self.lines.pop(0)
github quiltdata / quilt / api / python / quilt3 / View on Github external
async_results = p.map_async(custom2_process, str_lines)
            results = async_results.get()
            assert async_results.successful(), "There was an uncaught error"

        self.lines = results

    def read(self):
        return self.lines.pop(0)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.lines.__iter__()

class Custom3Reader(jsonlines.jsonlines.ReaderWriterBase):
    def __init__(self, fp):

        len_timer = Timer("Extracting lines as strings").start()
        str_lines = [f for f in fp]

        array_timer = Timer("Converting lines to one big JSON array string").start()
        json_array = ",\n".join(str_lines)
        json_array = f"[{json_array}]"

        self.lines = ujson.loads(json_array)

    def read(self):
        return self.lines.pop(0)
github wbolster / jsonlines / jsonlines / View on Github external
            wrapping = '<{} at 0x{:x}>'.format(
        return ''.format(
            type(self).__name__, id(self), wrapping)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
        return False

class Reader(ReaderWriterBase):
    Reader for the jsonlines format.

    The first argument must be an iterable that yields JSON encoded
    strings. Usually this will be a readable file-like object, such as
    an open file or an ``io.TextIO`` instance, but it can also be
    something else as long as it yields strings when iterated over.

    The `loads` argument can be used to replace the standard json
    decoder. If specified, it must be a callable that accepts a
    (unicode) string and returns the decoded object.

    Instances are iterable and can be used as a context manager.

    :param file-like iterable: iterable yielding lines as strings
    :param callable loads: custom json decoder callable


Library with helpers for the jsonlines file format

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