How to use the googleads.errors function in googleads

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few googleads examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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  # Poll for job status until it's finished.
  print 'Retrieving job status...'
  for i in range(RETRIES_COUNT):
    job_status_response = mutate_job_service.get(selector)
    status = job_status_response[0]['status']
    if status in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED'):
    print ('[%d] Current status is \'%s\', waiting %d seconds to retry...' %
           (i, status, RETRY_INTERVAL))

  if status == 'FAILED':
    raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Job failed with reason: \'%s\'' %
  if status in ('PROCESSING', 'PENDING'):
    raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Job did not complete within %d seconds' %
                                (RETRY_INTERVAL * (RETRIES_COUNT - 1)))

  # Status must be COMPLETED.
  # Get the job result. Here we re-use the same selector.
  result_response = mutate_job_service.getResult(selector)

  # Output results.
  index = 0
  for result in result_response['SimpleMutateResult']['results']:
    if 'PlaceHolder' in result:
      print 'Operation [%d] - FAILED' % index
      print 'Operation [%d] - SUCCEEDED' % index
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final_url_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][1]['id']
    line_2_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][2]['id']
    line_3_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][3]['id']
    print ('Feed with name "%s" and ID "%s" was added with' %
           (feed['name'], feed['id']))
    print ('\tText attribute ID "%s" and Final URL attribute ID "%s".' %
           (link_text_feed_attribute_id, final_url_feed_attribute_id))
    print ('\tLine 2 attribute ID "%s" and Line 3 attribute ID "%s".' %
           (line_2_feed_attribute_id, line_3_feed_attribute_id))
    sitelinks_data['feedId'] = feed['id']
    sitelinks_data['linkTextFeedId'] = link_text_feed_attribute_id
    sitelinks_data['finalUrlFeedId'] = final_url_feed_attribute_id
    sitelinks_data['line2FeedId'] = line_2_feed_attribute_id
    sitelinks_data['line3FeedId'] = line_3_feed_attribute_id
    raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feeds were added.')

  # Create site links feed items.
  items_data = [
      {'text': 'Home', 'finalUrls': '',
       'line2': 'Home line 2', 'line3': 'Home line 3'},
      {'text': 'Stores', 'finalUrls': '',
       'line2': 'Stores line 2', 'line3': 'Stores line 3'},
      {'text': 'On Sale', 'finalUrls': '',
       'line2': 'On Sale line 2', 'line3': 'On Sale line 3'},
      {'text': 'Support', 'finalUrls': '',
       'line2': 'Support line 2', 'line3': 'Support line 3'},
      {'text': 'Products', 'finalUrls': '',
       'line2': 'Products line 2', 'line3': 'Products line 3'},
      {'text': 'About Us', 'finalUrls': '',
       'line2': 'About line 2', 'line3': 'About line 3', 'locationId': '21137'}
github googleads / googleads-python-lib / examples / ad_manager / v201811 / report_service / View on Github external
'dimensions': ['DATE', 'AD_UNIT_NAME'],
          'adUnitView': 'HIERARCHICAL',
          'columns': ['AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS', 'AD_SERVER_CLICKS',
          'dateRangeType': 'LAST_WEEK',
          'statement': statement.ToStatement()

    # Run the report and wait for it to finish.
    report_job_id = report_downloader.WaitForReport(report_job)
  except errors.AdManagerReportError as e:
    print('Failed to generate report. Error was: %s' % e)

  # Change to your preferred export format.
  export_format = 'CSV_DUMP'

  report_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.csv.gz', delete=False)

  # Download report data.
      report_job_id, export_format, report_file)


  # Display results.
  print('Report job with id "%s" downloaded to:\n%s' % (
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                      'AD_SERVER_CTR', 'AD_SERVER_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE',
          'dateRangeType': 'CUSTOM_DATE',
          'startDate': start_date,
          'endDate': end_date

  # Initialize a DataDownloader.
  report_downloader = client.GetDataDownloader(version='v201902')

    # Run the report and wait for it to finish.
    report_job_id = report_downloader.WaitForReport(report_job)
  except errors.AdManagerReportError as e:
    print('Failed to generate report. Error was: %s' % e)

  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
      suffix='.csv.gz', mode='wb', delete=False) as report_file:
    # Download report data.
        report_job_id, 'CSV_DUMP', report_file)

  # Create a PQL query to fetch the line item data
  line_items_pql_query = ('SELECT Id, LineItemType, Status FROM LineItem')

  # Download the response from PQL select statement
  line_items = report_downloader.DownloadPqlResultToList(line_items_pql_query)

