Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def test_config_from_file(self):
self.assertEqual(config.config.project_name, 'hello')
self.assertEqual(config.config.pre_deploy, '')
self.assertEqual(config.config.post_deploy, 'sh -c')
self.assertEqual(config.config.git_remote, '')
self.assertEqual(config.config.template_config_file, './test/fixtures/template_config.yml')
def test_config_from_file(self):
self.assertEqual(config.config.project_name, 'hello')
self.assertEqual(config.config.pre_deploy, '')
self.assertEqual(config.config.post_deploy, 'sh -c')
self.assertEqual(config.config.git_remote, '')
self.assertEqual(config.config.template_config_file, './test/fixtures/template_config.yml')
def test_config_from_file(self):
self.assertEqual(config.config.project_name, 'hello')
self.assertEqual(config.config.pre_deploy, '')
self.assertEqual(config.config.post_deploy, 'sh -c')
self.assertEqual(config.config.git_remote, '')
self.assertEqual(config.config.template_config_file, './test/fixtures/template_config.yml')
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(base_path, 'hokusai', 'templates')))
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('hokusai', 'templates'))
required_templates = [
template_context = {
"project_name": config.project_name,
"project_repo": ecr.project_repo
for s in template_vars:
if '=' not in s:
raise HokusaiError("Error: template variables must be of the form 'key=value'")
split = s.split('=', 1)
template_context[split[0]] = split[1]
for template in required_templates:
if custom_template_dir and not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(custom_template_dir, template)):
raise HokusaiError("Could not find required template file %s" % template)
with open(os.path.join(CWD, template.rstrip('.j2')), 'w') as f:
print_green("Created %s" % template.rstrip('.j2'))
if os.environ.get('USER') is not None:
uuid = "%s-%s" % (os.environ.get('USER'), k8s_uuid())
uuid = k8s_uuid()
name = "%s-hokusai-run-%s" % (config.project_name, uuid)
image_name = "%s:%s" % (self.ecr.project_repo, image_tag)
container = {
"args": cmd.split(' '),
"name": name,
"image": image_name,
"imagePullPolicy": "Always",
'envFrom': [{'configMapRef': {'name': "%s-environment" % config.project_name}}]
run_tty = tty or config.run_tty
if run_tty:
"stdin": True,
"stdinOnce": True,
"tty": True
if env:
container['env'] = []
for s in env:
if '=' not in s:
raise HokusaiError("Error: environment variables must be of the form 'KEY=VALUE'")
split = s.split('=', 1)
container['env'].append({'name': split[0], 'value': split[1]})
spec = { "containers": [container] }
def gitcompare(org_name, git_compare_link):
ecr = ECR()
staging_tag = ecr.find_git_sha1_image_tag('staging')
if staging_tag is None:
raise HokusaiError("Could not find a tag for staging. Aborting.")
production_tag = ecr.find_git_sha1_image_tag('production')
if production_tag is None:
raise HokusaiError("Could not find a git SHA1 tag for production. Aborting.")
print_green(git_compare_link % (org_name, config.project_name, production_tag, staging_tag))
def logs(context, timestamps, follow, tail, namespace=None):
kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace)
opts = ''
if timestamps:
opts += ' --timestamps'
if follow:
opts += ' --follow'
if tail:
opts += " --tail=%s" % tail
pods = kctl.get_objects('pod', selector="app=%s,layer=application" % config.project_name)
pods = filter(lambda pod: pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running', pods)
containers = []
for pod in pods:
for container in pod['spec']['containers']:
containers.append({'pod': pod['metadata']['name'], 'name': container['name']})
commands = [kctl.command("logs %s %s%s" % (container['pod'], container['name'], opts)) for container in containers]
shout_concurrent(commands, print_output=True)
ecr = ECR()
if not ecr.project_repo_exists():
raise HokusaiError("ECR repo %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai setup` for this project?" % config.project_name)
shout(ecr.get_login(), mask=(r'^(docker login -u) .+ (-p) .+ (.+)$', r'\1 ****** \2 ***** \3'))
if tag is None:
tag = shout('git rev-parse HEAD').strip()
if overwrite is None and ecr.tag_exists(tag):
raise HokusaiError("Tag %s already exists in registry. Aborting." % tag)
if build:
build_tag = "hokusai_%s:%s" % (config.project_name, local_tag)
shout("docker tag %s %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, tag))
shout("docker push %s:%s" % (ecr.project_repo, tag), print_output=True)
print_green("Pushed %s to %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, tag), newline_after=True)
if skip_latest: return
shout("docker tag %s %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, 'latest'))
shout("docker push %s:%s" % (ecr.project_repo, 'latest'), print_output=True)
print_green("Pushed %s to %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, 'latest'), newline_after=True)