How to use the feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride function in feedparser

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few feedparser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lemon24 / reader / tests / View on Github external
    'exc_cls', [feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride, feedparser.NonXMLContentType]
def test_parse_survivable_feedparser_exceptions(
    monkeypatch, caplog, parse, data_dir, exc_cls
    """parse() should not reraise some acceptable feedparser exceptions."""

    old_feedparser_parse = feedparser.parse

    def feedparser_parse(*args, **kwargs):
        rv = old_feedparser_parse(*args, **kwargs)
        rv['bozo'] = 1
        rv['bozo_exception'] = exc_cls("whatever")
        return rv

    monkeypatch.setattr('feedparser.parse', feedparser_parse)
github owenmorris / chandler / chandler / parcels / osaf / examples / zaobao / View on Github external
if not data:
            # fetch the data
            data = feedparser.parse(str(self.url), etag, lastModified)

        # set etag
        SetAttribute(self, data, 'etag')

        # set lastModified
        modified = data.get('modified')
        if modified:
            self.lastModified = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(modified)).replace(tzinfo=None)

        # if the feed is bad, raise the sax exception
            if data.bozo and not isinstance(data.bozo_exception, feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride):
                logger.error("For url '%s', feedparser exception: %s" % (self.url, data.bozo_exception))
                raise data.bozo_exception
        except KeyError:
            print "Error"

        count = self._DoItems(data['items'])
        if count:
  "...added %d RSSItems" % count)
github plone / / plone / app / portlets / portlets / View on Github external
from DateTime import DateTime
from DateTime.interfaces import DateTimeError
from logging import getLogger
from import PloneMessageFactory as _
from import base
from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletDataProvider
from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile
from zope import schema
from zope.interface import implementer, Interface
import feedparser
import time

# Accept these bozo_exceptions encountered by feedparser when parsing
# the feed:
ACCEPTED_FEEDPARSER_EXCEPTIONS = (feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride, )

# store the feeds here (which means in RAM)
FEED_DATA = {}  # url: ({date, title, url, itemlist})

logger = getLogger(__name__)

class IFeed(Interface):

    def __init__(url, timeout):
        """initialize the feed with the given url. will not automatically load it
           timeout defines the time between updates in minutes

    def loaded():
        """return if this feed is in a loaded state"""
github Nexedi / erp5 / bt5 / erp5_knowledge_pad / ExtensionTemplateItem / portal_components / View on Github external
# set shorter timeouts and revert default at enf of read  
  default_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
    d = feedparser.parse(url, handlers=handlers)

  if d.bozo and isinstance(d.bozo_exception, urllib2.URLError):
    # we have an URL error
    return {'status':-2}
  elif d.bozo:
    # some bozo exceptions can be ignored
    if not isinstance(d.bozo_exception, (
      return {'status': -5}
  if d.status == 401:
    return {'status':-3}
  elif d.status == 404:
    return {'status':-4}

  result['items'] = []
  # some feeds may not provide logo
  if d.feed.get('image', None) is not None:
    result['logo'] = d.feed.image['href']
  result['title'] = d.feed.title
  result['link'] =
  for entry in d.entries:
    entry_dict = {}
    entry_dict['title'] = entry['title']
github Flexget / Flexget / flexget / plugins / input / View on Github external
ex = rss.get('bozo_exception', False)
        if ex or rss.get('bozo'):
            if rss.entries:
                msg = (
                    'Bozo error %s while parsing feed, but entries were produced, ignoring the error.'
                    % type(ex)
                if config.get('silent', False):
                if isinstance(ex, feedparser.NonXMLContentType):
                    # see:
                    logger.debug('ignoring feedparser.NonXMLContentType')
                elif isinstance(ex, feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride):
                    # see: ticket 88
                    logger.debug('ignoring feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride')
                elif isinstance(ex, UnicodeEncodeError):
                    raise plugin.PluginError('Feed has UnicodeEncodeError while parsing...')
                elif isinstance(
                    ex, (xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException, xml.sax._exceptions.SAXException)
                    # save invalid data for review, this is a bit ugly but users seem to really confused when
                    # html pages (login pages) are received
                    self.process_invalid_content(task, content, config['url'])
                    if task.options.debug:
                        logger.error('bozo error parsing rss: {}', ex)
                    raise plugin.PluginError(
                        'Received invalid RSS content from task %s (%s)'
                        % (, config['url'])
github owenmorris / chandler / chandler / parcels / osaf / examples / zaobao / View on Github external
if not data:
            # fetch the data
            data = feedparser.parse(str(self.url), etag, lastModified)