  # Use pandas to join the two csv files into a match table
  report = pandas.read_csv(
github googleads / googleads-python-lib / examples / adwords / v201710 / extensions / View on Github external
i = 0
  while i < MAX_CUSTOMER_FEED_ADD_ATTEMPTS and added_customer_feed is None:
      added_customer_feed = customer_feed_service.mutate([
    except errors.GoogleAdsServerFault:
      # Wait using exponential backoff policy
      sleep_seconds = 2 ** i
      print ('Attempt %d to add the CustomerFeed was not successful.'
             'Waiting %d seconds before trying again.\n' % (i, sleep_seconds))

    i += 1

  if added_customer_feed is None:
    raise errors.GoogleAdsError(
        'Could not create the CustomerFeed after %s attempts. Please retry the '
        'CustomerFeed ADD operation later.' % MAX_CUSTOMER_FEED_ADD_ATTEMPTS)

  print ('Added CustomerFeed for feed ID %d and placeholder type %d\n'
         % (added_customer_feed['id'], added_customer_feed['placeholderTypes']))
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'operator': 'ADD',
      'operand': {
          'xsi_type': 'AdGroupAd',
          'adGroupId': ad_group_id,
          'ad': {
              'xsi_type': 'ExpandedTextAd',
              'headlinePart1': 'Luxury Cruise to Mars',
              'headlinePart2': 'Visit the Red Planet in style.',
              'description': 'Low-gravity fun for all astronauts in orbit',
              'finalUrls': [''],
  except errors.GoogleAdsServerFault as e:
    print('Validation correctly failed with "%s".' % str(e))
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# Create an operation to add the feed.
  operations = [{
      'operator': 'ADD',
      'operand': customer_extension_setting

  # Add the price extension.
  response = customer_extension_setting_service.mutate(operations)

  # Print the results.
  if 'value' in response:
    print ('Extension setting with type "%s" was added to your account.'
           % response['value'][0]['extensionType'])
    raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No extension settings were added.')
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  response = feed_mapping_service.mutate([
      {'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': feed_mapping}
  if 'value' in response:
    feed_mapping = response['value'][0]
    print ('Feed mapping with ID %s and placeholder type %s was saved for feed'
           ' with ID %s.' %
           (feed_mapping['feedMappingId'], feed_mapping['placeholderType'],
    raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feed mappings were added.')

  # Construct a matching function that associates the sitelink feeditems to the
  # campaign, and set the device preference to Mobile. For more details, see the
  # matching function guide:
  matching_function_string = (
      'AND(IN(FEED_ITEM_ID, {%s}), EQUALS(CONTEXT.DEVICE, \'Mobile\'))' %
      re.sub(r'\[|\]|L', '', str(sitelinks_data['feedItemIds'])))

  campaign_feed = {
      'feedId': sitelinks_data['feedId'],
      'campaignId': campaign_id,
      'matchingFunction': {'functionString': matching_function_string},
      # Specifying placeholder types on the CampaignFeed allows the same feed
      # to be used for different placeholders in different Campaigns.
      'placeholderTypes': [PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS]
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def UploadOperations(self, operations, is_last=False):
    """Uploads operations to the given uploadUrl in incremental steps.

    Note: Each list of operations is expected to contain operations of the
    same type, similar to how one would normally send operations in an
    AdWords API Service request.

      operations: one or more lists of operations as would be sent to the
        AdWords API for the associated service.
      is_last: a boolean indicating whether this is the final increment to be
        added to the batch job.
    if self._is_last:
      raise googleads.errors.AdWordsBatchJobServiceInvalidOperationError(
          'Can\'t add new operations to a completed incremental upload.')
    # Build the request
    req = self._request_builder.BuildUploadRequest(
        self._upload_url, operations,
        current_content_length=self._current_content_length, is_last=is_last)
    # Make the request, ignoring the urllib.error.HTTPError raised due to HTTP
    # status code 308 (for resumable uploads).
      _batch_job_logger.debug('Outgoing request: %s %s %s',
                              req.get_full_url(), req.headers,

      if _batch_job_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):'Request summary: %s',
github googleads / googleads-python-lib / examples / adwords / v201809 / extensions / View on Github external
customer_feed_operation = {
      'xsi_type': 'CustomerFeedOperation',
      'operator': 'ADD',
      'operand': customer_feed

  customer_feed_service = client.GetService(
      'CustomerFeedService', version='v201809')
  added_customer_feed = None

  i = 0
  while i < MAX_CUSTOMER_FEED_ADD_ATTEMPTS and added_customer_feed is None:
      added_customer_feed = customer_feed_service.mutate([
    except errors.GoogleAdsServerFault:
      # Wait using exponential backoff policy
      sleep_seconds = 2 ** i
      print('Attempt %d to add the CustomerFeed was not successful.'
            'Waiting %d seconds before trying again.\n' % (i, sleep_seconds))

    i += 1

  if added_customer_feed is None:
    raise errors.GoogleAdsError(
        'Could not create the CustomerFeed after %s attempts. Please retry the '
        'CustomerFeed ADD operation later.' % MAX_CUSTOMER_FEED_ADD_ATTEMPTS)

  print('Added CustomerFeed for feed ID %d and placeholder type %d\n'
        % (added_customer_feed['id'], added_customer_feed['placeholderTypes']))