How to use the hcloud.core.client.BoundModelBase function in hcloud

To help you get started, weā€™ve selected a few hcloud examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / tests / unit / core / View on Github external
def bound_model_class(self):
        class Model(BaseDomain):
            __slots__ = ("id", "name", "description")

            def __init__(self, id, name="", description=""):
       = id
       = name
                self.description = description

        class BoundModel(BoundModelBase):
            model = Model

        return BoundModel
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / isos / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hcloud.core.client import BoundModelBase, ClientEntityBase, GetEntityByNameMixin

from hcloud.isos.domain import Iso

class BoundIso(BoundModelBase):
    model = Iso

class IsosClient(ClientEntityBase, GetEntityByNameMixin):
    results_list_attribute_name = 'isos'

    def get_by_id(self, id):
        # type: (int) -> BoundIso
        """Get a specific ISO by its id

        :param id: int
        :return: :class:`BoundIso `
        response = self._client.request(url="/isos/{iso_id}".format(iso_id=id), method="GET")
        return BoundIso(self, response['iso'])
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / ssh_keys / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hcloud.core.client import ClientEntityBase, BoundModelBase, GetEntityByNameMixin

from hcloud.ssh_keys.domain import SSHKey

class BoundSSHKey(BoundModelBase):
    model = SSHKey

    def update(self, name=None, labels=None):
        # type: (Optional[str], Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> BoundSSHKey
        """Updates an SSH key. You can update an SSH key name and an SSH key labels.

        :param description: str (optional)
               New Description to set
        :param labels: Dict[str, str] (optional)
               User-defined labels (key-value pairs)
        :return: :class:`BoundSSHKey 
        return self._client.update(self, name, labels)

    def delete(self):
        # type: () -> bool
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / floating_ips / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hcloud.actions.client import BoundAction
from hcloud.core.client import BoundModelBase, ClientEntityBase, GetEntityByNameMixin
from hcloud.core.domain import add_meta_to_result

from hcloud.floating_ips.domain import FloatingIP, CreateFloatingIPResponse
from hcloud.locations.client import BoundLocation

class BoundFloatingIP(BoundModelBase):
    model = FloatingIP

    def __init__(self, client, data, complete=True):
        from hcloud.servers.client import BoundServer
        server = data.get("server")
        if server is not None:
            data['server'] = BoundServer(client._client.servers, {"id": server}, complete=False)

        home_location = data.get("home_location")
        if home_location is not None:
            data['home_location'] = BoundLocation(client._client.locations, home_location)

        super(BoundFloatingIP, self).__init__(client, data, complete)

    def get_actions_list(self, status=None, sort=None, page=None, per_page=None):
        # type: (Optional[List[str]], Optional[List[str]], Optional[int], Optional[int]) -> PageResult[BoundAction, Meta]
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / actions / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time

from hcloud.core.client import ClientEntityBase, BoundModelBase
from hcloud.actions.domain import Action, ActionFailedException, ActionTimeoutException

class BoundAction(BoundModelBase):
    model = Action

    def wait_until_finished(self, max_retries=100):
        """Wait until the specific action has status="finished" (set Client.poll_interval to specify a delay between checks)

        :param max_retries: int
               Specify how many retries will be performed before an ActionTimeoutException will be raised
        :raises: ActionFailedException when action is finished with status=="error"
        :raises: ActionTimeoutException when Action is still in "running" state after max_retries reloads.
        while self.status == Action.STATUS_RUNNING:
            if max_retries > 0:
                max_retries = max_retries - 1
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / locations / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hcloud.core.client import ClientEntityBase, BoundModelBase, GetEntityByNameMixin

from hcloud.locations.domain import Location

class BoundLocation(BoundModelBase):
    model = Location

class LocationsClient(ClientEntityBase, GetEntityByNameMixin):
    results_list_attribute_name = 'locations'

    def get_by_id(self, id):
        # type: (int) -> locations.client.BoundLocation
        """Get a specific location by its ID.

