Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
if "monitor" in _server.type:
server['is_monitor'] = "yes"
server['is_monitor'] = "no"
if _server.zone_id in zones:
server['zone'] = zones[_server.zone_id]
return server
("resize", "Resize/Migrate"),
("verify_resize", "Confirm or Revert Resize/Migrate"),
("revert_resize", "Revert Resize/Migrate"),
class ListMonitorStatusTable(tables.DataTable):
("active", True),
("available", True),
("Active", True),
#server_id = tables.Column("id", verbose_name=_("ID"))
ordinal = tables.Column("id", verbose_name=_("ordinal"))
name = tables.Column("name", verbose_name=_("Name"))
address = tables.Column("address", verbose_name=_("Address"))
health = tables.Column("health", verbose_name=_("Health"))
details = tables.Column("details", verbose_name=_("Detail"))
skew = tables.Column("skew", verbose_name=_("Skew"))
latency = tables.Column("latency", verbose_name=_("Latency"))
kb_total = tables.Column("mb_total", verbose_name=_("MB Total (disk)"))
kb_used = tables.Column("mb_used", verbose_name=_("MB Used (disk)"))
class UpdateRow(tables.Row):
ajax = True
def get_data(self, request, router_id):
router = api.neutron.router_get(request, router_id)
return router
class AdminRoutersFilterAction(r_tables.RoutersFilterAction):
name = 'filter_admin_routers'
filter_choices = r_tables.RoutersFilterAction.filter_choices + (
('project', _("Project ="), True),)
class RoutersTable(r_tables.RoutersTable):
tenant = tables.Column("tenant_name", verbose_name=_("Project"))
name = tables.WrappingColumn("name",
class Meta(object):
name = "routers"
verbose_name = _("Routers")
status_columns = ["status"]
row_class = UpdateRow
table_actions = (CreateRouter, DeleteRouter,
row_actions = (EditRouter, DeleteRouter,)
columns = ('tenant', 'name', 'status', 'distributed', 'ext_net',
'ha', 'availability_zones', 'admin_state',)
data_type_singular = _("Subnet")
data_type_plural = _("Subnets")
def delete(self, request, obj_id):
api.quantum.subnet_delete(request, obj_id)
msg = _('Failed to delete subnet %s') % obj_id
network_id = self.table.kwargs['network_id']
redirect = reverse('horizon:project:networks:detail',
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
class CreateSubnet(CheckNetworkEditable, tables.LinkAction):
name = "create"
verbose_name = _("Create Subnet")
url = "horizon:project:networks:addsubnet"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-create")
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
network_id = self.table.kwargs['network_id']
return reverse(self.url, args=(network_id,))
class UpdateSubnet(CheckNetworkEditable, tables.LinkAction):
name = "update"
verbose_name = _("Edit Subnet")
url = "horizon:project:networks:editsubnet"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-edit")
status_columns = ["status"]
row_class = UpdateRuleRow
table_actions = (
row_actions = (
def get_share_network(share):
name = share.share_network_name
return name if name != "None" else None
class SharesTable(SharesTableBase):
name = tables.WrappingColumn(
"name", verbose_name=_("Name"),
visibility = tables.Column(
"is_public", verbose_name=_("Visibility"),
help_text=("Whether this share visible to all tenants (public) or "
"only for owner (private)."),
filters=(lambda d: 'public' if d is True else 'private', ),
proto = tables.Column("share_proto", verbose_name=_("Protocol"))
share_network = tables.Column("share_network",
verbose_name=_("Share Network"),
class Meta(object):
name = "shares"
verbose_name = _("Shares")
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CheckNetworkEditable(object):
"""Mixin class to determine the specified network is editable."""
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
# Only administrator is allowed to create and manage subnets
# on shared networks.
network = self.table._get_network()
if network.shared:
return False
return True
class DeleteSubnet(CheckNetworkEditable, tables.DeleteAction):
data_type_singular = _("Subnet")
data_type_plural = _("Subnets")
def delete(self, request, obj_id):
api.quantum.subnet_delete(request, obj_id)
msg = _('Failed to delete subnet %s') % obj_id
network_id = self.table.kwargs['network_id']
redirect = reverse('horizon:project:networks:detail',
exceptions.handle(request, msg, redirect=redirect)
class CreateSubnet(CheckNetworkEditable, tables.LinkAction):
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
"Deleted Application Credential",
"Deleted Application Credentialss",
policy_rules = (("identity", "identity:delete_application_credential"),)
def delete(self, request, obj_id):
api.keystone.application_credential_delete(request, obj_id)
class ApplicationCredentialFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
filter_type = "query"
filter_choices = (("name", _("Application Credential Name ="), True))
def _render_roles(obj):
names = [role['name'] for role in obj.roles]
return ', '.join(names)
class ApplicationCredentialsTable(tables.DataTable):
name = tables.WrappingColumn('name',
project_id = tables.Column('project_id', verbose_name=_('Project ID'))
description = tables.Column('description',
class A10ApplianceTable(tables.DataTable):
id = tables.Column("id", verbose_name=_("ID"), hidden=True)
name = tables.Column("name", verbose_name=_("Hostname"), hidden=False)
ip = tables.Column("ip_mgmt", verbose_name="Management IP")
class Meta(object):
name = "a10appliancestable"
verbose_name = _("A10 Appliances")
table_actions = (AddApplianceAction,)
row_actions = ()
class A10ImageTable(tables.DataTable):
id = tables.Column("id", verbose_name=_("ID"), hidden=True)
name = tables.Column("name", verbose_name=_("Name"))
filename = tables.Column("filename", verbose_name=_("Filename"))
class Meta(object):
name = "a10imagestable"
verbose_name = _("A10 Images")
table_actions = (AddImageAction,)
row_actions = ()
from sahara_dashboard.api import sahara as saharaclient
from sahara_dashboard.content.data_processing \
import tables as sahara_table
from sahara_dashboard.content.data_processing.utils \
import acl as acl_utils
class CreateDataSource(tables.LinkAction):
name = "create data source"
verbose_name = _("Create Data Source")
url = ""
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "plus"
class DeleteDataSource(tables.DeleteAction):
def action_present(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Delete Data Source",
u"Delete Data Sources",
def action_past(count):
return ungettext_lazy(
u"Deleted Data Source",
u"Deleted Data Sources",
import logging
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy
from horizon import tables
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard import policy
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AddAllowedAddressPair(policy.PolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "AddAllowedAddressPair"
verbose_name = _("Add Allowed Address Pair")
url = "horizon:project:networks:ports:addallowedaddresspairs"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "plus"
policy_rules = (
("network", "update_port"),
("network", "update_port:allowed_address_pairs"),
def get_policy_target(self, request, datum=None):
policy_target = super(AddAllowedAddressPair, self).\
get_policy_target(request, datum)
policy_target["network:tenant_id"] = (
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import tables
from horizon.utils import memoized
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.networks.subnets \
import tables as proj_tables
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.networks.subnets.tabs \
import SubnetsTab as project_tabs_subnets_tab
from openstack_dashboard.usage import quotas
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CreateSubnet(proj_tables.SubnetPolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "create"
verbose_name = _("Create Subnet")
url = "horizon:admin:networks:createsubnet"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "plus"
policy_rules = (("network", "create_subnet"),)
def get_link_url(self, datum=None):
network_id = self.table.kwargs['network_id']
return reverse(self.url, args=(network_id,))
def allowed(self, request, datum=None):
network = self.table._get_network()
usages = quotas.tenant_quota_usages(
request, tenant_id=network.tenant_id, targets=('subnet', ))