How to use the ffpuppet.checks.Check function in ffpuppet

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ffpuppet examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_01(self):
        "test Check()"
        checker = Check()
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as log_fp:
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def check(self):
        err_size = os.stat(self.stderr_file).st_size
        out_size = os.stat(self.stdout_file).st_size
        total_size = err_size + out_size
        if total_size > self.limit:
            self.message = "".join([
                "LOG_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: %s\n" % format(total_size, ","),
                "Limit: %s (%dMB)\n" % (format(self.limit, ","), self.limit/1048576),
                "stderr log: %s (%dMB)\n" % (format(err_size, ","), err_size/1048576),
                "stdout log: %s (%dMB)\n" % (format(out_size, ","), out_size/1048576)])
        return self.message is not None

class CheckMemoryUsage(Check):
    CheckMemoryUsage is used to check the amount of memory used by the browser
    process and its descendants against a defined limit.
    name = "memory_usage"
    def __init__(self, pid, limit):
        super(CheckMemoryUsage, self).__init__()
        self.limit = limit = pid

    def check(self):
        Use psutil to collect memory usage info and compare with limit.

        @rtype: bool
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# read and prepend chunk of previously read data
                    data = "".join([log["buffer"],])
                    log["offset"] = scan_fp.tell()
            except (IOError, OSError):
                # log does not exist
            for token in self.tokens:
                match =
                if match:
                    self.message = "TOKEN_LOCATED: %s\n" %
                    return True
            log["buffer"] = data[-1 * self.buf_limit:]
        return False

class CheckLogSize(Check):
    CheckLogSize will check the total file size of the browser logs.
    name = "log_size"
    def __init__(self, limit, stderr_file, stdout_file):
        super(CheckLogSize, self).__init__()
        self.limit = limit
        self.stderr_file = stderr_file
        self.stdout_file = stdout_file

    def check(self):
        err_size = os.stat(self.stderr_file).st_size
        out_size = os.stat(self.stdout_file).st_size
        total_size = err_size + out_size
        if total_size > self.limit:
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self.message = None

    def check(self):
        Implement a check that returns True when the abort conditions are met.
        raise NotImplementedError("check() needs to be implemented!")

    def dump_log(self, dst_fp):
        if self.message is not None:
            dst_fp.write(self.message.encode("utf-8", "ignore"))

class CheckLogContents(Check):
    CheckLogContents will search through the browser logs for a token.
    buf_limit = 1024  # 1KB
    chunk_size = 0x20000  # 128KB
    name = "log_contents"
    def __init__(self, log_files, search_tokens):
        assert log_files, "log_files is empty"
        assert search_tokens, "search_tokens is empty"
        super(CheckLogContents, self).__init__()
        self.logs = list()
        for log_file in log_files:
            self.logs.append({"fname": log_file, "buffer": "", "offset": 0})
        self.tokens = search_tokens