How to use the gpflow.settings function in gpflow

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gpflow examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github GPflow / GPflowOpt / testing / View on Github external
import gpflowopt
import gpflow
import numpy as np
from .utility import create_parabola_model, GPflowOptTestCase

float_type = gpflow.settings.dtypes.float_type

class MethodOverride(gpflowopt.models.ModelWrapper):

    def __init__(self, m):
        super(MethodOverride, self).__init__(m)
        self.A = gpflow.param.DataHolder(np.array([1.0]))

    @gpflow.param.AutoFlow((float_type, [None, None]))
    def predict_f(self, Xnew):
        Compute the mean and variance of held-out data at the points Xnew
        m, v = self.build_predict(Xnew)
        return self.A * m, v
github GPflow / GPflow / tests / View on Github external
def prepare(self, dimF, dimY, num=10):
        feed = {}

        def make_tensor(data, dtype=default_float()):
            tensor = tf.placeholder(dtype)
            feed[tensor] = data.astype(dtype)
            return tensor

        dF = np.vstack((self.rng.randn(num - 3, dimF), np.array([[-3., 0.], [3, 0.], [0., 0.]]))) if dimF == 2 else \
            self.rng.randn(num, dimF)
        dY = np.vstack((self.rng.randn(num - 3, dimY), np.ones((3, dimY)))) > 0
        F = make_tensor(dF)
        Y = make_tensor(dY, settings.int_type)  # 0 or 1
        return F, Y, feed
github GPflow / GPflow / tests / View on Github external
def testContextManager(self):
        orig = gpflow.settings.verbosity.tf_compile_verb
        gpflow.settings.verbosity.tf_compile_verb = True
        config = gpflow.settings.get_settings()
        config.verbosity.tf_compile_verb = False
        self.assertEqual(gpflow.settings.verbosity.tf_compile_verb, True)
        with gpflow.settings.temp_settings(config):
            self.assertEqual(gpflow.settings.verbosity.tf_compile_verb, False)
        self.assertEqual(gpflow.settings.verbosity.tf_compile_verb, True)
        gpflow.settings.verbosity.tf_compile_verb = orig
github GPflow / GPflow / tests / View on Github external
def test_autoflow(self):
        m = self.prepare()
        s = gpflow.settings.get_settings()
        s.profiling.dump_timeline = True
        s.profiling.output_directory = tf.test.get_temp_dir()
        s.profiling.output_file_name = 'test_trace_autoflow'

        with gpflow.settings.temp_settings(s):
            with gpflow.session_manager.get_session().as_default():

        directory = s.profiling.output_directory
        filename = s.profiling.output_file_name + '.json'
        expected_file = os.path.join(directory, filename)

        s.profiling.output_directory = tf.test.get_temp_dir()
github GPflow / GPflow / tests / View on Github external
def test_default_type(self):
        s = gpflow.settings.get_settings()
        s.dtypes.int_type = self.int_type
        s.dtypes.float_type = self.float_type

        with gpflow.settings.temp_settings(s), self.test_context():
            for v, vtype in self.test_data:
                p = gpflow.Param(v)
                self.assertEqual(p.dtype, vtype)
github GPflow / GPflow / tests / View on Github external
def cast(x):
    return tf.cast(np.asarray(x), dtype=gpflow.settings.float_type)
github GPflow / GPflow / examples / View on Github external
def convgp_fit(train_data, test_data, iterations, float_type, jitter_level):
    custom_settings = gpflow.settings.get_settings()
    custom_settings.dtypes.float_type = getattr(np, float_type)
    custom_settings.numerics.jitter_level = jitter_level

    session = gpflow.get_default_session()
    step = mon.create_global_step(session)
    model = convgp_setup_model(train_data)

    optimizer = convgp_setup_optimizer(model, step)
    optimizer.minimize(model, maxiter=0)

    monitor_tasks = convgp_monitor_tasks(train_data, model, optimizer)
    monitor = mon.Monitor(monitor_tasks, session, step, print_summary=True)


    with monitor:
github hughsalimbeni / DGPs_with_IWVI / dgps_with_iwvi / View on Github external
    @gpflow.autoflow((gpflow.settings.float_type, [None, None]), (gpflow.settings.int_type, ()))
    def predict_f_multisample(self, X, S):
        X_tiled = tf.tile(X[None, :, :], [S, 1, 1])
        _, means, covs, _, _ = self.propagate(X_tiled)
        return means[-1], covs[-1]
github GPflow / GPflow / gpflow / View on Github external
def __init__(self, Z):
        :param Z: the initial positions of the inducing points, size M x D
        self.Z = Parameter(Z, dtype=settings.float_type)
github ICL-SML / Doubly-Stochastic-DGP / doubly_stochastic_dgp / View on Github external
If the z is a sample from N(0, 1), the output is a sample from N(mean, var)

    If full_cov=True then var must be of shape S,N,N,D and the full covariance is used. Otherwise
    var must be S,N,D and the operation is elementwise

    :param mean: mean of shape S,N,D
    :param var: covariance of shape S,N,D or S,N,N,D
    :param z: samples form unit Gaussian of shape S,N,D
    :param full_cov: bool to indicate whether var is of shape S,N,N,D or S,N,D
    :return sample from N(mean, var) of shape S,N,D
    if var is None:
        return mean

    if full_cov is False:
        return mean + z * (var + settings.jitter) ** 0.5

        S, N, D = tf.shape(mean)[0], tf.shape(mean)[1], tf.shape(mean)[2] # var is SNND
        mean = tf.transpose(mean, (0, 2, 1))  # SND -> SDN
        var = tf.transpose(var, (0, 3, 1, 2))  # SNND -> SDNN
        I = settings.jitter * tf.eye(N, dtype=settings.float_type)[None, None, :, :] # 11NN
        chol = tf.cholesky(var + I)  # SDNN
        z_SDN1 = tf.transpose(z, [0, 2, 1])[:, :, :, None]  # SND->SDN1
        f = mean + tf.matmul(chol, z_SDN1)[:, :, :, 0]  # SDN(1)
        return tf.transpose(f, (0, 2, 1)) # SND