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def ISAM2_plot(values, fignum=0):
"""Plot poses."""
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
axes = fig.gca(projection='3d')
i = 0
min_bounds = 0, 0, 0
max_bounds = 0, 0, 0
while values.exists(X(i)):
pose_i = values.atPose3(X(i))
gtsam_plot.plot_pose3(fignum, pose_i, 10)
position = pose_i.translation().vector()
min_bounds = [min(v1, v2) for (v1, v2) in zip(position, min_bounds)]
max_bounds = [max(v1, v2) for (v1, v2) in zip(position, max_bounds)]
# max_bounds = min(pose_i.x(), max_bounds[0]), 0, 0
i += 1
# draw
axes.set_xlim3d(min_bounds[0]-1, max_bounds[0]+1)
axes.set_ylim3d(min_bounds[1]-1, max_bounds[1]+1)
axes.set_zlim3d(min_bounds[2]-1, max_bounds[2]+1)
print("initial error = ", graphWithPrior.error(initial))
print("final error = ", graphWithPrior.error(result))
if args.output is None:
print("Final Result:\n{}".format(result))
outputFile = args.output
print("Writing results to file: ", outputFile)
graphNoKernel, _ = gtsam.readG2o(g2oFile, is3D)
gtsam.writeG2o(graphNoKernel, result, outputFile)
print ("Done!")
if args.plot:
resultPoses = gtsam.allPose3s(result)
for i in range(resultPoses.size()):
plot.plot_pose3(1, resultPoses.atPose3(i))
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
axes = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# Plot points
# Can't use data because current frame might not see all points
# marginals = Marginals(isam.getFactorsUnsafe(), isam.calculateEstimate())
# gtsam.plot_3d_points(result, [], marginals)
gtsam_plot.plot_3d_points(fignum, result, 'rx')
# Plot cameras
i = 0
while result.exists(X(i)):
pose_i = result.atPose3(X(i))
gtsam_plot.plot_pose3(fignum, pose_i, 10)
i += 1
# draw
axes.set_xlim3d(-40, 40)
axes.set_ylim3d(-40, 40)
axes.set_zlim3d(-40, 40)
def run_example():
""" Use trajectory interpolation and then trajectory tracking a la Murray
to move a 3-link arm on a straight line.
arm = ThreeLinkArm()
q = np.radians(vector3(30, -30, 45))
sTt_initial =
sTt_goal = Pose2(2.4, 4.3, math.radians(0))
poses = trajectory(sTt_initial, sTt_goal, 50)
fignum = 0
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
axes = fig.gca()
axes.set_xlim(-5, 5)
axes.set_ylim(0, 10)
for pose in poses:
sTt =
error = delta(sTt, pose)
J = arm.jacobian(q)
q +=, error)
arm.plot(fignum, q)
def plot(self, fignum, q):
""" Plot arm.
Takes figure number, and numpy array of joint angles, in radians.
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
axes = fig.gca()
sXl1 = Pose2(0, 0, math.radians(90))
t = sXl1.translation()
p1 = np.array([t.x(), t.y()])
gtsam_plot.plot_pose2_on_axes(axes, sXl1)
def plot_line(p, g, color):
t = g.translation()
q = np.array([t.x(), t.y()])
line = np.append(p[np.newaxis], q[np.newaxis], axis=0)
axes.plot(line[:, 0], line[:, 1], color)
return q
l1Zl1 = Pose2(0, 0, q[0])
l1Xl2 = Pose2(self.L1, 0, 0)
sTl2 = compose(sXl1, l1Zl1, l1Xl2)
p2 = plot_line(p1, sTl2, 'r-')
gtsam_plot.plot_pose2_on_axes(axes, sTl2)
l2Zl2 = Pose2(0, 0, q[1])
l2Xl3 = Pose2(self.L2, 0, 0)
print("\nInitial Estimate:\n{}".format(initial))
# optimize using Levenberg-Marquardt optimization
params = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtParams()
optimizer = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(graph, initial, params)
result = optimizer.optimize()
print("\nFinal Result:\n{}".format(result))
# 5. Calculate and print marginal covariances for all variables
marginals = gtsam.Marginals(graph, result)
for i in range(1, 4):
print("X{} covariance:\n{}\n".format(i, marginals.marginalCovariance(i)))
fig = plt.figure(0)
for i in range(1, 4):
gtsam_plot.plot_pose2(0, result.atPose2(i), 0.5, marginals.marginalCovariance(i))
# Do not perform more than N iteration steps
# Create the optimizer ...
optimizer = gtsam.GaussNewtonOptimizer(graph, initial_estimate, parameters)
# ... and optimize
result = optimizer.optimize()
print("Final Result:\n{}".format(result))
# 5. Calculate and print marginal covariances for all variables
marginals = gtsam.Marginals(graph, result)
for i in range(1, 6):
print("X{} covariance:\n{}\n".format(i, marginals.marginalCovariance(i)))
fig = plt.figure(0)
for i in range(1, 6):
gtsam_plot.plot_pose2(0, result.atPose2(i), 0.5, marginals.marginalCovariance(i))
Author: Ellon Paiva
Based on MATLAB version by: Duy Nguyen Ta and Frank Dellaert
# Declare an id for the figure
fignum = 0
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
axes = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# Plot points
# Can't use data because current frame might not see all points
# marginals = Marginals(isam.getFactorsUnsafe(), isam.calculateEstimate())
# gtsam.plot_3d_points(result, [], marginals)
gtsam_plot.plot_3d_points(fignum, result, 'rx')
# Plot cameras
i = 0
while result.exists(X(i)):
pose_i = result.atPose3(X(i))
gtsam_plot.plot_pose3(fignum, pose_i, 10)
i += 1
# draw
axes.set_xlim3d(-40, 40)
axes.set_ylim3d(-40, 40)
axes.set_zlim3d(-40, 40)
l1Xl2 = Pose2(self.L1, 0, 0)
sTl2 = compose(sXl1, l1Zl1, l1Xl2)
p2 = plot_line(p1, sTl2, 'r-')
gtsam_plot.plot_pose2_on_axes(axes, sTl2)
l2Zl2 = Pose2(0, 0, q[1])
l2Xl3 = Pose2(self.L2, 0, 0)
sTl3 = compose(sTl2, l2Zl2, l2Xl3)
p3 = plot_line(p2, sTl3, 'g-')
gtsam_plot.plot_pose2_on_axes(axes, sTl3)
l3Zl3 = Pose2(0, 0, q[2])
l3Xt = Pose2(self.L3, 0, 0)
sTt = compose(sTl3, l3Zl3, l3Xt)
plot_line(p3, sTt, 'b-')
gtsam_plot.plot_pose2_on_axes(axes, sTt)
if args.output is None:
print("\nFactor Graph:\n{}".format(graph))
print("\nInitial Estimate:\n{}".format(initial))
print("Final Result:\n{}".format(result))
outputFile = args.output
print("Writing results to file: ", outputFile)
graphNoKernel, _ = gtsam.readG2o(g2oFile, is3D)
gtsam.writeG2o(graphNoKernel, result, outputFile)
print ("Done!")
if args.plot:
resultPoses = gtsam.extractPose2(result)
for i in range(resultPoses.shape[0]):
plot.plot_pose2(1, gtsam.Pose2(resultPoses[i, :]))