How to use the gpkit.small_scripts.mag function in gpkit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gpkit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github convexengineering / SPaircraft / View on Github external
def gen_737_plots(sol):
    function to generate plots of interesting values
    rng = np.cumsum(mag(sol('R_{segment}')))
    alt = mag(sol('hft'))

    #generate an altitude profile plot
    tasrng = [0, 13.68, 31.34, 59.96, 115.05, 115.05, 2875.38, 2875.38, 2906.56, 2937.74, 2968.92, 3000]
    tasalt = [0, 8750, 17500, 26250, 35000, 35000, 39677.3, 39677.3, 29758., 19838.6, 9919.3, 0]

    plt.plot(rng, alt)
    plt.plot(tasrng, tasalt)
    plt.legend(['SP Model', 'TASOPT'], loc=4, fontsize=18)
    plt.ylabel('Altitude [ft]', fontsize=22)
    plt.xlabel('Down Range Distance [nm]', fontsize=22)
    plt.title('737 Altitude Profile', fontsize=22)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16)
    plt.savefig('737_altitude_profile.eps', bbox_inches="tight")
github convexengineering / gpkit / gpkit / View on Github external
has_only_one_model = False
        if has_only_one_model:
            kwargs["sortbymodel"] = False
        for key in self.name_collision_varkeys():
            key.descr["necessarylineage"] = True
        showvars = self._parse_showvars(showvars)
        strs = []
        for table in tables:
            if table == "cost":
                cost = self["cost"]  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
                if kwargs.get("latex", None):  # cost is not printed for latex
                strs += ["\n%s\n------------" % "Optimal Cost"]
                if len(self) > 1:
                    costs = ["%-8.3g" % c for c in mag(cost[:4])]
                    strs += [" [ %s %s ]" % ("  ".join(costs),
                                             "..." if len(self) > 4 else "")]
                    strs += [" %-.4g" % mag(cost)]
                strs[-1] += unitstr(cost, into=" [%s]", dimless="")
                strs += [""]
            elif table in TABLEFNS:
                strs += TABLEFNS[table](self, showvars, **kwargs)
            elif table in self:
                data = self[table]
                if showvars:
                    showvars = self._parse_showvars(showvars)
                    data = {k: data[k] for k in showvars if k in data}
                strs += var_table(data, self.table_titles[table], **kwargs)
        if kwargs.get("latex", None):
            preamble = "\n".join(("% \\documentclass[12pt]{article}",
github convexengineering / SPaircraft / View on Github external
def gen_plots(sol):
    function to generate plots of interesting values

