How to use the invoke.collection.Collection function in invoke

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few invoke examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pyinvoke / invoke / tests / View on Github external
def percolates_to_subcollection_names(self):
                def my_task(c):

                coll = Collection(inner_coll=Collection(my_task))
                contexts = coll.to_contexts()
                assert contexts[0].name == ""
github pyinvoke / invoke / tests / View on Github external
def access_merges_from_subcollections(self):
            inner = Collection("inner", self.task)
            inner.configure({"foo": "bar"})
            self.root.configure({"biz": "baz"})
            # With no inner collection
            assert set(self.root.configuration().keys()) == {"biz"}
            # With inner collection
            keys = set(self.root.configuration("inner.task").keys())
            assert keys == {"foo", "biz"}
github pyinvoke / invoke / tests / View on Github external
def accepts_load_path_kwarg(self):
            assert Collection().loaded_from is None
            assert Collection(loaded_from="a/path").loaded_from == "a/path"
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def _nested_underscores(self, auto_dash_names=None):
                def my_task(c):

                def inner_task(c):

                # NOTE: explicitly not giving kwarg to subcollection; this
                # tests that the top-level namespace performs the inverse
                # transformation when necessary.
                sub = Collection("inner_coll", inner_task)
                return Collection(
                    my_task, sub, auto_dash_names=auto_dash_names
github pyinvoke / invoke / tests / View on Github external
def can_accept_collections_as_varargs_too(self):
            sub = Collection("sub")
            ns = Collection(sub)
            assert ns.collections["sub"] == sub
github pyinvoke / invoke / tests / View on Github external
def keys_dont_have_to_exist_in_full_path(self):
            # Kinda duplicates earlier stuff; meh
            # Key only stored on leaf
            leaf = Collection("leaf", self.task)
            leaf.configure({"key": "leaf-value"})
            middle = Collection("middle", leaf)
            root = Collection("root", middle)
            config = root.configuration("middle.leaf.task")
            assert config == {"key": "leaf-value"}
            # Key stored on mid + leaf but not root
            middle.configure({"key": "whoa"})
            assert root.configuration("middle.leaf.task") == {"key": "whoa"}
github pyinvoke / invoke / tests / View on Github external
def raises_ValueError_if_collection_named_same_as_task(self):
            self.c.add_task(_mytask, "sub")
            with raises(ValueError):
github pyinvoke / invoke / tests / View on Github external
def invalid_subcollection_paths_result_in_KeyError(self):
            # Straight up invalid
            with raises(KeyError):
            # Exists but wrong level (should be 'root.task', not just
            # 'task')
            inner = Collection("inner", self.task)
            with raises(KeyError):
                Collection("root", inner).configuration("task")
github pyinvoke / invoke / invoke / View on Github external
def instantiate(obj_name=None):
            # Explicitly given name wins over root ns name (if applicable),
            # which wins over actual module name.
            args = [name or obj_name or module_name]
            kwargs = dict(
                loaded_from=loaded_from, auto_dash_names=auto_dash_names
            instance = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            instance.__doc__ = module.__doc__
            return instance

        # See if the module provides a default NS to use in lieu of creating
        # our own collection.
        for candidate in ("ns", "namespace"):
            obj = getattr(module, candidate, None)
            if obj and isinstance(obj, Collection):
                # TODO: make this into Collection.clone() or similar?
                ret = instantiate(
                ret.tasks = ret._transform_lexicon(obj.tasks)
                ret.collections = ret._transform_lexicon(obj.collections)
                ret.default = ret.transform(obj.default)
                # Explicitly given config wins over root ns config
                obj_config = copy_dict(obj._configuration)
                if config:
                    merge_dicts(obj_config, config)
                ret._configuration = obj_config
                return ret
        # Failing that, make our own collection from the module's tasks.
        tasks = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Task), vars(module).values())
        # Again, explicit name wins over implicit one from module path
        collection = instantiate()
        for task in tasks:
github pyinvoke / invoke / invoke / View on Github external
def add_collection(self, coll, name=None):
        Add `.Collection` ``coll`` as a sub-collection of this one.

        :param coll: The `.Collection` to add.

        :param str name:
            The name to attach the collection as. Defaults to the collection's
            own internal name.

        .. versionadded:: 1.0
        # Handle module-as-collection
        if isinstance(coll, types.ModuleType):
            coll = Collection.from_module(coll)
        # Ensure we have a name, or die trying
        name = name or
        if not name:
            raise ValueError("Non-root collections must have a name!")
        name = self.transform(name)
        # Test for conflict
        if name in self.tasks:
            err = (
                "Name conflict: this collection has a task named {!r} already"
            )  # noqa
            raise ValueError(err.format(name))
        # Insert
        self.collections[name] = coll