How to use the function in execnet

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few execnet examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pytest-dev / execnet / execnet / View on Github external
def dumps_internal(obj):
    return _Serializer().save(obj)
github pytest-dev / execnet / execnet / View on Github external
def dumps(obj):
    """ return a serialized bytestring of the given obj.

    The obj and all contained objects must be of a builtin
    python type (so nested dicts, sets, etc. are all ok but
    not user-level instances).
    return _Serializer().save(obj, versioned=True)
github pytest-dev / execnet / execnet / View on Github external
def dump(byteio, obj):
    """ write a serialized bytestring of the given obj to the given stream. """
    _Serializer(write=byteio.write).save(obj, versioned=True)