How to use the getdist.paramnames.makeList function in getdist

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few getdist examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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from getdist import plots, gaussian_mixtures
            samples1, samples2 = gaussian_mixtures.randomTestMCSamples(ndim=2, nMCSamples=2)
            g = plots.getSinglePlotter(width_inch=4)
            g.plot_1d([samples1, samples2], 'x0', marker=0)

        .. plot::

            from getdist import plots, gaussian_mixtures
            samples1, samples2 = gaussian_mixtures.randomTestMCSamples(ndim=2, nMCSamples=2)
            g = plots.getSinglePlotter(width_inch=3)
            g.plot_1d([samples1, samples2], 'x0', normalized=True, colors=['green','black'])

        roots = makeList(roots)
        if self.fig is None: self.make_figure()
        plotparam = None
        plotroot = None
        line_args = self._make_line_args(len(roots), **kwargs)
        xmin, xmax = None, None
        for i, root in enumerate(roots):
            root_param = self._check_param(root, param, param_renames)
            if not root_param: continue
            bounds = self.add_1d(root, root_param, i, normalized=normalized, **line_args[i])
            xmin, xmax = self._updateLimit(bounds, (xmin, xmax))
            if bounds is not None and not plotparam:
                plotparam = root_param
                plotroot = root
        if plotparam is None: raise GetDistPlotError('No roots have parameter: ' + str(param))
        if marker is not None: self.add_x_marker(marker, marker_color)
        if 'lims' in kwargs and kwargs['lims'] is not None:
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def plots_3d_z(self, roots, param_x, param_y, param_z=None, max_z=None, **kwargs):
        Make set of sample scatter subplots of param_x against param_y, each coloured by values of parameters in param_z (all if None).
        Any second or more samples in root are shown as contours

        :param roots: root name or :class:`~.mcsamples.MCSamples` instance (or list of any of either of these) for the samples to plot
        :param param_x: x parameter name
        :param param_y: y parameter name
        :param param_z: list of parameter to names to color samples in each subplot (default: all)
        :param max_z: The maximum number of z parameters we should use.
        :param kwargs: keyword arguments for :func:`~GetDistPlotter.plot_3d`
        :return: The plot_col, plot_row subplot dimensions of the new figure
        roots = makeList(roots)
        param_z = self.get_param_array(roots[0], param_z)
        if max_z is not None and len(param_z) > max_z: param_z = param_z[:max_z]
        param_x, param_y = self.get_param_array(roots[0], [param_x, param_y])
        sets = [[param_x, param_y, z] for z in param_z if z != param_x and z != param_y]
        return self.plots_3d(roots, sets, **kwargs)
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* **alphas**: list of alphas for the different sample contours plotted
                * **line_args**: a list of dictionaries with settings for each set of contours
                * arguments for :func:`~GetDistPlotter.setAxes`
        :return: The xbounds, ybounds of the plot.

        .. plot::

            from getdist import plots, gaussian_mixtures
            samples1, samples2 = gaussian_mixtures.randomTestMCSamples(ndim=4, nMCSamples=2)
            g = plots.getSinglePlotter(width_inch = 4)
            g.plot_2d([samples1,samples2], 'x1', 'x2', filled=True);

        if self.fig is None: self.make_figure()
        roots = makeList(roots)
        if isinstance(param1, (list, tuple)):
            param_pair = param1
            param1 = None
        param_pair = self.get_param_array(roots[0], param_pair or [param1, param2])
        if self.settings.progress: print('plotting: ', [ for param in param_pair])
        if shaded and not kwargs.get('filled'): self.add_2d_shading(roots[0], param_pair[0], param_pair[1])
        xbounds, ybounds = None, None
        contour_args = self._make_contour_args(len(roots), **kwargs)
        for i, root in enumerate(roots):
            if isinstance(root, MixtureND):
                res = self.add_2D_mixture_projection(root, param_pair[0], param_pair[1], plotno=line_offset + i,
                                                     add_legend_proxy=add_legend_proxy and not root in proxy_root_exclude,
                res = self.add_2d_contours(root, param_pair[0], param_pair[1], line_offset + i, of=len(roots),
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        Get :class:`~.paramnames.ParamInfo` for given name for samples with specified root

        If a parameter is not found in `root`, returns the original ParamInfo if ParamInfo
        was passed, or fails otherwise.

