How to use the gconf.VALUE_FLOAT function in gconf

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gconf examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pculture / miro / tv / linux / plat / View on Github external
def _convert_gconf_value(value):
    if value.type == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
        return value.get_string()
    if value.type == gconf.VALUE_INT:
        return value.get_int()
    if value.type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
        return value.get_bool()
    if value.type == gconf.VALUE_FLOAT:
        return value.get_float()
    if value.type == gconf.VALUE_LIST:
        return [_convert_gconf_value(v) for v in value.get_list()]
    raise TypeError("unknown gconf type %s" % value.type)
github gmate / gmate / plugins / View on Github external
key_to_left = StringOption('ISO_Left_Tab')
    key_to_1 = StringOption()
    options = KeyOptions("/apps/gedit-2/plugins/tabswitch")
    print options.key_to_right

import os
import gconf


class OptionsType(type):
       Metaclass for options class.
       Add capability for get all options list.
    def __new__(cls, base, name, attrs):
        attrs['options'] = {}
        for key, attr in attrs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(attr, Option):
                attrs['options'][key] = attr
                attr.default_key = key
        new_class = super(OptionsType, cls).__new__(cls, base, name, attrs)
        return new_class
github gaphor / gaphor / gaphor / misc / View on Github external
def get_value (self, key):
        '''returns the value of key `key' ''' #'
        #if '/' in key:
        #    raise 'ConfError', 'key must not contain /'
        value = self._gconf_client.get (self._domain + key)
        value_type = value.type
        if value_type == VALUE_BOOL:
            return value.get_bool ()
        elif value_type == VALUE_INT:
            return value.get_int ()
        elif value_type == VALUE_STRING:
            return value.get_string ()
        elif value_type == VALUE_FLOAT:
            return value.get_float ()
github gmate / gmate / plugins / gedit2 / completion / lib / sgconf / View on Github external
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import gconf


class OptionsContainerType(type):
       Metaclass for any options container class.
    def __new__(cls, base, name, attrs):
        attrs['options'] = {}
        for key, attr in attrs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(attr, Option):
                attrs['options'][key] = attr
                attr.default_key = key
                attr._storage_client = '_storage' in attrs and attrs['_storage'] or Options._storage
                attr._base_uri = attrs['_uri']
github pculture / miro / tv / linux / plat / View on Github external
client.set_string(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, bool):
                client.set_bool(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                client.set_int(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, float):
                client.set_float(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                # this is lame, but there isn't enough information to
                # figure it out another way
                if len(value) == 0 or isinstance(value[0], str):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_STRING
                elif isinstance(value[0], int):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_INT
                elif isinstance(value[0], float):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_FLOAT
                elif isinstance(value[0], bool):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_BOOL
                    raise TypeError("unknown gconf type %s" % type(value[0]))

                client.set_list(fullkey, list_type, value)
                raise TypeError()
github pculture / miro / tv / linux / plat / View on Github external
client.set_string(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, bool):
                client.set_bool(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                client.set_int(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, float):
                client.set_float(fullkey, value)
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                # this is lame, but there isn't enough information to
                # figure it out another way
                if len(value) == 0 or isinstance(value[0], str):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_STRING
                elif isinstance(value[0], int):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_INT
                elif isinstance(value[0], float):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_FLOAT
                elif isinstance(value[0], bool):
                    list_type = gconf.VALUE_BOOL
                    raise TypeError("unknown gconf type %s" % type(value[0]))

                client.set_list(fullkey, list_type, value)
                raise TypeError()
github tualatrix / ubuntu-tweak / ubuntutweak / conf / View on Github external
def get_schema_value(self):
        value = self.__client.get_default_from_schema(self.__key)
        if value:
            if value.type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
                return value.get_bool()
            elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
                return value.get_string()
            elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_INT:
                return value.get_int()
            elif value.type == gconf.VALUE_FLOAT:
                return value.get_float()
            raise Exception("No schema value for %s" % self.__key)
github stsquad / Gwibber / gwibber / View on Github external
class Spec:
    The spec is an adapter between a GConfValue and a Python value,
    simplifying the conversion and the integrity.
    You should use L{Spec.STRING}, L{Spec.FLOAT}, L{Spec.INT} and L{Spec.BOOL}
    def __init__(self, name, gconf_type, py_type, default):
        self.gconf_type = gconf_type
        self.py_type = py_type
        self.default = default = name

Spec.STRING = Spec("string", gconf.VALUE_STRING, str, '')
Spec.FLOAT = Spec("float", gconf.VALUE_FLOAT, float, 0.0)
Spec.INT = Spec("int", gconf.VALUE_INT, int, 0)
Spec.BOOL = Spec("bool", gconf.VALUE_BOOL, bool, True)   

class GConfValue(object):
    The GConfValue represents the GConf key's data. You define a certain schema
   (or type of data) and GConfValue keeps track of its integrity. It adds the
    possibility to define a default value to be used when the key is inexistent
    or contains an invalid data type. You can also define callbacks that notify
    you when the key is altered.
    Taken from U{GAW Introduction }::

        import gwp, gconf, gtk
        gconf.client_get_default().add_dir("/apps/gwp", gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE)
github tualatrix / ubuntu-tweak / src / common / Widgets / View on Github external
def set_num(self, num):
        self.value = self.client.get(self.key)
        if self.value:
            if self.value.type == gconf.VALUE_INT:
                self.client.set_int(self.key, int(num))
            elif self.value.type == gconf.VALUE_FLOAT:
                self.client.set_float(self.key, num)
            self.client.set_float(self.key, num)
github stsquad / Gwibber / gwibber / View on Github external
import gconf, gobject, gtk

class Spec (object):
    def __init__ (self, name, gconf_type, py_type, default):
        self.__gconf_type = gconf_type
        self.__py_type = py_type
        self.__default = default
        self.__name = name
    gconf_type = property (lambda self: self.__gconf_type)
    py_type = property (lambda self: self.__py_type)
    default = property (lambda self: self.__default)
    name = property (lambda self: self.__name)

Spec.STRING = Spec ("string", gconf.VALUE_STRING, str, '')
Spec.FLOAT = Spec ("float", gconf.VALUE_FLOAT, float, 0.0)
Spec.INT = Spec ("int", gconf.VALUE_INT, int, 0)
Spec.BOOL = Spec ("bool", gconf.VALUE_BOOL, bool, True)

def data_file_chooser (button, key, use_directory = False, use_uri = True, default = None, client = None):
    Returns a gaw.Data.
    use_directory - boolean variable setting if it's we're using files or directories.
    use_uri - boolean variable setting if we're using URI's or normal filenames.
    Associates a gaw.Data to a gtk.FileChooserButton. 
    if not use_directory and not use_uri:
        getter = button.get_filename
        setter = button.set_filename