How to use the federation.utils.text.validate_handle function in federation

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few federation examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jaywink / federation / federation / utils / View on Github external
def retrieve_and_parse_content(
        id: str, guid: str, handle: str, entity_type: str, sender_key_fetcher: Callable[[str], str]=None,
    """Retrieve remote content and return an Entity class instance.

    This is basically the inverse of receiving an entity. Instead, we fetch it, then call "handle_receive".

    :param sender_key_fetcher: Function to use to fetch sender public key. If not given, network will be used
        to fetch the profile and the key. Function must take handle as only parameter and return a public key.
    :returns: Entity object instance or ``None``
    if not validate_handle(handle):
    _username, domain = handle.split("@")
    url = get_fetch_content_endpoint(domain, entity_type.lower(), guid)
    document, status_code, error = fetch_document(url)
    if status_code == 200:
        request = RequestType(body=document)
        _sender, _protocol, entities = handle_receive(request, sender_key_fetcher=sender_key_fetcher)
        if len(entities) > 1:
            logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_content - more than one entity parsed from remote even though we"
                           "expected only one! ID %s", guid)
        if entities:
            return entities[0]
    elif status_code == 404:
        logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_content - remote content %s not found", guid)
github jaywink / federation / federation / View on Github external
def retrieve_remote_profile(id: str) -> Optional[Profile]:
    """High level retrieve profile method.

    Retrieve the profile from a remote location, using protocols based on the given ID.
    if validate_handle(id):
        protocols = (activitypub_protocol, diaspora_protocol)
        protocols = (identify_protocol_by_id(id),)
    for protocol in protocols:
        utils = importlib.import_module(f"federation.utils.{protocol.PROTOCOL_NAME}")
        profile = utils.retrieve_and_parse_profile(id)
        if profile:
            return profile
github jaywink / federation / federation / View on Github external
def retrieve_remote_content(
        id: str, guid: str = None, handle: str = None, entity_type: str = None,
        sender_key_fetcher: Callable[[str], str] = None,
    """Retrieve remote content and return an Entity object.

    ``sender_key_fetcher`` is an optional function to use to fetch sender public key. If not given, network will be used
    to fetch the profile and the key. Function must take federation id as only parameter and return a public key.
    if handle and validate_handle(handle):
        protocol_name = "diaspora"
        if not guid:
            guid = id
        protocol_name = identify_protocol_by_id(id).PROTOCOL_NAME
    utils = importlib.import_module("federation.utils.%s" % protocol_name)
    return utils.retrieve_and_parse_content(
        id=id, guid=guid, handle=handle, entity_type=entity_type, sender_key_fetcher=sender_key_fetcher,
github jaywink / federation / federation / protocols / diaspora / View on Github external
def identify_id(id: str) -> bool:
    Try to identify if this ID is a Diaspora ID.
    return validate_handle(id)
github jaywink / federation / federation / entities / activitypub / View on Github external
if len(self._children):
            as2["object"]["attachment"] = []
            for child in self._children:

        if len(self._mentions):
            mentions = list(self._mentions)
            for mention in mentions:
                if mention.startswith("http"):
                        'type': 'Mention',
                        'href': mention,
                        'name': mention,
                elif validate_handle(mention):
                    # Look up via WebFinger
                        'type': 'Mention',
                        'href': mention,  # TODO need to implement fetch via webfinger for AP handles first
                        'name': mention,


        if self.guid:
            as2["object"]["diaspora:guid"] = self.guid

        return as2
github jaywink / federation / federation / utils / View on Github external
def retrieve_and_parse_profile(fid: str) -> Optional[ActivitypubProfile]:
    Retrieve the remote fid and return a Profile object.
    if validate_handle(fid):
        profile_id = get_profile_id_from_webfinger(fid)
        if not profile_id:
        profile_id = fid
    profile = retrieve_and_parse_document(profile_id)
    if not profile:
    except ValueError as ex:
        logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_profile - found profile %s but it didn't validate: %s",
                       profile, ex)
    return profile