Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
if will_message:
packet += will_prop_bytes
cls._pack_str16(packet, will_message.topic)
cls._pack_str16(packet, will_message.payload)
if username is not None:
cls._pack_str16(packet, username)
if password is not None:
cls._pack_str16(packet, password)
return packet
class UnsubscribePacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, topic, protocol, **kwargs) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
remaining_length = 2
if not isinstance(topic, (list, tuple)):
topics = [topic]
topics = topic
for t in topics:
remaining_length += 2 + len(t)
properties = cls._build_properties_data(kwargs, protocol.proto_ver)
remaining_length += len(properties)
command = MQTTCommands.UNSUBSCRIBE | 0x2
packet = bytearray()
if protocol_version < MQTTv50:
return bytearray()
data = bytearray()
for property_name, property_value in properties_dict.items():
property = Property.factory(name=property_name)
if property is None:
logger.warning('[GMQTT] property {} is not supported, it was ignored'.format(property_name))
property_bytes = property.dumps(property_value)
result = pack_variable_byte_integer(len(data))
return result
class LoginPackageFactor(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, client_id, username, password, clean_session, keepalive, protocol, will_message=None, **kwargs):
remaining_length = 2 + len(protocol.proto_name) + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + len(client_id)
connect_flags = 0
if clean_session:
connect_flags |= 0x02
if will_message:
will_prop_bytes = cls._build_properties_data(, protocol.proto_ver)
remaining_length += 2 + len(will_message.topic) + 2 + len(will_message.payload) + len(will_prop_bytes)
connect_flags |= 0x04 | ((will_message.qos & 0x03) << 3) | ((will_message.retain & 0x01) << 5)
if username is not None:
remaining_length += 2 + len(username)
connect_flags |= 0x80
command = MQTTCommands.UNSUBSCRIBE | 0x2
packet = bytearray()
local_mid = cls.id_generator.next_id()
packet.extend(struct.pack("!H", local_mid))
for t in topics:
cls._pack_str16(packet, t)'[SEND UNSUB] %s', topics)
return local_mid, packet
class SubscribePacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, subscription, protocol, **kwargs) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
remaining_length = 2
if not isinstance(subscription, (list, tuple)):
subscriptions = [subscription]
subscriptions = subscription
topics = []
for s in subscriptions:
remaining_length += 2 + len(s.topic) + 1
properties = cls._build_properties_data(kwargs, protocol.proto_ver)
remaining_length += len(properties)
command = MQTTCommands.SUBSCRIBE | (False << 3) | 0x2
return mid, packet
class DisconnectPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, protocol, reason_code=0, **properties):
if protocol.proto_ver == MQTTv50:
prop_bytes = cls._build_properties_data(properties, protocol_version=protocol.proto_ver)
remaining_length = 1 + len(prop_bytes)
return struct.pack('!BBB', MQTTCommands.DISCONNECT.value, remaining_length, reason_code) + prop_bytes
return struct.pack('!BB', MQTTCommands.DISCONNECT.value, 0)
class CommandWithMidPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, cmd, mid, dup, reason_code=0, proto_ver=MQTTv50) -> bytes:
if dup:
cmd |= 0x8
if proto_ver == MQTTv50:
remaining_length = 4
packet = struct.pack('!BBHBB', cmd, remaining_length, mid, reason_code, 0)
remaining_length = 2
packet = struct.pack('!BBH', cmd, remaining_length, mid)
return packet
local_mid = cls.id_generator.next_id()
packet.extend(struct.pack("!H", local_mid))
for s in subscriptions:
cls._pack_str16(packet, s.topic)
subscribe_options = s.retain_handling_options << 4 | s.retain_as_published << 3 | s.no_local << 2 | s.qos
