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import unittest
import flavio
import wilson
from math import sqrt
par = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
wc = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
wc.set_initial({}, 91.1876, 'SMEFT', 'Warsaw')
class TestHiggsProduction(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mugg(self):
RSM = flavio.physics.higgs.production.ggF(wc.wc)
self.assertEqual(RSM, 1)
class TestHiggsDecay(unittest.TestCase):
def test_mugg(self):
RSM = flavio.physics.higgs.decay.h_bb(wc.wc)
self.assertEqual(RSM, 1)
class TestHiggsWidth(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bs_timedep(self):
q2 = 3
wc_obj = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
par = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
B = 'Bs'
V = 'phi'
l = 'mu'
# a set of parameters with y_s=0!
par_y0 = par.copy()
# compare without lifetime effect: must be equal!
observables.BVll_obs(observables.dGdq2_ave, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par_y0)(),
observables_bs.bsvll_obs(observables_bs.dGdq2_ave_Bs, q2, wc_obj, par_y0, B, V, l))
observables.BVll_obs(observables.FL, q2, B, V, l, wc_obj, par_y0)(),
observables_bs.bsvll_obs( observables_bs.FL_Bs, q2, wc_obj, par_y0, B, V, l))
for i in [3, 4, 7]: # S3,4,7
def test_RT(self):
self.assertEqual(flavio.sm_prediction('RT(K->pimunu)'), 0)
wc = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
wc.set_initial({'CT_sumunumu': 1}, par['m_rho0'])
self.assertEqual(flavio.np_prediction('RT(K->pienu)', wc), 0)
self.assertNotEqual(flavio.np_prediction('RT(K->pimunu)', wc), 0)
def test_dplnu_nu(self):
wc_sm = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
wc_np_mu = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
wc_np_mu.set_initial({'CVL_dcmunumu': 1}, 2)
wc_np_e = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
wc_np_e.set_initial({'CVL_dcmunue': 1}, 2)
obs = flavio.Observable["BR(D+->pimunu)"]
constraints = flavio.default_parameters
br_sm = obs.prediction_central(constraints, wc_sm)
br_mu = obs.prediction_central(constraints, wc_np_mu)
br_e = obs.prediction_central(constraints, wc_np_e)
# with interference: (1 + 1)^2 = 4
self.assertAlmostEqual(br_mu / br_sm, 4, delta=0.04)
# without interference: 1 + 1 = 2
self.assertAlmostEqual(br_e / br_sm, 2, delta=0.02)
import unittest
import numpy as np
import flavio
wc_sm = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
# choose parameters as required to compare numerics to arXiv:1602.01399
par_nominal = flavio.default_parameters.copy()
par_nominal.set_constraint('Vcb', 0.04175)
par_nominal.set_constraint('tau_Lambdab', 1/4.49e-13) # PDG 2016 value
par_nominal.set_constraint('Lambda->ppi alpha_-', 0.642) # PDG 2016 value
par_dict = par_nominal.get_central_all()
def ass_sm(s, name, q2min, q2max, target, delta, scalef=1):
obs = flavio.classes.Observable[name]
c = obs.prediction_central(par_nominal, wc_sm, q2min, q2max)*scalef
s.assertAlmostEqual(c, target, delta=delta)
class TestLambdabLambdall(unittest.TestCase):
def test_lambdablambdall(self):
# first, make sure we use the same CKM factor as in arXiv:1602.01399 eq. (69)
import unittest
import numpy as np
import flavio
constraints = flavio.default_parameters
wc_obj = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
par = constraints.get_central_all()
class TestAngular(unittest.TestCase):
def test_timedependent(self):
# self.assertAlmostEqual(
# flavio.sm_prediction('BR(B0->K*nunu)')/9.48e-6,
# 1, delta=0.2)
q2 = 3.
