Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
Description('Test girder client with no token can\'t access protected resources'))
def test_celery_girder_client_bad_token_fails(self, params):
result = request_private_path.delay('admin', girder_client_token='')
return result.job
job = self.model('job', 'jobs').createLocalJob(
title='MMWR import: %s' % datasetName,
addJobOutput(job, dataset)
self.model('job', 'jobs').scheduleJob(job)
return job
bsveMMWRAnalysis.description = (
Description('Create a new accumulated MMWR dataset from the BSVE.')
.param('datasetName', 'Name of the dataset created by this analysis.')
'count', 'The number of items to get from the server',
@loadmodel(map={'userId': 'user'}, model='user', level=AccessType.READ)
def listSessions(self, user, params):
folder = findSessionFolder(self.getCurrentUser(), user)
if folder is None:
return []
limit, offset, sort = \
items = [self.model('item').filter(item, self.getCurrentUser()) for
item in self.model('folder').childItems(folder,
limit=limit, offset=offset, sort=sort)]
return items
listSessions.description = (
Description('List minerva sessions owned by a user.')
.param('userId', 'User is the owner of minerva sessions.',
.param('limit', "Result set size limit (default=50).", required=False,
.param('offset', "Offset into result set (default=0).", required=False,
.param('sort', 'Field to sort the result list by ('
'default=name)', required=False)
.param('sortdir', "1 for ascending, -1 for descending (default=-1)",
required=False, dataType='int'))
@loadmodel(map={'userId': 'user'}, model='user', level=AccessType.READ)
def getSessionFolder(self, user, params):
folder = findSessionFolder(self.getCurrentUser(), user, create=True)
return {'folder': folder}
Find location name from extracted text using Geograpy.
file_name = params['file_name']
text_content = QueryText(file_name)
if text_content:
e = extraction.Extractor(text=text_content)
status = IndexLocationName(file_name, e.places)
if status[0]:
return {'job':'find_location', 'status': 'successful', 'comment':'Location/s found and indexed to Solr.'}
return {'job':'find_location', 'status': 'unsuccessful', 'comment':status[1]}
return {'job':'find_location', 'status': 'unsuccessful', 'comment':'Cannot extract text.'}
findLocation.description = (
Description('Find location name')
def findLatlon(self, params):
Find latitude and longitude from location name using GeoPy.
file_name = params['file_name']
location_names = QueryLocationName(file_name)
if location_names:
points = []
for location in location_names:
geolocation = geolocator.geocode(location)
@loadmodel(model='case', plugin='digital_slide_archive',
Description('Get a case document from an id')
.param('id', 'The id of the case', paramType='path')
def getCase(self, case, params):
return case
spec = json.loads(spec)
variables['task'] = self._clean(task)
# Create token for user runnig this task
token = self.model('token').createToken(user=user, days=7)
variables['girderToken'] = token['_id']['_id'], self._clean(task), spec, variables)
except requests.HTTPError as err:
task['status'] = 'failure'
self._model.update_task(user, task)
raise RestException(err.response.content, err.response.status_code)
run.description = (
Description('Start the task running')
'The id of task',
required=True, paramType='path')
'The variable to render the task spec with',
required=False, paramType='body'))
def update(self, id, params):
user = self.getCurrentUser()
body =
if not body:
Description('Log in to the system.')
.notes('Pass your username and password using HTTP Basic Auth. Sends'
' a cookie that should be passed back in future requests.')
.param('Girder-OTP', 'A one-time password for this user', paramType='header',
.errorResponse('Missing Authorization header.', 401)
.errorResponse('Invalid login or password.', 403)
def login(self):
if not Setting().get(SettingKey.ENABLE_PASSWORD_LOGIN):
raise RestException('Password login is disabled on this instance.')
user, token = self.getCurrentUser(returnToken=True)
# Only create and send new cookie if user isn't already sending a valid one.
if not user:
authHeader = cherrypy.request.headers.get('Authorization')
'status': 'FAILURE',
'message': sys.exc_info(),
'trace': sys.exc_info()[2]
flowRunStatus.description = (
Description('Show the status of a flow task')
.param('jobId', 'The job ID for this task.', paramType='path')
.param('itemId', 'Not used.', paramType='path'))
def flowRunResult(itemId, jobId, params):
celeryTaskId = getTaskId(jobId)
job = AsyncResult(celeryTaskId, backend=getCeleryApp().backend)
return {'result': job.result}
flowRunResult.description = (
Description('Show the final output of a flow task.')
.param('jobId', 'The job ID for this task.', paramType='path')
.param('itemId', 'Not used.', paramType='path'))
@rest.loadmodel(map={'itemId': 'item'}, model='item',
def flowRun(self, item, params):
# Make sure that we have permission to perform this analysis.
# import pudb
# pu.db
user = self.getCurrentUser()
settings = ModelImporter.model('setting')
requireAuth = settings.get(FlowPluginSettings.REQUIRE_AUTH, True)
Description('Log out of the system.')
.notes('Attempts to delete your authentication cookie.')
def logout(self):
token = self.getCurrentToken()
if token:
return {'message': 'Logged out.'}
def createWfsDataset(self, wfsSource, params):
baseURL = wfsSource['meta']['minerva']['wfs_params']['base_url']
typeName = params['typeName']
self.requireParams(('name'), params)
name = params['name']
minerva_metadata = {
'dataset_type': 'wfs',
#'legend': legend,
'source_id': wfsSource['_id'],
'type_name': typeName,
'base_url': baseURL
dataset = self.constructDataset(name, minerva_metadata)
return dataset
createWfsDataset.description = (
Description('Create a WFS Dataset from a WFS Source.')
.param('name', 'The name of the wfs dataset', required=True)
.param('wfsSourceId', 'Item ID of the WFS Source', required=True)
.param('typeName', 'The type name of the WFS layer', required=True)
.errorResponse('ID was invalid.')
.errorResponse('Read permission denied on the Item.', 403))
def getBsveAuthHeader(self, params):
(user, apikey, secret) = (environ.get('BSVE_USERNAME'),
bu = bsve_utility.BsveUtility(user=user, apikey=apikey, secret=secret)
return bu._auth_header()
getBsveAuthHeader.description = (
Description('Create a valid current BSVE Auth Header.'))