How to use the jsbeautifier.cssbeautifier.css.options.BeautifierOptions function in jsbeautifier

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jsbeautifier examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Masood-M / yalih / jsbeautifier / cssbeautifier / css / View on Github external
# in python they are the same, different methods are called on them
        # IMPORTANT: This string must be run through six to handle \u chars
        self.lineBreak = re.compile(six.u(r"\r\n|[\n\r]"))
        self.allLineBreaks = self.lineBreak

        self.comment_pattern = re.compile(
        self.block_comment_pattern = re.compile(

        if not source_text:
            source_text = ''

        self.__source_text = source_text

        self._options = BeautifierOptions(opts)
        self._input = None
        self._ch = None

        self._indentLevel = 0
        self._nestedLevel = 0
        self._output = None

        # also in CONDITIONAL_GROUP_RULE below
        self.NESTED_AT_RULE = {