How to use the ezdxf.lldxf.attributes.DXFAttr function in ezdxf

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class AttributeChecker(DXFEntity):
    DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(
        DefSubclass(None, {
            'handle': DXFAttr(5),
            'block_record': DXFAttr(330),
        DefSubclass('AcDbEntity', {
            'paperspace': DXFAttr(67, default=0),
            'layer': DXFAttr(8, default='0'),
            'linetype': DXFAttr(6, default='BYLAYER'),
            'ltscale': DXFAttr(48, default=1.0),
            'invisible': DXFAttr(60, default=0),
            'color': DXFAttr(62, default=256),
        DefSubclass('AcDbLine', {
            'start': DXFAttr(10, XType.any_point),
            'end': DXFAttr(11, XType.any_point),
            'thickness': DXFAttr(39),
            'extrusion': DXFAttr(210, XType.point3d),
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'paperspace': DXFAttr(67, default=0),  # 0 .. modelspace, 1 .. paperspace
    'layer': DXFAttr(8, default='0'),  # layername as string
    'linetype': DXFAttr(6, default='BYLAYER'),  # linetype as string, special names BYLAYER/BYBLOCK
    'lineweight': DXFAttr(370),  # Stored and moved around as a 16-bit integer
    # Line weight in mm times 100 (e.g. 0.13mm = 13). Smallest line weight is 13 and biggest line weight is 200, values
    # outside this range prevents AutoCAD from loading the file.
    # Special values:
    'ltscale': DXFAttr(48, default=1.0),  # linetype scale
    'invisible': DXFAttr(60, default=0),  # invisible .. 1, visible .. 0
    'color': DXFAttr(62, default=256),  # dxf color index, 0 .. BYBLOCK, 256 .. BYLAYER
    'true_color': DXFAttr(420, dxfversion='AC1018'),  # true color as 0x00RRGGBB 24-bit value
    'color_name': DXFAttr(430, dxfversion='AC1018'),  # color name as string
    'transparency': DXFAttr(440, dxfversion='AC1018'),  # transparency value 0x020000TT 0 = fully transparent / 255 = opaque
    'shadow_mode': DXFAttr(284, dxfversion='AC1021'),  # shadow_mode
    # 0 = Casts and receives shadows
    # 1 = Casts shadows
    # 2 = Receives shadows
    # 3 = Ignores shadows


# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
class ModernGraphicEntityExtension:
    __slots__ = ()

    def rgb(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        return int2rgb(self.get_dxf_attrib('true_color'))
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'dimtdec': DXFAttr(272),
    'dimaltu': DXFAttr(273),
    'dimalttd': DXFAttr(274),
    'dimaunit': DXFAttr(275),
    'dimfrac': DXFAttr(276),
    'dimlunit': DXFAttr(277),
    'dimdsep': DXFAttr(278),
    'dimtmove': DXFAttr(279),
    'dimjust': DXFAttr(280),
    'dimsd1': DXFAttr(281),
    'dimsd2': DXFAttr(282),
    'dimtolj': DXFAttr(283),
    'dimtzin': DXFAttr(284),
    'dimaltz': DXFAttr(285),
    'dimalttz': DXFAttr(286),
    'dimfit': DXFAttr(287),  # obsolete, now use DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE
    'dimupt': DXFAttr(288),
    'dimatfit': DXFAttr(289),
    'dimfxlon': DXFAttr(290, dxfversion='AC1021'),  # undocumented: 1 = fixed extension line length
    'dimtxsty_handle': DXFAttr(340),  # handle of referenced STYLE entry
    # virtual DXF attribute 'dimtxsty': set/get referenced STYLE by name as callback
    'dimtxsty': DXFAttr(VIRTUAL_TAG, xtype=XType.callback, getter='get_text_style', setter='set_text_style'),
    # virtual DXF attribute 'dimldrblk': set/get referenced STYLE by name as callback
    'dimldrblk': DXFAttr(VIRTUAL_TAG, xtype=XType.callback, getter='get_dimldrblk', setter='set_dimldrblk'),
    'dimldrblk_handle': DXFAttr(341),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD
    'dimblk_handle': DXFAttr(342),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD
    'dimblk1_handle': DXFAttr(343),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD
    'dimblk2_handle': DXFAttr(344),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD

