How to use the imagesize.get function in imagesize

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few imagesize examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lino-framework / lino / lino / modlib / weasyprint / View on Github external
def on_site_startup(self, site):
        if self.header_height:
            for ext in ('jpg', 'png'):
                fn = site.confdirs.find_config_file("top-right."+ext, "weasyprint")
                if fn:
                    self.top_right_image = fn
                    w, h = imagesize.get(fn)
                    if self.top_right_width is None:
                        self.top_right_width = self.header_height * w / h
                fn = site.confdirs.find_config_file("header."+ext, "weasyprint")
                if fn:
                    self.header_image = fn

        super(Plugin, self).on_site_startup(site)
github sphinx-doc / sphinx / sphinx / util / View on Github external
def get_image_size(filename: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        size = imagesize.get(filename)
        if size[0] == -1:
            size = None

        if size is None and Image:  # fallback to Pillow
            im =
            size = im.size
            except Exception:

        return size
    except Exception:
        return None
github XiangqianMa / AI-Competition-HuaWei / utils / View on Github external
def show_image_aspect_ratio_distr(self):
        aspect_ratio_dict = {}

        image_names = self.get_image_names()
        for image_name in image_names:
            sample_path = os.path.join(self.data_root, image_name)
            width, height = imagesize.get(sample_path)
            aspect_ratio = width/height
            if aspect_ratio in aspect_ratio_dict:
                aspect_ratio_dict[aspect_ratio] += 1
                aspect_ratio_dict[aspect_ratio] = 0

        aspect_ratio_dict_filt = {}
        for key, value in aspect_ratio_dict.items():
            if value > 100:
                aspect_ratio_dict_filt[key] = value
        del aspect_ratio_dict, aspect_ratio_dict_filt.values())
github caltechlibrary / handprint / handprint / services / View on Github external
def error_result(error_text):
            return (None, TRResult(path = file_path, data = {}, text = '',
                                   error = error_text, boxes = []))

        if not readable(file_path):
            return error_result('Unable to read file: {}'.format(file_path))
        if __debug__: log('reading image file {} for {}', file_path,
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as image_file:
            image =
        if len(image) == 0:
            return error_result('Empty file: {}'.format(file_path))
        if len(image) > self.max_size():
            text = 'Exceeds {} byte limit for service: {}'.format(self.max_size(), file_path)
            return error_result(text)
        width, height = imagesize.get(file_path)
        if __debug__: log('image size is width = {}, height = {}', width, height)
        if self.max_dimensions():
            max_width, max_height = self.max_dimensions()
            if width > max_width or height > max_height:
                text = 'Image dimensions {}x{} exceed {} limits: {}'.format(
                    width, height,, file_path)
                return error_result(text)
        return (image, None)
github caltechlibrary / handprint / handprint / services / View on Github external
return TRResult(path = file_path, data = {}, boxes = [],
                            text = '', error = error)

        if __debug__: log('setting up Amazon client function "{}"', variant)
        creds = self._credentials
            session = boto3.session.Session()
            client = session.client(variant, region_name = creds['region_name'],
                                  aws_access_key_id = creds['aws_access_key_id'],
                                  aws_secret_access_key = creds['aws_secret_access_key'])
            if __debug__: log('calling Amazon API function')
            response = getattr(client, api_method)( **{ image_keyword : {'Bytes': image} })
            if __debug__: log('received {} blocks', len(response[response_key]))
            full_text = ''
            boxes = []
            width, height = imagesize.get(file_path)
            for block in response[response_key]:
                if value_key in block and block[value_key] == "WORD":
                    text = block[block_key]
                    full_text += (text + ' ')
                    corners = corner_list(block['Geometry']['Polygon'], width, height)
                    if corners:
                        boxes.append(TextBox(boundingBox = corners, text = text))
                        # Something's wrong with the vertex list. Skip & continue.
                        if __debug__: log('bad bb for {}: {}', text, bb)

            return TRResult(path = file_path, data = response, boxes = boxes,
                            text = full_text, error = None)
        except KeyboardInterrupt as ex:
        except Exception as ex:


Getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file

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