    #generate an altitude profile plot
    rng = np.cumsum(mag(sol('R_{segment}')))
    alt = mag(sol('hft'))
    plt.plot(rng, alt)
    plt.ylabel('Altitude [ft]', fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel('Down Range Distance', fontsize=18)
    plt.title('Aircraft Altitude Profile')
github convexengineering / gpkit / gpkit / View on Github external
if model not in models:
        if model != oldmodel and len(models) > 1:
            if oldmodel is not None:
                lines.append(["", "", "", ""])
            if model is not "":
                if not latex:
                    lines.append([("modelname",), model, "", ""])
                    lines.append([r"\multicolumn{3}{l}{\textbf{" +
                                  model + r"}} \\"])
            oldmodel = model
        label = var.descr.get('label', '')
        units = unitstr(var, into=" [%s] ", dimless="") if printunits else ""
        if isvector:
            vals = [vecfmt % v for v in mag(val).flatten()[:4]]
            ellipsis = " ..." if len(val) > 4 else ""
            valstr = "[ %s%s ] " % ("  ".join(vals), ellipsis)
            valstr = valfmt % mag(val)
        valstr = valstr.replace("nan", " - ")
        if not latex:
            lines.append([varstr, valstr, units, label])
            varstr = "$%s$" % varstr.replace(" : ", "")
            if latex == 1:  # normal results table
                lines.append([varstr, valstr, "$%s$" % var.latex_unitstr(),
                coltitles = [title, "Value", "Units", "Description"]
            elif latex == 2:  # no values
                lines.append([varstr, "$%s$" % var.latex_unitstr(), label])
                coltitles = [title, "Units", "Description"]
github convexengineering / SPaircraft / View on Github external
def determine_unbounded_variables(self, model, solver=None, verbosity=0,
                                      eps=1e-30, lower=None, upper=None, **kwargs):
        "Returns labeled dictionary of unbounded variables."
        m = self.bound_all_variables(model, eps, lower, upper)
        sol = m.localsolve(solver, verbosity, **kwargs)
        solhold = sol
        lam = sol["sensitivities"]["la"][1:]
        out = defaultdict(list)
        for i, varkey in enumerate(m.bound_all["varkeys"]):
            lam_gt, lam_lt = lam[2*i], lam[2*i+1]
            if abs(lam_gt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to upper bound"].append(varkey)
            if abs(lam_lt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to lower bound"].append(varkey)
            value = mag(sol["variables"][varkey])
            distance_below = np.log(value/m.bound_all["lb"])
            distance_above = np.log(m.bound_all["ub"]/value)
            if distance_below <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near lower bound"].append(varkey)
            elif distance_above <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near upper bound"].append(varkey)
        return out, solhold
github convexengineering / gplibrary / gpkitmodels / Commercial Sizing / View on Github external
def determine_unbounded_variables(self, model, solver=None, verbosity=0,
                                      eps=1e-30, lower=None, upper=None, **kwargs):
        "Returns labeled dictionary of unbounded variables."
        m = self.bound_all_variables(model, eps, lower, upper)
        sol = m.localsolve(solver, verbosity, **kwargs)
        solhold = sol
        lam = sol["sensitivities"]["la"][1:]
        out = defaultdict(list)
        for i, varkey in enumerate(m.bound_all["varkeys"]):
            lam_gt, lam_lt = lam[2*i], lam[2*i+1]
            if abs(lam_gt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to upper bound"].append(varkey)
            if abs(lam_lt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to lower bound"].append(varkey)
            value = mag(sol["variables"][varkey])
            distance_below = np.log(value/m.bound_all["lb"])
            distance_above = np.log(m.bound_all["ub"]/value)
            if distance_below <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near lower bound"].append(varkey)
            elif distance_above <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near upper bound"].append(varkey)
        return out, solhold
github convexengineering / gpkit / gpkit / tools / View on Github external
if bound == "lb":
                    splitcost = np.exp(bst.splitlb)
                elif bound == "ub":
                    splitcost = np.exp(bst.splitub)
                splitcost = np.exp((bst.splitlb + bst.splitub)/2)
            if value <= bst.splitval:
                lo, hi = bst.bounds[0], bst.splitval
                loval, hival = bst.sols[0]["cost"], splitcost
                lo, hi = bst.splitval, bst.bounds[1]
                loval, hival = splitcost, bst.sols[1]["cost"]
            lo, hi = bst.bounds
            loval, hival = [sol["cost"] for sol in bst.sols]
        lo, hi, loval, hival = np.log(list(map(mag, [lo, hi, loval, hival])))
        interp = (hi-np.log(value))/float(hi-lo)
        return np.exp(interp*loval + (1-interp)*hival)
github convexengineering / SPaircraft / View on Github external
def determine_unbounded_variables(self, model, solver=None, verbosity=0,
                                      eps=1e-30, lower=None, upper=None, **kwargs):
        "Returns labeled dictionary of unbounded variables."
        m = self.bound_all_variables(model, eps, lower, upper)
        sol = m.localsolve(solver, verbosity, **kwargs)
        solhold = sol
        lam = sol["sensitivities"]["la"][1:]
        out = defaultdict(list)
        for i, varkey in enumerate(m.bound_all["varkeys"]):
            lam_gt, lam_lt = lam[2*i], lam[2*i+1]
            if abs(lam_gt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to upper bound"].append(varkey)
            if abs(lam_lt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to lower bound"].append(varkey)
            value = mag(sol["variables"][varkey])
            distance_below = np.log(value/m.bound_all["lb"])
            distance_above = np.log(m.bound_all["ub"]/value)
            if distance_below <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near lower bound"].append(varkey)
            elif distance_above <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near upper bound"].append(varkey)
        return out, solhold
github convexengineering / SPaircraft / View on Github external
def determine_unbounded_variables(self, model, solver=None, verbosity=0,
                                      eps=1e-30, lower=None, upper=None, **kwargs):
        "Returns labeled dictionary of unbounded variables."
        m = self.bound_all_variables(model, eps, lower, upper)
        sol = m.localsolve(solver, verbosity, **kwargs)
        solhold = sol
        lam = sol["sensitivities"]["la"][1:]
        out = defaultdict(list)
        for i, varkey in enumerate(m.bound_all["varkeys"]):
            lam_gt, lam_lt = lam[2*i], lam[2*i+1]
            if abs(lam_gt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to upper bound"].append(varkey)
            if abs(lam_lt) >= 1e-7:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["sensitive to lower bound"].append(varkey)
            value = mag(sol["variables"][varkey])
            distance_below = np.log(value/m.bound_all["lb"])
            distance_above = np.log(m.bound_all["ub"]/value)
            if distance_below <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near lower bound"].append(varkey)
            elif distance_above <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
                out["value near upper bound"].append(varkey)
        return out, solhold
github convexengineering / gplibrary / gpkitmodels / Commercial Sizing / View on Github external
##                out["value near lower bound"].append(varkey)
##            elif distance_above <= 3:  # arbitrary threshold
##                out["value near upper bound"].append(varkey)
        return out, solhold

if __name__ == '__main__':
    m = CommercialAircraft(30000)
    m2 = CommercialAircraft(37000)
##    sol = m.localsolve(solver="mosek", verbosity = 4, iteration_limit=100, skipsweepfailures=True)
    sol, solhold = m.determine_unbounded_variables(m, solver="mosek",verbosity=4, iteration_limit=100, skipsweepfailures=True)

    sol2, solhold2 = m2.determine_unbounded_variables(m2, solver="mosek",verbosity=4, iteration_limit=100, skipsweepfailures=True)
    rangevec = [x for x in mag(solhold('ReqRng'))]
    rangevec2 = [x for x in mag(solhold2('ReqRng'))]
    #plot the fan pressure ratio sensitivity
    plt.plot(rangevec, solhold["sensitivities"]["constants"]['\pi_f_EngineOnDesign, CommercialAircraft'])
    plt.plot(rangevec2, solhold2["sensitivities"]["constants"]['\pi_f_EngineOnDesign, CommercialAircraft'],'-r')
    plt.xlabel('Mission Range [mi]')
    plt.title('Sensitivity to on Design Fan Pressure Ratio')
    plt.legend(['30,000 ft', '37,000 ft'],loc=1)
    #plot the sensitivy of numeng
    plt.plot(rangevec, solhold["sensitivities"]["constants"]['numeng'])
    plt.plot(rangevec2, solhold2["sensitivities"]["constants"]['numeng'],'-r')