    'dimltype_handle': DXFAttr(345, dxfversion='AC1021'),  # handle of linetype for dimension line
    # virtual DXF attribute 'dimldtype': set/get referenced LINETYPE by name as callback
    'dimltype': DXFAttr(VIRTUAL_TAG,
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# -1 = On, but is fully off screen, or is one of the viewports that is not active because the $MAXACTVP count is
    #      currently being exceeded.
    #  0 = Off
    #  = On and active. The value indicates the order of stacking for the viewports, where 1 is the
    # active viewport, 2 is the next, and so forth
    'id': DXFAttr(69, default=2),
    'view_center_point': DXFAttr(12, xtype=XType.point2d, default=Vector(0, 0)),  # View center point (in DCS)
    'snap_base_point': DXFAttr(13, xtype=XType.point2d, default=Vector(0, 0)),
    'snap_spacing': DXFAttr(14, xtype=XType.point2d, default=Vector(10, 10)),
    'grid_spacing': DXFAttr(15, xtype=XType.point2d, default=Vector(10, 10)),
    'view_direction_vector': DXFAttr(16, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),  # View direction vector (WCS)
    'view_target_point': DXFAttr(17, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),  # View target point (in WCS)
    'perspective_lens_length': DXFAttr(42, default=50),
    'front_clip_plane_z_value': DXFAttr(43, default=0),
    'back_clip_plane_z_value': DXFAttr(44, default=0),
    'view_height': DXFAttr(45, default=1),  # View height (in model space units)
    'snap_angle': DXFAttr(50, default=0),
    'view_twist_angle': DXFAttr(51, default=0),
    'circle_zoom': DXFAttr(72, default=100),
    # 331: Frozen layer object ID/handle (multiple entries may exist) (optional)
    'flags': DXFAttr(90, default=0),
    # Viewport status bit-coded flags:
    # 1 (0x1) = Enables perspective mode
    # 2 (0x2) = Enables front clipping
    # 4 (0x4) = Enables back clipping
    # 8 (0x8) = Enables UCS follow
    # 16 (0x10) = Enables front clip not at eye
    # 32 (0x20) = Enables UCS icon visibility
    # 64 (0x40) = Enables UCS icon at origin
    # 128 (0x80) = Enables fast zoom
    # 256 (0x100) = Enables snap mode
    # 512 (0x200) = Enables grid mode
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'dimtp': DXFAttr(47, default=0),
    'dimtm': DXFAttr(48, default=0),

    # undocumented: length of extension line if fixed (dimfxlon = 1)
    'dimfxl': DXFAttr(49, dxfversion=DXF2007, default=2.5),
    # jog angle, Angle of oblique dimension line segment in jogged radius dimension
    'dimjogang': DXFAttr(50, dxfversion=DXF2007, default=90, optional=True),
    'dimtxt': DXFAttr(140, default=2.5),  # measurement text height
    'dimcen': DXFAttr(141, default=2.5),  # center marks and center lines; 0 = off, <0 = center line, >0 = center mark
    'dimtsz': DXFAttr(142, default=0),
    'dimaltf': DXFAttr(143, default=0.03937007874),
    'dimlfac': DXFAttr(144, default=1),  # length factor
    'dimtvp': DXFAttr(145, default=0),  # text vertical position if dimtad=0
    'dimtfac': DXFAttr(146, default=1),
    'dimgap': DXFAttr(147, default=.625),  # default gap around the measurement text
    'dimaltrnd': DXFAttr(148, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),
    'dimtfill': DXFAttr(69, dxfversion=DXF2007, default=0),  # 0=None, 1=canvas color, 2=dimtfillclr
    'dimtfillclr': DXFAttr(70, dxfversion=DXF2007, default=0),  # color index for dimtfill==2
    'dimtol': DXFAttr(71, default=0),
    'dimlim': DXFAttr(72, default=0),
    'dimtih': DXFAttr(73, default=0),  # text inside horizontal
    'dimtoh': DXFAttr(74, default=0),  # text outside horizontal
    'dimse1': DXFAttr(75, default=0),  # suppress extension line 1
    'dimse2': DXFAttr(76, default=0),  # suppress extension line 2
    'dimtad': DXFAttr(77, default=1),  # 0=center; 1+2+3=above; 4=below
    'dimzin': DXFAttr(78, default=8),
    'dimazin': DXFAttr(79, default=0, dxfversion=DXF2000),
    'unknown1': DXFAttr(90, dxfversion=DXF2000, optional=True),
    'dimalt': DXFAttr(170, default=0),
    'dimaltd': DXFAttr(171, default=3),
    'dimtofl': DXFAttr(172, default=1),
    'dimsah': DXFAttr(173, default=0),
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from ezdxf.lldxf.const import SUBCLASS_MARKER, DXF2000
from .dxfentity import base_class, SubclassProcessor
from .dxfgfx import DXFGraphic, acdb_entity
from .factory import register_entity

