How to use the flowmachine.flowmachine.core.Query function in flowmachine

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few flowmachine examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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return self.__class__.__name__ + "()"

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, CellSpatialUnit)

    def __hash__(self):
        # We may never need CellSpatialUnits to be hashable, but we define this
        # just in case.
        return hash(str(self))

    def canonical_name(self) -> str:
        return "cell"

class GeomSpatialUnit(SpatialUnitMixin, Query):
    Base class for spatial units that map location IDs in
    connection.location_table to geographic locations.

    geom_table_column_names : str or list
        Name(s) of the column(s) to fetch from geom_table.
    location_id_column_names : str or list
        Name(s) of the column(s) which identify the locations.
        Must be a subset of the column_names for this query.
    geom_table : str or flowmachine.Query, optional
        Name of the table containing the geography information.
        Can be either the name of a table, with the schema, or a
        flowmachine.Query object.
        Defaults to connection.location_table
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Classes that deal with mapping cells (or towers or sites)
to a spatial level, mostly be performing a spatial join.
Examples of this include CellToAdmin or CellToGrid.
from typing import List

from ...core import Query, Grid

class CellToPolygon(Query):
    Class that maps a cell with a lat-lon to a geographical

    column_name : str, optional
        The name of the column to fetch from the geometry
        table in the database. Can also be a list of names.
    polygon_table : str, or flowmachine.Query optional
        name of the table containing the geography information.
        Can be either the name of a table, with the schema, a flowmachine.Query
        object, or a string representing a query.
    geom_col : str, default 'geom'
        column that defines the geography.
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def _get_subtable(self):
        Private method which takes the table and returns a query
        representing the object. This is necessary as the table can
        be passed in a variety of ways.

        if issubclass(self.polygon_table.__class__, Query):
            return f"({self.polygon_table.get_query()}) AS polygon"
        elif "select " in self.polygon_table.lower():
            return f"({self.polygon_table}) AS polygon"
            return f"{self.polygon_table} AS polygon"
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return self.unioned.column_names

    def _make_query(self):
        return f"SELECT DISTINCT unioned.subscriber FROM ({self.unioned.get_query()}) unioned"

    def as_set(self):
        Returns all unique subscribers as a set.
        return {u[0] for u in get_db().fetch(self.get_query())}

SubsetDates = EventTableSubset  # Backwards compatibility for unpicking queries from db

class SubscriberLocationSubset(Query):

    Query to get a subset of users who have made min_calls
    number of calls within a given region during
    period of time from start to stop.

    start : datetime
        Start time to filter query.
    stop : datetime
        Stop time to filter query.
    spatial_unit : flowmachine.core.spatial_unit.*SpatialUnit, default admin3
        Spatial unit to which subscriber locations will be mapped. See the
        docstring of make_spatial_unit for more information.
    min_calls : int
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    def __init__(self, lon, lat, radius, name):
        self.lon, = lon, lat
        self.point_sql = (
            f"ST_GeomFromText('POINT ({self.lon} {})',4326)::geography"
        ) = name
        self.radius = radius

    def __repr__(self):

        return f"Circle(lon={self.lon},lat={},radius={self.radius},name={})"

class CircleGeometries(GeoDataMixin, Query):
    This class will form the required geometries for a set of circles defined by
    an iterable of Circle objects. This class is used by CircleRasterPops which calculates
    population based on a raster.
    circles : iterable of Circle
        The circular regions for which geometries are required
    >>> cl = Circle(2, 3, 4, 'bob')
    >>> c = CircleGeometries([cl])
    >>> c.head()
    geom     name
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Calculates an event score for each event based
on a scoring dictionary.

from typing import Dict, Union, Tuple, Optional

from typing import List

from ..utilities import EventsTablesUnion
from ...core import Query, location_joined_query, make_spatial_unit
from ...core.spatial_unit import AnySpatialUnit
from flowmachine.utils import standardise_date

class EventScore(Query):
    Represents an event score class.

    This class assigns a score to each event based on the hour of the day and
    the day of the week. The scores can be useful to cluster a set of events
    based on its signature. Such type of analysis reduces the dimensionality of
    the problem by projecting a given event pattern onto the real line.

    This class returns a table with scores averaged across the requested spatial unit
    per subscriber.

    score_hour : list of float
      A length 24 list containing numerical scores between -1 and 1, where entry 0 is midnight.
    score_dow : dict
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# file, You can obtain one at

import structlog
import warnings
from typing import List

from ...core import Query
from ...core.context import get_db
from ...core.errors import MissingDateError
from .event_table_subset import EventTableSubset
from flowmachine.utils import standardise_date

logger = structlog.get_logger("flowmachine.debug", submodule=__name__)

class EventsTablesUnion(Query):
    Takes a list of subtables, subsets each of them
    by date and selects a specified list of columns
    from the result and unions (i.e. appends) all
    of these tables. This class is mostly used as an
    intermediate for other classes.

    start, stop : str
        ISO-format date
    columns :
        list of columns to select
    tables : str or list of strings, default 'all'
        Can be a sting of a single table (with the schema)
        or a list of these. The keyword all is to select all
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                {self.location_info_table_fqn} AS locinfo
            INNER JOIN
            ON ST_within(
                ST_SetSRID(polygon.{self.geom_col}, 4326)::geometry

        return tower_admins

class CellToAdmin(Query):
    Maps all cells (aka sites) to a admin region. This is a thin wrapper to
    the more general class CellToPolygon, which assumes that you have
    the standard set-up.

    level : {'adminN'}
        One of admin1, admin2 etc.
    column_name : str, optional
        Pass a string of the column to use as the
        identifier of the admin region. By default
        this will be admin*pcod. But you may wish
        to use something else, such as admin3name.
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from .events_tables_union import EventsTablesUnion
from ...core import Query, make_spatial_unit
from ...core.context import get_db
from ...core.spatial_unit import AnySpatialUnit

from numpy import inf

import structlog

from flowmachine.utils import standardise_date

logger = structlog.get_logger("flowmachine.debug", submodule=__name__)
valid_subscriber_identifiers = ("msisdn", "imei", "imsi")

class UniqueSubscribers(Query):
    Class representing the set of all unique subscribers in our interactions

    start : str
        iso format date range for the beginning of the time frame,
        e.g. 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 14:03:01
    stop : str
        As above
    hours : tuple of ints, default 'all'
        Subset the result within certain hours, e.g. (4,17)
        This will subset the query only with these hours, but
        across all specified days. Or set to 'all' to include
        all hours.