How to use the geographiclib.geodesic.Geodesic.WGS84.Direct function in geographiclib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few geographiclib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if not self.saved_location:
                self.saved_location = origin_lat, origin_lng, origin_alt

            dest_lat, dest_lng, dest_alt = self.saved_location
            travel = self.precision
            self.saved_location = None
            travel = min(total_distance, distance)

        position = line.Position(travel)
        next_lat = position["lat2"]
        next_lng = position["lon2"]

        random_azi = uniform(line.azi1 - 90, line.azi1 + 90)
        random_dist = uniform(0.0, self.precision)
        direct = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(next_lat, next_lng, random_azi, random_dist)

        next_lat = direct["lat2"]
        next_lng = direct["lon2"]
        next_alt = origin_alt + (travel / total_distance) * (dest_alt - origin_alt) + random_alt_delta()

        return next_lat, next_lng, next_alt
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for scan_location in reversed(self.SCAN_LOCATIONS.values()):
            lat = scan_location["latitude"]
            lng = scan_location["longitude"]
            radius = scan_location["radius"]

            d = math.sqrt(3) * 70
            points = [[{'lat2': lat, 'lon2': lng, 's': 0}]]

            # The lines below are magic. Don't touch them.
            for i in xrange(1, maxint):
                oor_counter = 0

                for j in range(0, 6 * i):
                    p = points[i - 1][(j - j / i - 1 + (j % i == 0))]
                    p_new = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(p['lat2'], p['lon2'], (j+i-1)/i * 60, d)
                    p_new['s'] = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(p_new['lat2'], p_new['lon2'], lat, lng)['s12']

                    if p_new['s'] > radius:
                        oor_counter += 1

                if oor_counter == 6 * i:

            cover.extend({"lat": p['lat2'], "lng": p['lon2']}
                         for sublist in points for p in sublist if p['s'] < radius)

        self.COVER = cover
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total_distance = inverse["s12"]

        if total_distance == 0:
            total_distance = self.precision or self.epsilon

        if distance == 0:
            if not self.saved_location:
                self.saved_location = origin_lat, origin_lng, origin_alt

            dest_lat, dest_lng, dest_alt = self.saved_location
            travel = self.precision
            self.saved_location = None
            travel = min(total_distance, distance)

        direct = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(origin_lat, origin_lng, inverse["azi1"], travel)
        next_lat = direct["lat2"]
        next_lng = direct["lon2"]

        random_azi = uniform(inverse["azi1"] - 90, inverse["azi1"] + 90)
        random_dist = uniform(0.0, self.precision)
        direct = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(next_lat, next_lng, random_azi, random_dist)

        next_lat = direct["lat2"]
        next_lng = direct["lon2"]
        next_alt = dest_alt + random_alt_delta()

        return next_lat, next_lng, next_alt
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for scan_location in reversed(self.SCAN_LOCATIONS.values()):
            lat = scan_location["latitude"]
            lng = scan_location["longitude"]
            radius = scan_location["radius"]

            d = math.sqrt(3) * 70
            points = [[{'lat2': lat, 'lon2': lng, 's': 0}]]

            # The lines below are magic. Don't touch them.
            for i in xrange(1, maxint):
                oor_counter = 0

                for j in range(0, 6 * i):
                    p = points[i - 1][(j - j / i - 1 + (j % i == 0))]
                    p_new = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(p['lat2'], p['lon2'], (j+i-1)/i * 60, d)
                    p_new['s'] = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(p_new['lat2'], p_new['lon2'], lat, lng)['s12']

                    if p_new['s'] > radius:
                        oor_counter += 1

                if oor_counter == 6 * i:

            cover.extend({"lat": p['lat2'], "lng": p['lon2']}
                         for sublist in points for p in sublist if p['s'] < radius)

        self.COVER = cover
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def set_cover():
    lat = SearchConfig.ORIGINAL_LATITUDE
    lng = SearchConfig.ORIGINAL_LONGITUDE

    d = math.sqrt(3) * 70
    points = [[{'lat2': lat, 'lon2': lng, 's': 0}]]

    for i in xrange(1, maxint):
        oor_counter = 0

        for j in range(0, 6 * i):
            p = points[i - 1][(j - j / i - 1 + (j % i == 0))]
            p_new = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(p['lat2'], p['lon2'], (j+i-1)/i * 60, d)
            p_new['s'] = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(p_new['lat2'], p_new['lon2'], lat, lng)['s12']

            if p_new['s'] > SearchConfig.RADIUS:
                oor_counter += 1

        if oor_counter == 6 * i:

    cover = [{"lat": p['lat2'], "lng": p['lon2']}
             for sublist in points for p in sublist if p['s'] < SearchConfig.RADIUS]
    SearchConfig.COVER = cover
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if not self.saved_location:
                self.saved_location = origin_lat, origin_lng, origin_alt

            dest_lat, dest_lng, dest_alt = self.saved_location
            travel = self.precision
            self.saved_location = None
            travel = min(total_distance, distance)

        direct = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(origin_lat, origin_lng, inverse["azi1"], travel)
        next_lat = direct["lat2"]
        next_lng = direct["lon2"]

        random_azi = uniform(inverse["azi1"] - 90, inverse["azi1"] + 90)
        random_dist = uniform(0.0, self.precision)
        direct = Geodesic.WGS84.Direct(next_lat, next_lng, random_azi, random_dist)

        next_lat = direct["lat2"]
        next_lng = direct["lon2"]
        next_alt = dest_alt + random_alt_delta()

        return next_lat, next_lng, next_alt