How to use the gramex.config.PathConfig function in gramex

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gramex examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gramener / gramex / testlib / test_config / View on Github external
def test_merge(self):
        # Config files are loaded and merged
        conf = ChainConfig([
            ('a', PathConfig(self.a)),
            ('b', PathConfig(self.b))])
        eq_(+conf, PathConfig(
github gramener / gramex / tests / View on Github external
def setUpModule():
    # Test as a pure function
    info.folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    info.config = gramex.config.PathConfig(os.path.join(info.folder, 'gramex.yaml'))
github gramener / gramex / testlib / test_config / View on Github external
def test_variables(self):
        # Templates interpolate string variables
        # Create configuration with 2 layers and a subdirectory import
        conf = +ChainConfig(
        # Custom variables are deleted after use
        ok_('variables' not in conf)
        for key in ['base', 'child', 'subdir']:
            # {.} maps to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_DOT' % key], str(self.chain[key].parent))
            # $YAMLPATH maps to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_YAMLPATH' % key], str(self.chain[key].parent))
            # $YAMLURL is the relative path to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_YAMLURL' % key], conf['%s_YAMLURL_EXPECTED' % key])
            # Environment variables are present by default
            eq_(conf['%s_HOME' % key], os.environ.get('HOME', ''))
            # Non-existent variables map to ''
            eq_(conf['%s_NONEXISTENT' % key], os.environ.get('NONEXISTENT', ''))
            # Custom variables are applied
            eq_(conf['%s_THIS' % key], key)
github gramener / gramex / testlib / test_config / View on Github external
def test_merge(self):
        # Config files are loaded and merged
        conf = ChainConfig([
            ('a', PathConfig(self.a)),
            ('b', PathConfig(self.b))])
        eq_(+conf, PathConfig(
github gramener / gramex / testlib / test_config / View on Github external
def test_import(self):
        # Check if config files are imported
        conf_imp = ChainConfig(conf=PathConfig(self.imp))
        conf_b = ChainConfig(conf=PathConfig(self.b))

        # When temp is missing, config matches b
        eq_(+conf_imp, +conf_b)

        # Once temp file is created, it is automatically imported
        data = AttrDict(a=1, b=2)
        with'w') as out:
            yaml.dump(data, out)
        result = +conf_b
        eq_(+conf_imp, result)

        # Once removed, it no longer used
        eq_(+conf_imp, +conf_b)
github gramener / gramex / testlib / test_config / View on Github external
def test_variables(self):
        # Templates interpolate string variables
        # Create configuration with 2 layers and a subdirectory import
        conf = +ChainConfig(
        # Custom variables are deleted after use
        ok_('variables' not in conf)
        for key in ['base', 'child', 'subdir']:
            # {.} maps to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_DOT' % key], str(self.chain[key].parent))
            # $YAMLPATH maps to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_YAMLPATH' % key], str(self.chain[key].parent))
            # $YAMLURL is the relative path to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_YAMLURL' % key], conf['%s_YAMLURL_EXPECTED' % key])
            # Environment variables are present by default
            eq_(conf['%s_HOME' % key], os.environ.get('HOME', ''))
            # Non-existent variables map to ''
            eq_(conf['%s_NONEXISTENT' % key], os.environ.get('NONEXISTENT', ''))
            # Custom variables are applied
github gramener / gramex / testlib / test_config / View on Github external
def test_update(self):
        # Config files are updated on change
        conf = ChainConfig(temp=PathConfig(self.temp))

        # When the file is missing, config is empty
        eq_(+conf, {})

        # When the file is blank, config is empty
        with'w') as out:
        eq_(+conf, {})

        # Once created, it is automatically reloaded
        data = AttrDict(a=1, b=2)
        with'w') as out:
            yaml.dump(data, out)
        eq_(+conf, data)
github gramener / gramex / gramex / View on Github external
Services are re-initialised if their configurations have changed. Service
    callbacks are always re-run (even if the configuration hasn't changed.)
    # Reset variables

    # Initialise configuration layers with provided configurations
    # AttrDicts are updated as-is. Paths are converted to PathConfig
    for key, val in paths.items():
        if isinstance(val, Path):
            if val.is_dir():
                val = val / 'gramex.yaml'
            val = PathConfig(val)
        config_layers[key] = val

    # Locate all config files
    config_files = set()
    for path_config in config_layers.values():
        if hasattr(path_config, '__info__'):
            for pathinfo in path_config.__info__.imports:
    config_files = list(config_files)

    # Add config file folders to sys.path
    sys.path[:] = _sys_path + [str(path.absolute().parent) for path in config_files]

    from . import services
    globals()['service'] =    # gramex.service =
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cached = _cache.get(key, None)
    fstat = stat(path)
    if cached is None or fstat != cached.get('stat'):
        reloaded = True
        if callable(callback):
            data = callback(path, **kwargs)
        elif callback_is_str:
            method = None
            if callback in _OPEN_CALLBACKS:
                method = _OPEN_CALLBACKS[callback]
            elif callback in {'json'}:
                import json
                method = opener(json.load)
            elif callback in {'config'}:
                from gramex.config import PathConfig
                method = PathConfig
            elif callback in {'xml', 'svg', 'rss', 'atom'}:
                from lxml import etree
                method = etree.parse

            if method is not None:
                data = method(path, **kwargs)
            elif original_callback is None:
                raise TypeError(' path "%s" has unknown extension' % path)
                raise TypeError('"%s") is not a known type' % callback)
            raise TypeError(' must be a function, not %r' % callback)
        if callable(transform):
            data = transform(data)
        _cache[key] = {'data': data, 'stat': fstat}
github gramener / gramex / gramex / View on Github external
paths['source'] = Path(__file__).absolute().parent      # Where gramex source code is
paths['base'] = Path('.')                               # Where gramex is run from

callbacks = {}                  # Services callbacks

# Populate __version__ from release.json
with (paths['source'] / 'release.json').open() as _release_file:
    release = json.load(_release_file, object_pairs_hook=AttrDict)
    __version__ = release.version

_sys_path = list(sys.path)      # Preserve original sys.path

# List of URLs to warn about in case of duplicates
PathConfig.duplicate_warn = [
    'log.loggers.*', 'log.handlers.*', 'log.formatters.*',

def parse_command_line(commands):
    Parse command line arguments. For example:

        gramex cmd1 cmd2 --a=1 2 -b x --c --p.q=4