    from ezdxf.eztypes import TagWriter, DXFNamespace, UCS

__all__ = ['Tolerance']

acdb_tolerance = DefSubclass('AcDbFcf', {
    'dimstyle': DXFAttr(3, default='Standard'),
    'insert': DXFAttr(10, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),  # Insertion point (in WCS)
    'content': DXFAttr(1, default=""),  # String representing the visual representation of the tolerance
    'extrusion': DXFAttr(210, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 1), optional=True),  # Extrusion direction
    'x_axis_vector': DXFAttr(11, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(1, 0, 0)),  # X-axis direction vector (in WCS)

class Tolerance(DXFGraphic):
    """ DXF TOLERANCE entity """
    DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_tolerance)

    def load_dxf_attribs(self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace':
        dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor)
        if processor:
            tags = processor.load_dxfattribs_into_namespace(dxf, acdb_tolerance)
            if len(tags):
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class MultiLeader(MLeader):

acdb_mleader_style = DefSubclass('AcDbMLeaderStyle', {
    'unknown1': DXFAttr(179, default=2),
    'content_type': DXFAttr(170, default=2),
    'draw_mleader_order_type': DXFAttr(171, default=1),
    'draw_leader_order_type': DXFAttr(172, default=0),
    'max_leader_segments_points': DXFAttr(90, default=2),  # MaxLeader Segments Points
    'first_segment_angle_constraint': DXFAttr(40, default=0.0),  # First Segment Angle Constraint
    'second_segment_angle_constraint': DXFAttr(41, default=0.0),  # Second Segment Angle Constraint
    'leader_line_type': DXFAttr(173, default=1),
    'leader_line_color': DXFAttr(91, default=-1056964608),
    'leader_line_type_handle': DXFAttr(340),  # handle
    'leader_line_weight': DXFAttr(92, default=-2),
    'enable_landing': DXFAttr(290, default=1),
    'landing_gap': DXFAttr(42, default=2.0),
    'enable_dog_leg': DXFAttr(291, default=1),
    'dog_leg_length': DXFAttr(43, default=8),
    'name': DXFAttr(3, default='Standard'),
    'arrow_head_handle': DXFAttr(341),  # no handle is default arrow 'closed filled'
    'arrow_head_size': DXFAttr(44, default=4),
    'default_mtext_contents': DXFAttr(300, default=''),
    'text_style_handle': DXFAttr(342),  # handle to text style 'Standard'
    'text_left_attachment_type': DXFAttr(174, default=1),
    'text_angle_type': DXFAttr(175, default=1),
    'text_alignment_type': DXFAttr(176, default=0),
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'dimdsep': DXFAttr(278, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=44),

    # 0 = Moves the dimension line with dimension text
    # 1 = Adds a leader when dimension text is moved
    # 2 = Allows text to be moved freely without a leader
    'dimtmove': DXFAttr(279, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),

    'dimjust': DXFAttr(280, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),  # 0=center; 1=left; 2=right; 3=above ext1; 4=above ext2
    'dimsd1': DXFAttr(281, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),  # suppress first part of the dimension line
    'dimsd2': DXFAttr(282, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),  # suppress second part of the dimension line
    'dimtolj': DXFAttr(283, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),
    'dimtzin': DXFAttr(284, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=8),
    'dimaltz': DXFAttr(285, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),
    'dimalttz': DXFAttr(286, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),
    'dimfit': DXFAttr(287),  # obsolete, now use DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE
    'dimupt': DXFAttr(288, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=0),

    # 0 = Places both text and arrows outside extension lines
    # 1 = Moves arrows first, then text
    # 2 = Moves text first, then arrows
    # 3 = Moves either text or arrows, whichever fits best
    'dimatfit': DXFAttr(289, dxfversion=DXF2000, default=3),

    'dimfxlon': DXFAttr(290, dxfversion=DXF2007, default=0),  # undocumented: 1 = fixed extension line length