        # set etag
        SetAttribute(self, data, 'etag')

        # set lastModified
        modified = data.get('modified')
        if modified:
            self.lastModified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(modified)).replace(tzinfo=None)

        # if the feed is bad, raise the sax exception
            if data.bozo and not isinstance(data.bozo_exception, feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride):
                logger.error("For url '%s', feedparser exception: %s" % (self.url, data.bozo_exception))
                raise data.bozo_exception
        except KeyError:
            print "Error"

        count = self._DoItems(data['items'])
        if count:
  "...added %d RSSItems" % count)
github m3nu / upodder / upodder / View on Github external
def process_feed(url):'Downloading feed: %s' % url)
    feed = feedparser.parse(url)

    # Not all bozo errors cause total failure
    if feed.bozo and isinstance(feed.bozo_exception, 
                                (type(feedparser.NonXMLContentType), type(feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride))):
        l.error("Erroneous feed URL: %s (%s)"%(url, type(feed.bozo_exception)))

    # When parsing a website or error message, title is missing.
    if 'title' not in feed.feed:
        l.error("Erroneous feed URL: %s" % url)
        return"Parsing feed: %s"%feed.feed.title)
    for entry in feed.entries:
        EntryProcessor(entry, feed)
github gvalkov / / rsstail / View on Github external
def tick(feeds, opts, formatter, seen_id_hashes, iteration, stream=sys.stdout):
    for url, last_element_info in feeds.items():
        etag, last_mtime, last_update = last_element_info

        log.debug('parsing: %r', url)
        log.debug('etag:  %s', etag)
        log.debug('mtime: %s', date_fmt(last_mtime))

        feed = feedparser.parse(url, etag=etag, modified=last_mtime)

        if feed.bozo == 1:
            safeexc = (feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride,)
            if not isinstance(feed.bozo_exception, safeexc):
                msg = 'feed error %r:\n%s'
                die(msg, opts.nofail, url, feed.bozo_exception)

        if iteration == 1 and isinstance(opts.initial, int):
            entries = feed.entries[:opts.initial]
            entries = feed.entries

        if opts.newer:
            log.debug('showing entries older than %s', date_fmt(last_update))
            entries = [entry for entry in entries if entry.date_parsed > opts.newer]

        if last_update:
            log.debug('showing entries older than %s', date_fmt(last_update))
            entries = [entry for entry in entries if entry.updated_parsed > last_update]
github rss2email / rss2email / rss2email / View on Github external
elif isinstance(exc, _SOCKET_ERRORS):
            _LOG.error('{}: {}'.format(exc, self))
            warned = True
        elif isinstance(exc, _feedparser.zlib.error):
            _LOG.error('broken compression: {}'.format(self))
            warned = True
        elif isinstance(exc, (IOError, AttributeError)):
            _LOG.error('{}: {}'.format(exc, self))
            warned = True
        elif isinstance(exc, KeyboardInterrupt):
            raise exc
        elif isinstance(exc, _sax.SAXParseException):
            _LOG.error('sax parsing error: {}: {}'.format(exc, self))
            warned = True
        elif (parsed.bozo and
              isinstance(exc, _feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride)):
                'incorrectly declared encoding: {}: {}'.format(exc, self))
            warned = True
        elif (parsed.bozo and isinstance(exc, _feedparser.NonXMLContentType)):
            _LOG.warning('non XML Content-Type: {}: {}'.format(exc, self))
            warned = True
        elif parsed.bozo or exc:
            if exc is None:
                exc = "can't process"
            _LOG.error('processing error: {}: {}'.format(exc, self))
            warned = True

        if (not warned and
            status in [200, 302] and
            not parsed.entries and
            not version):
github DownGoat / FeedServer / feedserver / View on Github external
def bozo_checker(bozo_exception):
    This function checks if the bozo exception is a critical exception or
    a exception that can be ignored.

    :param bozo_exception The bozo exception to test.
    # Will return false by default, so only whitelisted exceptions will
    # return true.
    return_val = False

    # This exception is raised when the feed was decoded and parsed using a different encoding than what the server/feed
    # itself claimed it to be.
    if isinstance(bozo_exception, feedparser.CharacterEncodingOverride):
        return_val = True

    return return_val