How to use the ghstack.typing.GitCommitHash function in ghstack

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ghstack examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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base_args = ("-p", new_base)

        # Blast our current tree as the newest commit, merging
        # against the previous pull entry, and the newest base.

        tree = commit.patch.apply(, self.base_tree)

        # Nothing to do, just ignore the diff
        if tree == self.base_tree:
            self.ignored_diffs.append((commit, number))
            logging.warn("Skipping PR #{} {}, as the commit now has no changes"
                         .format(number, elab_commit.title))

        new_pull = GitCommitHash(
            "commit-tree", tree,
            "-p", "origin/" + branch_head(self.username, ghnum),
            input='{} on "{}"\n\n{}\n\n[ghstack-poisoned]'.format(self.msg, elab_commit.title, non_orig_commit_msg)))

        # Perform what is effectively an interactive rebase
        # on the orig branch.
        # Hypothetically, there could be a case when this isn't
        # necessary, but it's INCREDIBLY unlikely (because we'd
        # have to look EXACTLY like the original orig, and since
        # we're in the branch that says "hey we changed
        # something" that's probably not what happened."Restacking commit on {}".format(self.base_orig))
        new_orig = GitCommitHash(
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"origin/" + branch_base(self.username, ghnum),
                self.base_commit, exitcode=True)

            if is_ancestor:
                new_base = self.base_commit

                # If we've gotten here, it means that the new
                # base and the old base are completely
                # unrelated.  We'll make a fake commit that
                # "resets" the tree back to something that makes
                # sense and merge with that.  This doesn't fix
                # the fact that we still incorrectly report
                # the old base as an ancestor of our commit, but
                # it's better than nothing.
                new_base = GitCommitHash(
                    "commit-tree", self.base_tree,
                    "-p", "origin/" + branch_base(self.username, ghnum),
                    "-p", self.base_commit,
                    input='Update base for {} on "{}"\n\n{}\n\n[ghstack-poisoned]'
                          .format(self.msg, elab_commit.title,

            base_args = ("-p", new_base)

        # Blast our current tree as the newest commit, merging
        # against the previous pull entry, and the newest base.

        tree = commit.patch.apply(, self.base_tree)

        # Nothing to do, just ignore the diff
        if tree == self.base_tree:
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# We land the entire stack pointed to by a URL.
    # Local state is ignored; PR is source of truth
    # Furthermore, the parent commits of PR are ignored: we always
    # take the canonical version of the patch from any given pr

    params = ghstack.github_utils.parse_pull_request(pull_request)
    orig_ref = lookup_pr_to_orig_ref(github, **params)

    if sh is None:
        # Use CWD
        sh =

    # Get up-to-date
    sh.git("fetch", "origin")
    remote_orig_ref = "origin/" + orig_ref
    base = GitCommitHash(sh.git("merge-base", "origin/master", remote_orig_ref))

    # compute the stack of commits in chronological order (does not
    # include base)
    stack = ghstack.git.parse_header(
        sh.git("rev-list", "--reverse", "--header", "^" + base, remote_orig_ref))

    # Switch working copy
        prev_ref = sh.git("symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD")
    except RuntimeError:
        prev_ref = sh.git("rev-parse", "HEAD")

    # If this fails, we don't have to reset
    sh.git("checkout", "origin/master")

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"commit-tree", tree,
            "-p", "origin/" + branch_head(self.username, ghnum),
            input='{} on "{}"\n\n{}\n\n[ghstack-poisoned]'.format(self.msg, elab_commit.title, non_orig_commit_msg)))

        # Perform what is effectively an interactive rebase
        # on the orig branch.
        # Hypothetically, there could be a case when this isn't
        # necessary, but it's INCREDIBLY unlikely (because we'd
        # have to look EXACTLY like the original orig, and since
        # we're in the branch that says "hey we changed
        # something" that's probably not what happened."Restacking commit on {}".format(self.base_orig))
        new_orig = GitCommitHash(
            "commit-tree", tree,
            "-p", self.base_orig, input=summary))

        push_branches = (
            (new_base, "base"),
            (new_pull, "head"),
            (new_orig, "orig"),

        if elab_commit.closed:
            what = 'Skipped closed'
            what = 'Updated'

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        self.base_commit = GitCommitHash(
            "rev-parse", "origin/" + branch_head(self.username, ghnum)))
        self.base_orig = GitCommitHash(
            "rev-parse", "origin/" + branch_orig(self.username, ghnum)
        self.base_tree = GitTreeHash(
            "rev-parse", self.base_orig + "^{tree}"
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def branch(username: str, ghnum: GhNumber, kind: BranchKind
           ) -> GitCommitHash:
    return GitCommitHash("gh/{}/{}/{}".format(username, ghnum, kind))
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# branches this diff corresponds to
BranchKind = str

# Metadata describing a diff we submitted to GitHub
# TODO: Make this directly contain a DiffWithGitHubMetadata?
DiffMeta = NamedTuple('DiffMeta', [
    ('title', str),
    ('number', GitHubNumber),
    ('body', str),
    ('ghnum', GhNumber),
    # What Git commit hash we should push to what branch
    ('push_branches', Tuple[Tuple[GitCommitHash, BranchKind], ...]),
    # What Git commit hash corresponds to head for this
    # (previously, we got this out of push_branches, but this is not
    # guaranteed to be set.)  None if we didn't change it.
    ('head_branch', Optional[GitCommitHash]),
    # A human-readable string like 'Created' which describes what
    # happened to this pull request
    ('what', str),
    ('closed', bool),
    ('pr_url', str),

# Ya, sometimes we get carriage returns.  Crazy right?
RE_STACK = re.compile(r'Stack.*:\r?\n(\* [^\r\n]+\r?\n)+')

# NB: This regex is fuzzy because the D1234567 identifier is typically
# linkified.
RE_DIFF_REV = re.compile(r'^Differential Revision:.+?(D[0-9]+)', re.MULTILINE)
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def parents(self) -> List[GitCommitHash]:
        return [GitCommitHash("commit"))
                for m in RE_RAW_PARENT.finditer(self.raw_header)]