How to use the enaml.qt.QtCore.QPointF function in enaml

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github inkcut / inkcut / inkcut / core / View on Github external
def parse(self, e):
        c = QtCore.QPointF(*map(self.parseUnit, (e.attrib.get('cx', 0),
                                                 e.attrib.get('cy', 0))))
        r = self.parseUnit(e.attrib.get('r', 0))
        self.addEllipse(c, r, r)
github nucleic / enaml / enaml / qt / View on Github external
    anchor = Typed(QPointF, factory=lambda: QPointF(0.5, 0.0))
github inkcut / inkcut / inkcut / device / filters / View on Github external
sp = QPainterPath()
        next_angle = sp.angleAtPercent(1)

        # Direction of last move
        angle = blade_path.angleAtPercent(1)

        # If not continuous it needs corrected with an arc
        if isnan(angle) or isnan(next_angle):
        if abs(angle - next_angle) > self.config.cutoff:
            r = self.config.offset
            a = radians(next_angle)
            dx, dy = r*cos(a), -r*sin(a)
            po = QPointF(cur.x()+dx, cur.y()+dy)

            c = offset_path.currentPosition()
            dx, dy = po.x()-cur.x()+c.x()-cur.x(), po.y()-cur.y()+c.y()-cur.y()
            c1 = QPointF(cur.x()+dx, cur.y()+dy)
            offset_path.quadTo(c1, po)
            # This works for small offsets < 0.5 mm
github nucleic / enaml / enaml / qt / View on Github external
def updatePixmap(self, rect):
        """ Update the pixmap for the current transition.

        This method sets a radial clipping region on the output pixmap
        and draws in the relevant portion of the ending pixamp.

        x = rect.x()
        y = rect.y()
        rx = rect.width()
        ry = rect.height()
        path = QPainterPath()
        path.addEllipse(QPointF(x, y), float(rx), float(ry))
        painter = QPainter(self.outPixmap())
        painter.drawPixmap(QPoint(0, 0), self.endPixmap())
github nucleic / enaml / enaml / qt / View on Github external
def set_parent_anchor(self, anchor):
        """ Set the parent anchor location on the underlying widget.

github inkcut / inkcut / src / inkcut / workbench / core / View on Github external
#: this is effectively the resolution the software supplies
                step_size = self.step_size

                #: Time to wait between each step so we don't get
                #: way ahead of the cutter and fill up it's buffer
                step_time = self.step_time

                #: Total length
                total_length = float(job.model.length())
                #: How far we went already
                total_moved = 0

                #: Previous point
                _p = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)

                self.status = "Job length: {}".format(total_length)

                update =  0

                #: For each path
                for path in model.toSubpathPolygons():

                    #: And then each point within the path
                    #: this is a polygon
                    for i, p in enumerate(path):

                        #: TODO: If the device does not support streaming
                        #: the path interpolation should be skipped entirely

                        #: Make a subpath
github inkcut / inkcut / inkcut / device / View on Github external
            model: QPainterPath
                The path to process

            generator: A list or generator object that yields each command
             to invoke on the device and the distance moved. In the format
             (distance, cmd, args, kwargs)

        config = self.config

        # Previous point
        _p = QtCore.QPointF(self.origin[0], self.origin[1])

        # Do a final translation since Qt's y axis is reversed from svg's
        # It should now be a bbox of (x=0, y=0, width, height)
        # this creates a copy
        model = model * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(1, -1)

        # Determine if interpolation should be used
        skip_interpolation = (self.connection.always_spools or config.spooled
                              or not config.interpolate)

        # speed = distance/seconds
        # So distance/speed = seconds to wait
        step_size = config.step_size
        if not skip_interpolation and step_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot have a step size <= 0!")
github inkcut / inkcut / inkcut / core / View on Github external
paths = []
        path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        i = 0
        while i < self.elementCount():
            e = self.elementAt(i)
            if e.type == ElementType.MoveToElement:
                if not path.isEmpty():
                path = QtGui.QPainterPath(QtCore.QPointF(e.x, e.y))
            elif e.type == ElementType.LineToElement:
                path.lineTo(QtCore.QPointF(e.x, e.y))
            elif e.type == ElementType.CurveToElement:
                e1, e2 = self.elementAt(i+1), self.elementAt(i+2)
                path.cubicTo(QtCore.QPointF(e.x, e.y),
                             QtCore.QPointF(e1.x, e1.y),
                             QtCore.QPointF(e2.x, e2.y))
                i += 2
                raise ValueError("Invalid element type %s" % (e.type,))
            i += 1
        if not path.isEmpty():
        return paths
github ContinuumIO / ashiba / enaml / qt / View on Github external
AnchorParent = 0

    #: Anchor to mouse
    AnchorCursor = 1

    class ViewState(Atom):
        """ A private class used to manage the state of a popup view.

        #: The anchor location on the view. The default anchors
        #: the top center of the view to the center of the parent.
        anchor = Typed(QPointF, factory=lambda: QPointF(0.5, 0.0))

        #: The anchor location on the parent. The default anchors
        #: the top center of the view to the center of the parent.
        parent_anchor = Typed(QPointF, factory=lambda: QPointF(0.5, 0.5))

        #: Anchor to parent or cursor
        anchor_mode = Int(0)  # AnchorParent

        #: The size of the arrow for the view.
        arrow_size = Int(0)

        #: The edge location of the arrow for the view.
        arrow_edge = Int(0)  # LeftEdge

        #: The position of the arrow for the view.
        arrow_position = Float(0.5)

        #: The offset of the view wrt to the anchor.
        offset = Typed(QPoint, factory=lambda: QPoint(0, 0))