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the time of a glitch. In LIGO data analysis, this procedure is referred
to as an _injection_.
In the example below we will create a stream of random, white Gaussian
noise, then inject a loud, steady sinuosoid. We will do this in the
frequency domain because it is much easier to model a sinusoid there.
__author__ = "Alex Urban "
__currentmodule__ = 'gwpy.timeseries'
# First, we prepare one second of Gaussian noise:
from numpy import random
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
noise = TimeSeries(random.normal(scale=.1, size=1024), sample_rate=1024)
# To inject a signal in the frequency domain, we need to take an FFT:
noisefd = noise.fft()
# We can now easily inject a loud sinusoid of unit amplitude at, say,
# 30 Hz. To do this, we use :meth:`~gwpy.types.series.Series.inject`.
import numpy
from gwpy.frequencyseries import FrequencySeries
signal = FrequencySeries(numpy.array([1.]), f0=30, df=noisefd.df)
injfd = noisefd.inject(signal)
# We can then visualize the data before and after injection in the frequency
# domain:
def read_timeseriesdict(source, channels, start=None, end=None, dtype=None,
resample=None, gap=None, pad=None, nproc=1,
"""Read the data for a list of channels from a GWF data source.
source : `str`, :class:`glue.lal.Cache`, `list`
data source object, one of:
- `str` : frame file path
- :class:`glue.lal.Cache`, `list` : contiguous list of frame paths
channels : `list`
list of channel names (or `Channel` objects) to read from frame.
start : `Time`, :lalsuite:`LIGOTimeGPS`, optional
start GPS time of desired data.
# Subtracts the filtered SS from S using FIR filter coefficients W.
# Routine written by Jan Harms. Routine modified by Michael Coughlin.
# Modified: August 17, 2012
# Contact:
N = len(W)-1
ns = len(S)
FF = np.zeros([ns-N,])
for k in xrange(N,ns):
tmp = SS[k-N:k+1,:] * W
FF[k-N] = np.sum(tmp)
cutoff = 10.0
dataFF = gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(FF, sample_rate=samplef)
dataFFLowpass = dataFF.lowpass(cutoff, amplitude=0.9, order=12, method='scipy')
FF = np.array(dataFFLowpass)
FF = np.array(dataFF)
residual = S[range(ns-N)]-FF
residual = residual - np.mean(residual)
return residual, FF
bins2.append((bin_, bins[i+1]))
bins = bins2
elif isinstance(operator, (unicode, str)):
op = OPERATORS[operator]
op = operator
coldata = get_table_column(self, column)
colstr = get_column_string(column)
# generate one TimeSeries per bin
out = TimeSeriesDict()
for bin_ in bins:
if isinstance(bin_, tuple):
bintimes = times[(coldata >= bin_[0]) & (coldata < bin_[1])]
bintimes = times[op(coldata, bin_)]
out[bin_] = TimeSeries(
numpy.histogram(bintimes, bins=timebins)[0] / float(stride),
epoch=start, sample_rate=1/float(stride), unit='Hz',
name='%s $%s$ %s' % (colstr, operator, bin_), channel=channel)
return out
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
gwdata = TimeSeries.fetch('H1:LDAS-STRAIN', 'September 16 2010 06:40',
'September 16 2010 06:50')
specgram = gwdata.spectrogram(20, fftlength=8, overlap=4) ** (1/2.)
plot = specgram.plot(norm='log', vmin=1e-23, vmax=1e-19)
ax = plot.gca()
ax.set_ylim(40, 4000)
plot.add_colorbar(label='GW strain ASD [strain/$\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}$]')
# parse y-axis params
if f0 is not None:
kwargs['y0'] = f0
if df is not None:
kwargs['dy'] = df
if frequencies is not None:
kwargs['yindex'] = frequencies
# generate Spectrogram
return super(Spectrogram, cls).__new__(cls, data, unit=unit, name=name,
channel=channel, **kwargs)
# -- Spectrogram properties -----------------
epoch = property(TimeSeries.epoch.__get__, TimeSeries.epoch.__set__,
"""Starting GPS epoch for this `Spectrogram`
:type: `~gwpy.segments.Segment`
t0 = property(TimeSeries.t0.__get__, TimeSeries.t0.__set__,
"""GPS time of first time bin
:type: `~astropy.units.Quantity` in seconds
dt = property(TimeSeries.dt.__get__, TimeSeries.dt.__set__,
"""Time-spacing for this `Spectrogram`
#for frame in params["frame"]:
# print frame.path
# frame_data,data_start,_,dt,_,_ = Fr.frgetvect1d(frame.path,channel.station)
#print params["frame"]
#dataFull =["frame"], channel.station, epoch=gpsStart, duration=duration)
#print "done"
# make timeseries
dataFull =["frame"], channel.station, start=gpsStart, end=gpsEnd)
print "data read from frames failed... continuing\n"
return dataFull
return dataFull
def read(source, channels, start=None, end=None, series_class=TimeSeries,
"""Read data from one or more GWF files using the LALFrame API
# scaled must be provided to provide a consistent API with frameCPP
if scaled is not None:
"the `scaled` keyword argument is not supported by lalframe, "
"if you require ADC scaling, please install "
stream = open_data_source(source)
# parse times and restrict to available data
epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(stream.epoch.gpsSeconds,
"""Filtering a `TimeSeries` with a ZPK filter
Several data streams read from the LIGO detectors are whitened before being
recorded to prevent numerical errors when using single-precision data
In this example we read such `channel ` and undo the
whitening to show the physical content of these data.
__author__ = "Duncan Macleod "
__currentmodule__ = 'gwpy.timeseries'
# First, we import the `TimeSeries` and :meth:`~TimeSeries.get` the data:
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
white = TimeSeries.get(
'L1:OAF-CAL_DARM_DQ', 'March 2 2015 12:00', 'March 2 2015 12:30')
# Now, we can re-calibrate these data into displacement units by first applying
# a `highpass ` filter to remove the low-frequency noise,
# and then applying our de-whitening filter in `ZPK ` format
# with five zeros at 100 Hz and five poles at 1 Hz (giving an overall DC
# gain of 10 :sup:`-10`:
hp = white.highpass(4)
displacement = hp.zpk([100]*5, [1]*5, 1e-10)
# We can visualise the impact of the whitening by calculating the ASD
# `~gwpy.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries` before and after the filter,
whiteasd = white.asd(8, 4)
dispasd = displacement.asd(8, 4)