How to use the formulas.models.Formula.objects.get function in formulas

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few formulas examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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@celery.task(name='formulas.update_formula')  # NOQA
def update_formula(formula_id, git_password):
        formula = Formula.objects.get(pk=formula_id)
        formula.set_status(Formula.IMPORTING, 'Updating formula.')

        repodir = clone_to_temp(formula, git_password)

        formula_title, formula_description, root_path, components = validate_specfile(formula, repodir)

        old_components = formula.components.all()

        # Check for added or changed components
        added_components = []
        changed_components = []
        removed_components = []

        for component in components:

            # Check to see if the component was already in the formula