    # virtual DXF attribute 'dimtxsty': set/get STYLE by name
    'dimtxsty': DXFAttr(VIRTUAL_TAG, dxfversion=DXF2000),

    # virtual DXF attribute 'dimldrblk': set/get leader arrow by block name
    'dimldrblk': DXFAttr(VIRTUAL_TAG, dxfversion=DXF2000),
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# virtual DXF attribute 'dimltex1': set/get referenced LINETYPE by name as callback
    'dimltex1': DXFAttr(VIRTUAL_TAG, dxfversion=DXF2007),

    # handles not used internally, handles are set at export
    'dimtxsty_handle': DXFAttr(340, dxfversion=DXF2000),  # handle of referenced STYLE entry
    'dimblk_handle': DXFAttr(342, dxfversion=DXF2000),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD
    'dimblk1_handle': DXFAttr(343, dxfversion=DXF2000),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD
    'dimblk2_handle': DXFAttr(344, dxfversion=DXF2000),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD
    'dimldrblk_handle': DXFAttr(341, dxfversion=DXF2000),  # handle of referenced BLOCK_RECORD
    'dimltype_handle': DXFAttr(345, dxfversion=DXF2007),  # handle of linetype for dimension line
    'dimltex1_handle': DXFAttr(346, dxfversion=DXF2007),  # handle of linetype for extension line 1
    'dimltex2_handle': DXFAttr(347, dxfversion=DXF2007),  # handle of linetype for extension line 2

    # dimension line lineweight enum value, default BYBLOCK
    'dimlwd': DXFAttr(371, default=LINEWEIGHT_BYBLOCK, dxfversion=DXF2000),

    # extension line lineweight enum value, default BYBLOCK
    'dimlwe': DXFAttr(372, default=LINEWEIGHT_BYBLOCK, dxfversion=DXF2000),


EXPORT_MAP_R2007 = [
    'name', 'flags', 'dimscale', 'dimasz', 'dimexo', 'dimdli', 'dimexe', 'dimrnd', 'dimdle', 'dimtp', 'dimtm', 'dimfxl',
    'dimjogang', 'dimtxt', 'dimcen', 'dimtsz', 'dimaltf', 'dimlfac', 'dimtvp', 'dimtfac', 'dimgap', 'dimaltrnd',
    'dimtfill', 'dimtfillclr', 'dimtol', 'dimlim', 'dimtih', 'dimtoh', 'dimse1', 'dimse2', 'dimtad', 'dimzin',
    'dimazin', 'unknown1', 'dimalt', 'dimaltd', 'dimtofl', 'dimsah', 'dimtix', 'dimsoxd', 'dimclrd', 'dimclre',
    'dimclrt', 'dimadec', 'dimdec', 'dimtdec', 'dimaltu', 'dimalttd', 'dimaunit', 'dimfrac', 'dimlunit', 'dimdsep',
    'dimtmove', 'dimjust', 'dimsd1', 'dimsd2', 'dimtolj', 'dimtzin', 'dimaltz', 'dimalttz', 'dimupt', 'dimatfit',
    'dimfxlon', 'dimtxsty_handle', 'dimldrblk_handle', 'dimblk_handle', 'dimblk1_handle', 'dimblk2_handle',
    'dimltype_handle', 'dimltex1_handle', 'dimltex2_handle', 'dimlwd', 'dimlwe'
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.. versionadded:: 0.12

        return explode_entity(self, target_layout)

acdb_arc_dimension = DefSubclass('AcDbArcDimension', {
    'ext_line1_point': DXFAttr(13, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),
    'ext_line2_point': DXFAttr(14, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),
    'arc_center': DXFAttr(15, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),
    'start_angle': DXFAttr(40),  # radians?
    'end_angle': DXFAttr(41),  # radians?
    'is_partial': DXFAttr(70),
    'has_leader': DXFAttr(71),
    'leader_point1': DXFAttr(16, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),
    'leader_point2': DXFAttr(17, xtype=XType.point3d, default=Vector(0, 0, 0)),

class ArcDimension(Dimension):
    """ DXF ARC_DIMENSION entity """
    DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_dimension, acdb_arc_dimension)

    def load_dxf_attribs(self, processor: SubclassProcessor = None) -> 'DXFNamespace':
        # skip Dimension loader
        dxf = super(Dimension, self).load_dxf_attribs(processor)
        if processor:
            tags = processor.load_dxfattribs_into_namespace(dxf, acdb_dimension)