How to use the fbpic.utils.cuda.cuda_installed function in fbpic

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def run_cpu_gpu_deposition(show=False, particle_shape='cubic'):

    # Skip this test if cuda is not installed
    if not cuda_installed:

    # Perform deposition for a few timesteps, with both the CPU and GPU
    for hardware in ['cpu', 'gpu']:
        if hardware=='cpu':
            use_cuda = False
        elif hardware=='gpu':
            use_cuda = True

        # Initialize the simulation object
        sim = Simulation( Nz, zmax, Nr, rmax, Nm, dt,
            zmin=zmin, use_cuda=use_cuda, particle_shape=particle_shape )
        sim.ptcl = []

        # Add an electron bunch (set the random seed first)
github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / fields / spectral_transform / View on Github external
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file is part of FBPIC (Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell code).
It defines the class that performs the Hankel transform.

Definition of the Hankel forward and backward transform of order p:
g(\nu) = 2 \pi \int_0^\infty f(r) J_p( 2 \pi \nu r) r dr
f( r ) = 2 \pi \int_0^\infty g(\nu) J_p( 2 \pi \nu r) \nu d\nu d
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import jn, jn_zeros

# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA functions
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed
from .numba_methods import numba_copy_2dC_to_2dR, numba_copy_2dR_to_2dC
if cuda_installed:
    from pyculib import blas as cublas
    from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda, cuda_tpb_bpg_2d
    from .cuda_methods import cuda_copy_2dC_to_2dR, cuda_copy_2dR_to_2dC

class DHT(object):
    Class that allows to perform the Discrete Hankel Transform.

    def __init__(self, p, m, Nr, Nz, rmax, use_cuda=False ):
        Calculate the r (position) and nu (frequency) grid
        on which the transform will operate.

        Also store auxiliary data needed for the transform.
github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / fields / View on Github external
This file is part of the Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell code (FB-PIC)
It defines the SpectralGrid class.
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import epsilon_0
from .numba_methods import numba_push_eb_standard, numba_push_eb_comoving, \
    numba_push_eb_pml_standard, numba_push_eb_pml_comoving, \
    numba_correct_currents_curlfree_standard, \
    numba_correct_currents_crossdeposition_standard, \
    numba_correct_currents_curlfree_comoving, \
    numba_correct_currents_crossdeposition_comoving, \
    numba_filter_scalar, numba_filter_vector
# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA functions
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed
if cuda_installed:
    from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_tpb_bpg_2d
    from .cuda_methods import cuda, \
    cuda_correct_currents_curlfree_standard, \
    cuda_correct_currents_crossdeposition_standard, \
    cuda_correct_currents_curlfree_comoving, \
    cuda_correct_currents_crossdeposition_comoving, \
    cuda_filter_scalar, cuda_filter_vector, \
    cuda_push_eb_standard, cuda_push_eb_comoving, \
    cuda_push_eb_pml_standard, cuda_push_eb_pml_comoving, \

class SpectralGrid(object) :
    Contains the fields and coordinates of the spectral grid.
github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / openpmd_diag / View on Github external
This file is part of the Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell code (FB-PIC)

It defines functions that can save checkpoints,
as well as reload a simulation from a set of checkpoints.
import os, re
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import e
from .field_diag import FieldDiagnostic
from .particle_diag import ParticleDiagnostic
from fbpic.utils.mpi import comm

# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed
if cuda_installed:
        from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda

def set_periodic_checkpoint( sim, period, checkpoint_dir='./checkpoints' ):
    Set up periodic checkpoints of the simulation

    The checkpoints are saved in openPMD format, in the specified
    directory, with one subdirectory per process.
    The E and B fields and particle information of each processor is saved.

    NB: Checkpoints are registered in the list `checkpoints` of the Simulation
    object `sim`, and written at the end of the PIC loop (whereas regular
    diagnostics are written at the beginning of the PIC loop).

github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / utils / View on Github external
if sim.comm.size > 1:
                message += "with %d MPI processes " %sim.comm.size
            if sim.use_threading and not sim.use_cuda:
                message += "(%d threads per process) " %sim.cpu_threads
        # Detailed information
        elif verbose_level == 2:
            # Information on MPI
            if mpi_installed:
                message += '\nMPI available: Yes'
                message += '\nMPI processes used: %d' %sim.comm.size
                message += '\nMPI Library Information: \n%s' \
                message += '\nMPI available: No'
            # Information on Cuda
            if cuda_installed:
                message += '\nCUDA available: Yes'
                message += '\nCUDA available: No'
            # Information about the architecture and the node used
            if sim.use_cuda:
                message += '\nCompute architecture: GPU (CUDA)'
                if mpi_installed:
                    if gpudirect_enabled:
                        message += '\nCUDA GPUDirect (MPI) enabled: Yes'
                        message += '\nCUDA GPUDirect (MPI) enabled: No'
                node_message = get_gpu_message()
                message += '\nCompute architecture: CPU'
                if sim.use_threading:
                    message += '\nCPU multi-threading enabled: Yes'
github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / boundaries / View on Github external
It defines the structure necessary to implement the boundary exchanges.
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c
from fbpic.utils.mpi import MPI, comm, mpi_type_dict, \
    mpi_installed, gpudirect_enabled
from fbpic.fields.fields import InterpolationGrid
from fbpic.fields.utility_methods import get_stencil_reach
from fbpic.particles.particles import Particles
from .field_buffer_handling import BufferHandler
from .pml_damping import PMLDamper
from .particle_buffer_handling import remove_outside_particles, \
     add_buffers_to_particles, shift_particles_periodic_subdomain
# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA functions
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed
if cuda_installed:
    from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda, cuda_tpb_bpg_2d
    from .cuda_methods import cuda_damp_EB_left, cuda_damp_EB_right, \
                                cuda_damp_EB_left_pml, cuda_damp_EB_right_pml

class BoundaryCommunicator(object):
    Class that handles the boundary conditions along z, esp.
    the moving window and MPI communication between domains.
    It also handles the initial domain decomposition.