        :param root: The root name of the samples
        :param param: The parameter name (or :class:`~.paramnames.ParamInfo`)
        :param renames: optional dictionary mapping input names and equivalent names
                        used by the samples
        :return: a :class:`~.paramnames.ParamInfo` instance, or None if name not found
        if isinstance(param, ParamInfo):
            name =
            if hasattr(param, 'renames'):
                renames = {name: makeList(renames.get(name, [])) + list(param.renames)}
            name = param
        # NB: If a parameter is not found, errors only if param is a ParamInfo instance
        return self.paramNamesForRoot(root).parWithName(
            name, error=(name == param), renames=renames)
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* **ls** : list of line styles for the different sample contours plotted
                * **colors**: list of colors for the different sample contours plotted
                * **lws**: list of linewidths for the different sample contours plotted
                * **alphas**: list of alphas for the different sample contours plotted
                * **line_args**: a list of dict with settings for contours from each root
                * arguments for :func:`~GetDistPlotter.add_colorbar`

        .. plot::

            from getdist import plots, gaussian_mixtures
            samples1, samples2 = gaussian_mixtures.randomTestMCSamples(ndim=3, nMCSamples=2)
            g = plots.getSinglePlotter(width_inch=4)
            g.plot_3d([samples1, samples2], ['x0','x1','x2']);
        roots = makeList(roots)
        if params_for_plots:
            if params is not None: raise GetDistPlotError('plot_3d uses either params OR params_for_plots')
            params_for_plots = [self.get_param_array(root, p) for p, root in zip(params_for_plots, roots)]
            if not params: raise GetDistPlotError('No parameters for plot_3d!')
            params = self.get_param_array(roots[0], params)
            params_for_plots = [params for _ in roots]  # all the same
        if self.fig is None: self.make_figure()
        if kwargs.get('filled_compare') is not None:
            kwargs = kwargs.copy()
            kwargs['filled'] = kwargs['filled_compare']
        contour_args = self._make_contour_args(len(roots) - 1, **kwargs)
        xlims, ylims = self.add_3d_scatter(roots[0], params_for_plots[0], color_bar=color_bar,
                                           alpha_samples=alpha_samples, **kwargs)
        for i, root in enumerate(roots[1:]):
            params = params_for_plots[i + 1]
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            from getdist import plots, gaussian_mixtures
            samples1, samples2 = gaussian_mixtures.randomTestMCSamples(ndim=4, nMCSamples=2)
            g = plots.getSubplotPlotter()
            g.rectangle_plot(['x0','x1'], ['x2','x3'], roots = [samples1, samples2], filled=True)
        self.make_figure(nx=len(xparams), ny=len(yparams))
        # f, plots = subplots(len(yparams), len(xparams), sharex='col', sharey='row')
        sharey = None
        yshares = []
        xshares = []
        ax_arr = []
        if plot_roots and yroots or roots and yroots or plot_roots and roots:
            raise GetDistPlotError('rectangle plot: must have one of roots, yroots, plot_roots')
        if roots: roots = makeList(roots)
        limits = dict()
        for x, xparam in enumerate(xparams):
            sharex = None
            if plot_roots:
                yroots = plot_roots[x]
            elif roots:
                yroots = [roots for _ in yparams]
            axarray = []
            for y, (yparam, subplot_roots) in enumerate(zip(yparams, yroots)):
                if x > 0: sharey = yshares[y]
                ax = self._subplot(x, y, pars=[xparam, yparam], sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey)
                if y == 0:
                    sharex = ax
                res = self.plot_2d(subplot_roots, param_pair=[xparam, yparam], do_xlabel=y == len(yparams) - 1,
                                   do_ylabel=x == 0, add_legend_proxy=x == 0 and y == 0, **kwargs)