How to use the fysom.Fysom function in fysom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fysom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ChristianTremblay / pyhaystack / pyhaystack / client / ops / vendor / View on Github external
self._username = None
        self._user_salt = None
        self._digest = None

        self._algorithm = None
        self._handshake_token = None
        self._server_first_msg  = None
        self._server_nonce = None
        self._server_salt = None
        self._server_iterations = None
        self._auth_token = None
        self._auth = None

        self._login_uri = '%s'   % \
        self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
                initial='init', final='done',
                    # Event               Current State         New State
                    ('get_new_session',   'init',               'newsession'),
                    ('do_prelogin',       'newsession',         'prelogin'),
                    ('do_first_msg',      'prelogin',           'first_msg'),
                    ('do_second_msg',     'first_msg',          'second_msg'),
                    ('do_validate_login', 'second_msg',         'validate_login'),
                    ('login_done',        'validate_login',     'done'),
                    ('exception',         '*',                  'failed'),
                    ('retry',             'failed',             'newsession'),
                    ('abort',             'failed',             'done'),
                ], callbacks={
                    'onenternewsession':        self._do_new_session,
                    'onenterprelogin':          self._do_prelogin,
                    'onenterfirst_msg':         self._do_first_msg,
github ourway / marmoolak / marmoolak / View on Github external
__author__ = 'Farsheed Ashouri'

import hashlib
import redis
import os


from fysom import Fysom as _Fysom

class Machine(_Fysom):

    def __init__(self, name, version, *args, **kw):
        """ Usage: Machine("name", 1.0, *args, **kw)"""
        ''' Redis setup'''
        redis_host = REDIS_HOST or os.getenv('REDIS_HOST') or 'localhost'
        _redis_port = REDIS_PORT or os.getenv('REDIS_PORT') or '6379'
        redis_port = int(_redis_port)
        self.r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_host, port=redis_port)

        self.rhname = 'appido_core_fsm_{n}_{v}'.format(n=name, v=version)
        history = self.r.get(self.rhname).decode('utf-8')
        if history:
            args[0]['initial'] = history = name
        self.version = version
github muminoff / devon / devon / View on Github external
def do_stem(self, word):
        fsm = Fysom(initial='start',
        # FIXME: uncomment below and make sanitize functions support
        # both Python 2 and 3 versions
        # word = WordProcessor.sanitize(word)
        i = len(word) - 1
        j = len(word)

            if i <= 0:
            v = word[i:j]
            # print v
            res = fsm.can(v)
            if (res):
                if v == 'i' and fsm.can(word[i-1:j]):
                    i = i - 1
github box / ClusterRunner / app / master / View on Github external
def _create_state_machine(self):
        Create the Fysom object and set up transitions and states. Note that the first transition
        (none ==> initial) is triggered immediately on instantiation.
        :rtype: Fysom
        return Fysom({
            'initial': BuildState.QUEUED,
            'events': [
                {'name': BuildEvent.START_PREPARE,
                 'src': BuildState.QUEUED,
                 'dst': BuildState.PREPARING},

                {'name': BuildEvent.FINISH_PREPARE,
                 'src': BuildState.PREPARING,
                 'dst': BuildState.PREPARED},

                {'name': BuildEvent.START_BUILDING,
                 'src': BuildState.PREPARED,
                 'dst': BuildState.BUILDING},

                {'name': BuildEvent.POSTBUILD_TASKS_COMPLETE,
                 'src': [
github ChristianTremblay / pyhaystack / pyhaystack / client / entity / ops / View on Github external
def __init__(self, entity, updates):
        Initialise a request for the named IDs.

        :param session: Haystack HTTP session object.
        super(EntityTagUpdateOperation, self).__init__(result_copy=False)
        self._log = entity._session._log.getChild('update_tags')
        self._entity = entity
        self._updates = updates

        self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
                initial='init', final='done',
                    # Event             Current State       New State
                    ('do_update',       'init',             'update'),
                    ('update_done',     'update',           'done'),
                    ('exception',       '*',                'done'),
                ], callbacks={
                    'onenterdone':      self._do_done,
github Ulm-IQO / qudi / core / View on Github external
status_vars[key] = value.copy(var_name=key)


        # create a new class with the new dictionaries
        new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
        new_class._conn = connectors
        new_class._config_options = config_options
        new_class._stat_vars = status_vars

        return new_class

class BaseMixin(Fysom, metaclass=ModuleMeta):
    Base class for all loadable modules

    * Ensure that the program will not die during the load of modules in any case,
      and therefore do nothing!!!
    * Initialize modules
    * Provides a self identification of the used module
    * Output redirection (instead of print)
    * Provides a self de-initialization of the used module
    * Reload the module with code changes
    * Get your own configuration (for save)
    * Get name of status variables
    * Get status variables
    * Reload module data (from saved variables)
github Ulm-IQO / qudi / qudi / core / View on Github external

    def resumeTask(self):
        """ Implement the operations necessary to resume your task from being paused here.

    def cleanupTask(self):
        """ If your task leaves behind any undesired state, take care to remove it in this function.
            It is called after a task has finished.

class PrePostTask(QtCore.QObject, Fysom, metaclass=TaskMetaclass):
    """ Represents a task that creates the necessary conditions for a different task
        and reverses its own actions afterwards.

    sigPreExecStart = QtCore.Signal()
    sigPreExecFinish = QtCore.Signal()
    sigPostExecStart = QtCore.Signal()
    sigPostExecFinish = QtCore.Signal()
    sigStateChanged = QtCore.Signal(object)

    requiredModules = []

    def __init__(self, name, runner, references, config, **kwargs):
        """ Create a PrePostTask.
          @param str name: unique name of the task
          @param object runner: TaskRunner that manages this task
github ChristianTremblay / pyhaystack / pyhaystack / client / ops / vendor / View on Github external
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        self._auth_body = json.dumps({
            'username': session._username,
            'password': session._password,
            'grant_type': 'password',
        self._session = session
        self._retries = retries
        self._auth_result = None

        self._state_machine = fysom.Fysom(
                initial='init', final='done',
                    # Event             Current State       New State
                    ('do_login',        ['init', 'failed'], 'login'),
                    ('login_done',      'login',            'done'),
                    ('exception',       '*',                'failed'),
                    ('retry',           'failed',           'login'),
                    ('abort',           'failed',           'done'),
                ], callbacks={
                    'onenterlogin':         self._do_login,
                    'onenterfailed':        self._do_fail_retry,
                    'onenterdone':          self._do_done,


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