packet.append(subscribe_options)'[SEND SUB] %s %s', local_mid, topics)
return local_mid, packet
class SimpleCommandPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, command) -> bytes:
return struct.pack('!BB', command, 0)
class PublishPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, message, protocol) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
command = MQTTCommands.PUBLISH | ((message.dup & 0x1) << 3) | (message.qos << 1) | (message.retain & 0x1)
packet = bytearray()
remaining_length = 2 + len(message.topic) + message.payload_size
prop_bytes = cls._build_properties_data(, protocol_version=protocol.proto_ver)
remaining_length += len(prop_bytes)
def __init__(self, data):
self.token = _spop(data, 'token')
self.connectionKey = _spop(data, 'ck')
self.packageName = _spop(data, 'pn')
self.collapseKey = _spop(data, 'cp')
self.payload = _spop(data, 'fbpushnotif')
self.notificationId = _spop(data, 'nid')
self.isBuffered = _spop(data, 'bu')
self.viewId = _spop(data, 'view_id')
self.numEndpoints = _spop(data, 'num_endpoints')
if data:
raise Exception('FBNSPush unexpected data: {data}'.format(**locals))
class FBNSConnectPackageFactor(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, fbns_auth: FBNSAuth, clean_session, keepalive, protocol, will_message=None, **kwargs):
keepalive = 900
connect_payload = thrift.Connect()
connect_payload.clientIdentifier = fbns_auth.clientId
client_info = thrift.ClientInfo()
client_info.userId = fbns_auth.userId
client_info.userAgent = '[FBAN/MQTT;FBAV/;FBBV/125398467;FBDM/{density=4.0,width=1440,height=2392};FBLC/en_US;FBCR/;FBMF/LGE;FBBD/lge;FBPN/;FBDV/RS988;FBSV/6.0.1;FBLR/0;FBBK/1;FBCA/armeabi-v7a:armeabi;]'
client_info.clientCapabilities = 439
client_info.endpointCapabilities = 128
client_info.publishFormat = 1
client_info.noAutomaticForeground = True
client_info.makeUserAvailableInForeground = False
client_info.deviceId = fbns_auth.deviceId
cls._pack_str16(packet, s.topic)
subscribe_options = s.retain_handling_options << 4 | s.retain_as_published << 3 | s.no_local << 2 | s.qos
packet.append(subscribe_options)'[SEND SUB] %s %s', local_mid, topics)
return local_mid, packet
class SimpleCommandPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, command) -> bytes:
return struct.pack('!BB', command, 0)
class PublishPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, message, protocol) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
command = MQTTCommands.PUBLISH | ((message.dup & 0x1) << 3) | (message.qos << 1) | (message.retain & 0x1)
packet = bytearray()
remaining_length = 2 + len(message.topic) + message.payload_size
prop_bytes = cls._build_properties_data(, protocol_version=protocol.proto_ver)
remaining_length += len(prop_bytes)
if message.payload_size == 0:
logger.debug("Sending PUBLISH (q%d), '%s' (NULL payload)", message.qos, message.topic)
logger.debug("Sending PUBLISH (q%d), '%s', ... (%d bytes)", message.qos, message.topic, message.payload_size)
cls._pack_str16(packet, message.topic)
if message.qos > 0:
# For message id
mid = cls.id_generator.next_id()
packet.extend(struct.pack("!H", mid))
mid = None
return mid, packet
class DisconnectPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, protocol, reason_code=0, **properties):
if protocol.proto_ver == MQTTv50:
prop_bytes = cls._build_properties_data(properties, protocol_version=protocol.proto_ver)
remaining_length = 1 + len(prop_bytes)
return struct.pack('!BBB', MQTTCommands.DISCONNECT.value, remaining_length, reason_code) + prop_bytes
return struct.pack('!BB', MQTTCommands.DISCONNECT.value, 0)
class CommandWithMidPacket(PackageFactory):
def build_package(cls, cmd, mid, dup, reason_code=0, proto_ver=MQTTv50) -> bytes:
if dup:
cmd |= 0x8