    The functions of this object are:

    - At each timestep, to exchange the fields between MPI domains
      in the guard cells (n_guard) and damp the E and B fields in the damping
      guard cells (nz_damp)
github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / fields / spectral_transform / View on Github external
# Copyright 2016, FBPIC contributors
# Authors: Remi Lehe, Manuel Kirchen
# License: 3-Clause-BSD-LBNL
This file is part of the Fourier-Bessel Particle-In-Cell code (FB-PIC)
It defines the SpectralTransformer class, which handles conversion of
the fields from the interpolation grid to the spectral grid and vice-versa.
import numpy as np
from .hankel import DHT
from .fourier import FFT

from .numba_methods import numba_rt_to_pm, numba_pm_to_rt
# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA functions
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed, cuda
if cuda_installed:
    from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_tpb_bpg_2d
    from .cuda_methods import cuda_rt_to_pm, cuda_pm_to_rt

class SpectralTransformer(object) :
    Object that allows to transform the fields back and forth between the
    spectral and interpolation grid.

    Attributes :
    - dht0, dhtm, dhtp : the discrete Hankel transform objects
       that operates along r
    - fft : the discrete Fourier transform object that operates along z

    Main methods :
    - spect2interp_scal :
        converts a scalar field from the spectral to the interpolation grid
github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / fields / View on Github external
self.Nr = Nr
        self.rmax = rmax
        self.Nm = Nm
        self.dt = dt
        self.n_order = n_order
        self.v_comoving = v_comoving
        self.use_galilean = use_galilean

        # Set the default smoother
        if smoother is None:
            smoother = BinomialSmoother( n_passes=1, compensator=False )
        self.smoother = smoother

        # Define wether or not to use the GPU
        self.use_cuda = use_cuda
        if (self.use_cuda==True) and (cuda_installed==False) :
                'Cuda not available for the fields.\n'
                'Performing the field operations on the CPU.' )
            self.use_cuda = False

        # Register the current correction type
        if current_correction in ['curl-free', 'cross-deposition']:
            self.current_correction = current_correction
            raise ValueError('Unkown current correction:%s'%current_correction)

        # Create the list of the transformers, which convert the fields
        # back and forth between the spatial and spectral grid
        # (one object per azimuthal mode)
        self.trans = []
        for m in range(Nm) :
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Number of grid points along the r axis (axis -1)

        Nz: int
           Number of grid points along the z axis (axis 0)

        use_cuda: bool, optional
           Whether to perform the Fourier transform on the z axis

        nthreads : int, optional
            Number of threads for the FFTW transform.
            If None, the default number of threads of numba is used
            (environment variable NUMBA_NUM_THREADS)
        # Check whether to use cuda
        self.use_cuda = use_cuda
        if (self.use_cuda is True) and (cuda_installed is False) :
            self.use_cuda = False
            print('** Cuda not available for Fourier transform.')
            print('** Performing the Fourier transform on the CPU.')

        # Check whether to use MKL
        self.use_mkl = mkl_installed

        # Initialize the object for calculation on the GPU
        if self.use_cuda:
            # Initialize the dimension of the grid and blocks
            self.dim_grid, self.dim_block = cuda_tpb_bpg_2d( Nz, Nr)

            # Initialize 1d buffer for cufft
            self.buffer1d_in = cuda.device_array(
                (Nz*Nr,), dtype=np.complex128)
            self.buffer1d_out = cuda.device_array(
github fbpic / fbpic / fbpic / openpmd_diag / View on Github external
Major features:
- The class reuses the existing methods of ParticleDiagnostic
  as much as possible through class inheritance
- The class implements memory buffering of the slices, so as
  not to write to disk at every timestep
import os
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, e
from .particle_diag import ParticleDiagnostic

# Check if CUDA is available, then import CUDA functions
from fbpic.utils.cuda import cuda_installed
if cuda_installed:
    from .cuda_methods import extract_slice_from_gpu

class BackTransformedParticleDiagnostic(ParticleDiagnostic):
    Class that writes the particles *in the lab frame*,
    from a simulation in the boosted frame

    Particles are extracted from the simulation in slices each time step
    and buffered in memory before writing to disk. On the CPU, slices of
    particles are directly selected from the particle arrays of the species.
    On the GPU, first particles within an area of cells surrounding the
    output planes are extracted from the GPU particle arrays and stored in
    a smaller GPU array, which is then copied to the CPU for selection.
    The mechanism of extracting the particles within the outputplane-area
    on the GPU relies on particle arrays being sorted on the GPU. For the
    back-transformation to the Lab frame, interpolation in space is applied,