B = 'B0'
V = 'K*0'
lep = 'mu'
mB = par['m_'+B]
mV = par['m_'+V]
ml = par['m_'+lep]
scale = 4.8
mb = flavio.physics.running.running.get_mb(par, scale)
def test_nedm_jms_CEDM(self):
wc = wcxf.WC('WET', 'JMS', 160, {'dG_11': {'Im': 1e-10}})
wcf = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
wcd = wcf.get_wc('dF=0', scale=2, par=par, eft='WET-3', basis='flavio')
self.assertAlmostEqual(wcd['C8_dd'] / 1j, 0.07, delta=0.02)
par_dG = par.copy()
par_dG['gT_d'] = 0
par_dG['nEDM beta_G'] = 0
par_dG['gT_u'] = 0
par_dG['nEDM ~rho_u'] = 0
p = flavio.Observable['d_n'].prediction_par(par_dG, wcf)
v = 246.22
abs(-2*par_dG['nEDM ~rho_d']*1e-10),
import unittest
import numpy as np
import flavio
from flavio.physics.bdecays.bxlnu import g, gLR, gVS, gVSp
par = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()
wc_obj = flavio.WilsonCoefficients()
par['Vcb'] = 0.04221 # inclusive Vcb: see 1411.6560
class TestBXlnu(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bxclnu(self):
# check that the NLO and NNLO functions reproduce the correct numbers
flavio.physics.bdecays.bxlnu.pc1(r=(0.986/4.6)**2, mb=4.6),
-1.65019, delta=0.001)
flavio.physics.bdecays.bxlnu.pc2(r=(0.986/4.6)**2, mb=4.6),
-1.91556 -0.4519 * 9 , delta=0.001)
# check that the total BR roughly agrees with the experimental value
delta = 0.0023)
def obstable_sm(self):
if self._obstable_sm is None:
info = tree() # nested dict
for flh_name, flh in self.fast_likelihoods.items():
# loop over fast likelihoods: they only have a single "measurement"
m = flh.pseudo_measurement
ml = flh.full_measurement_likelihood
pred_sm = ml.get_predictions_par(self.par_dict_sm,
sm_cov = flh.sm_covariance.get(force=False)
_, exp_cov = flh.exp_covariance.get(force=False)
inspire_dict = self._get_inspire_dict(flh.observables, ml)
for i, obs in enumerate(flh.observables):
info[obs]['lh_name'] = flh_name
info[obs]['name'] = obs if isinstance(obs, str) else obs[0]
info[obs]['th. unc.'] = np.sqrt(sm_cov[i, i])
info[obs]['experiment'] = m.get_central(obs)
info[obs]['exp. unc.'] = np.sqrt(exp_cov[i, i])
info[obs]['exp. PDF'] = NormalDistribution(m.get_central(obs), np.sqrt(exp_cov[i, i]))
info[obs]['inspire'] = sorted(set(inspire_dict[obs]))
info[obs]['ll_sm'] = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, pred_sm[obs])
info[obs]['ll_central'] = m.get_logprobability_single(obs, m.get_central(obs))
for lh_name, lh in self.likelihoods.items():
# loop over "normal" likelihoods
ml = lh.measurement_likelihood
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get an item, adding the key to the `pcalled` set."""
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
def __copy__(self):
cp = type(self)(self.d)
cp.akeys = self.akeys
return cp
def copy(self):
return self.__copy__()
class AwareWilson(flavio.WilsonCoefficients):
"""Subclass of `flavio.WilsonCoefficients` that adds the arguments of calls
to its `match_run` method to `atuples` attribute."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.atuples = set()
def match_run(self, scale, eft, basis, sectors='all'):
self.atuples.add((scale, eft, basis, sectors))
return super().match_run(scale, eft, basis, sectors)
def get_dependent_parameters_sm(obs_name, *args, **kwargs):
"""Get the set of parameters the SM prediction of the observable depends on."""
obs = flavio.classes.Observable[obs_name]
wc_sm = flavio.physics.eft._wc_sm
par_central = flavio.default_parameters.get_central_all()