        :param id: int
        :return: :class:`BoundLocation `
        response = self._client.request(url="/locations/{location_id}".format(location_id=id), method="GET")
        return BoundLocation(self, response['location'])
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / server_types / View on Github external
from hcloud.core.client import ClientEntityBase, BoundModelBase, GetEntityByNameMixin
from hcloud.server_types.domain import ServerType

class BoundServerType(BoundModelBase):
    model = ServerType

class ServerTypesClient(ClientEntityBase, GetEntityByNameMixin):
    results_list_attribute_name = 'server_types'

    def get_by_id(self, id):
        # type: (int) -> server_types.client.BoundServerType
        """Returns a specific Server Type.

        :param id: int
        :return: :class:`BoundServerType `
        response = self._client.request(url="/server_types/{server_type_id}".format(server_type_id=id), method="GET")
        return BoundServerType(self, response['server_type'])
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / servers / View on Github external
from hcloud.actions.client import BoundAction
from hcloud.core.domain import add_meta_to_result
from hcloud.floating_ips.client import BoundFloatingIP
from hcloud.isos.client import BoundIso
from hcloud.servers.domain import Server, CreateServerResponse, ResetPasswordResponse, EnableRescueResponse, \
    RequestConsoleResponse, PublicNetwork, IPv4Address, IPv6Network, PrivateNet
from hcloud.volumes.client import BoundVolume
from hcloud.images.domain import CreateImageResponse
from hcloud.images.client import BoundImage
from hcloud.server_types.client import BoundServerType
from hcloud.datacenters.client import BoundDatacenter
from hcloud.networks.client import BoundNetwork  # noqa
from hcloud.networks.domain import Network  # noqa

class BoundServer(BoundModelBase):
    model = Server

    def __init__(self, client, data, complete=True):

        datacenter = data.get('datacenter')
        if datacenter is not None:
            data['datacenter'] = BoundDatacenter(client._client.datacenters, datacenter)

        volumes = data.get('volumes', [])
        if volumes:
            volumes = [BoundVolume(client._client.volumes, {"id": volume}, complete=False) for volume in volumes]
            data['volumes'] = volumes

        image = data.get("image", None)
        if image is not None:
            data['image'] = BoundImage(client._client.images, image)
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / load_balancers / View on Github external
from hcloud.servers.client import BoundServer

from hcloud.load_balancer_types.client import BoundLoadBalancerType
from hcloud.locations.client import BoundLocation
from hcloud.networks.client import BoundNetwork

from hcloud.core.client import ClientEntityBase, BoundModelBase, GetEntityByNameMixin
from hcloud.core.domain import add_meta_to_result

from hcloud.actions.client import BoundAction
from hcloud.load_balancers.domain import LoadBalancer, IPv4Address, IPv6Network, PublicNetwork, PrivateNet, \
    CreateLoadBalancerResponse, LoadBalancerTarget, LoadBalancerService, LoadBalancerServiceHttp, \
    LoadBalancerHealthCheck, LoadBalancerHealtCheckHttp, LoadBalancerAlgorithm

class BoundLoadBalancer(BoundModelBase):
    model = LoadBalancer

    def __init__(self, client, data, complete=True):
        algorithm = data.get("algorithm")
        if algorithm:
            data['algorithm'] = LoadBalancerAlgorithm(type=algorithm['type'])

        public_net = data.get("public_net")
        if public_net:
            ipv4_address = IPv4Address(**public_net['ipv4'])
            ipv6_network = IPv6Network(**public_net['ipv6'])
            data['public_net'] = PublicNetwork(ipv4=ipv4_address, ipv6=ipv6_network, enabled=public_net['enabled'])

        private_nets = data.get("private_net")
        if private_nets:
            private_nets = [PrivateNet(
github hetznercloud / hcloud-python / hcloud / certificates / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hcloud.core.client import ClientEntityBase, BoundModelBase, GetEntityByNameMixin

from hcloud.certificates.domain import Certificate

class BoundCertificate(BoundModelBase):
    model = Certificate

    def update(self, name=None, labels=None):
        # type: (Optional[str], Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> BoundCertificate
        """Updates an certificate. You can update an certificate name and the certificate labels.

        :param name: str (optional)
               New name to set
        :param labels: Dict[str, str] (optional)
               User-defined labels (key-value pairs)
        :return: :class:`BoundCertificate 
        return self._client.update(self, name, labels)

    def delete(self):
        # type: () -> bool