How to use the easygui.multenterbox function in easygui

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few easygui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Jflick58 / Easysentiment / easysentiment / View on Github external
if button == options[0]:
    if button == options[1]:'', new=0, autoraise=True)
    if button == options[2]:

    msg = "Enter your query information. Output will be in the form of a .csv file"
    title = version
    fieldNames = [  # NOQA
        "Search term (do not include the '#' mark, just the the hashtag text)", "From Account",
        "Starting Date (YYYY-MM-DD)", "Ending Date (YYYY-MM-DD)", "Number of Tweets",
        "Output File Name"
    fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values  # NOQA
    fieldValues = g.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames)  # NOQA

    query = fieldValues[0]
    account = fieldValues[1]
    starting_date = fieldValues[2]
    ending_date = fieldValues[3]
    limit = int(fieldValues[4])
    output2 = fieldValues[5]

    # Scrape Twitter

    tweets = query_tweets(
        query + '%20from%3A' + account +
        '%20since%3A' + starting_date + 'until%3A' + ending_date, limit

    with open(output2 + '.json', "w") as output:
github ohsnapitsnathan / brainkit / View on Github external
else: #pre=post test
            m1=eg.choicebox(title="Select measurement 1",msg="Select which column contains data files corresponding to measurement 1",choices=splitHead)
            if m1:
                for item in range(0,len(splitHead)):
                    if m1 in splitHead[item]:
                m2=eg.choicebox(title="Select measurement 2",msg="Select which column contains data files corresponding to measurement 2",choices=splitHead)
                if m2:
                    for item in range(0,len(splitHead)):
                        if m2 in splitHead[item]:
                setup=eg.multenterbox(title="Analysis settings",msg="Choose the settings you want for this analysis.",fields=["Critical p:","Use Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons?(y/n)","Permutations per variable","Epoch size(seconds)","Artifact rejection threshold"],values=["0.05","n","10000","10","0.5"])
                for item in efLines[1:]:
                    print("Loading session "+str(item))
                    #get the neurophys data
                    if True:
                        for index in range(0,len(physdata1)):
github Jflick58 / Easysentiment / easysentiment / View on Github external
if button == options[0]:
    if button == options[1]:'', new=0, autoraise=True)
    if button == options[2]:

    msg = "Enter your query information. Output will be in the form of a .json file"
    title = version
    fieldNames = [  # NOQA
        "Search term (do not include the '#' mark, just the the hashtag text)", "From Account",
        "Starting Date (YYYY-MM-DD)", "Ending Date (YYYY-MM-DD)", "Number of Tweets",
        "Output File Name"
    fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values  # NOQA
    fieldValues = g.multenterbox(msg, title, fieldNames)  # NOQA

    query = fieldValues[0]
    account = fieldValues[1]
    starting_date = fieldValues[2]
    ending_date = fieldValues[3]
    limit = int(fieldValues[4])
    output2 = fieldValues[5]

    # Scrape Twitter

    tweets = query_tweets(
        query + '%20from%3A' + account +
        '%20since%3A' + starting_date + 'until%3A' + ending_date, limit

    with open(output2 + '.json', "w") as output:
github kieranjol / IFIscripts / legacy_scripts / View on Github external
elif workflow == "Tape Ingest 2":
        def workstation(number):
            add_to_revtmd('//revtmd:codingProcessHistory' + str([number]) + '/revtmd:role', 'Host Computer', revtmd_xmlfile)
            add_to_revtmd('//revtmd:codingProcessHistory' + str([number]) + '/revtmd:manufacturer', 'Hewlett Packard', revtmd_xmlfile)
            add_to_revtmd('//revtmd:codingProcessHistory' + str([number]) + '/revtmd:modelName', 'Z420 Workstation', revtmd_xmlfile)
            add_to_revtmd('//revtmd:codingProcessHistory' + str([number]) + '/revtmd:version', 'ABC123', revtmd_xmlfile)
            add_to_revtmd('//revtmd:codingProcessHistory' + str([number]) + '/revtmd:serialNumber', 'CZC4310HP8', revtmd_xmlfile)
    # Currently unused, but I'll get around to it :[
        no_of_emptyfields = 18
        if workflow == "Telecine Grade":
            msg = "Interventions post capture"
            title = "Interventions post capture?"
            fieldNames = ["Colour Alterations","Exposure Alterations","Sound Alterations"]
            grade_interventions = []  # we start with blanks for the values
            grade_interventions = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames)
            if workflow == "Scanning":
                scanner = 'Scanner'
                msg = "Capture Frame Rate"
                title = "Capture Frame Rate"
                fieldNames = ["15","16","18","20","22","24","25", "Multiple frame rates"]
                capture_frame_rate = []  # we start with blanks for the values
                capture_frame_rate = choicebox(msg,title, fieldNames)
                fps_string = 'Captured at %s fps' % capture_frame_rate
                msg ="Telecine Machine"
                title = "Choose the telecine machine"
                choices = ["Flashtransfer", "Flashscan", "Scanner"]
                scanner = choicebox(msg, title, choices)
github kieranjol / IFIscripts / View on Github external
fieldNames = ["Year",
	      "Film Title","Copyright", 
              "Donation Date", "Director", "Reference number of first record", "Accession number of first record "]
fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values
fieldValues = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames)

# make sure that none of the fields was left blank
while 1:
        if fieldValues == None: break
        errmsg = ""
        for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
            if fieldValues[i].strip() == "":
                errmsg = errmsg + ('"%s" is a required field.' % fieldNames[i])
        if errmsg == "": break # no problems found
        fieldValues = multenterbox(errmsg, title, fieldNames, fieldValues)
msg ="User?"
title = "Pick a name yo!"
choices = ["Fiona Rigney", "Fleur Finley", "Kasandra O'Connell", "Kieran O'Leary"]
user = choicebox(msg, title, choices)

msg ="Type?"
title = "Pick a name yo!"
choices = ["Poster", "Still"]
type = choicebox(msg, title, choices)
print fieldValues[5]
ref = fieldValues[5]
acc_number = int(fieldValues[6])
number = 0 #Inmagic lists the first record as number 0. the second record is number 1 and so on.
#print noofemptyfields
with open(inmagic_xmlfile, "w+") as fo:
github horstjens / ThePythonGameBook / python / goblindice / View on Github external
def edit_monsters(m1, m2):
    while True:  # loop until Cancel or having valid values
        # easygui.multenterbox(text, titles, fieldls, values)
        values = easygui.multenterbox(
            "Please edit carefully", "edit monster stats", (
                "Monster1: name (text)", "Monster1: attack (float)",
                "Monster1: defense (float)", "Monster1: hitpoints (integer)",
                "Monster2: name (text)", "Monster2: attack (float)",
                "Monster2: defense (float)", "Monster2: hitpoints (integer)"
            ), (
      , m1.attack, m1.defense, m1.hitpoints,,
                m2.attack, m2.defense, m2.hitpoints
        if values == None or None in values:
            easygui.msgbox("nothing changed: empty value or Cancel")
            break  # break out of the  edit loop
                m1 = goblin.Monster(
github FredHutch / proxmox-tools / prox / View on Github external
return False

        if chce.startswith('New '):
            args.subcommand = 'new'
            if chce != "New linux machine":
                uselxc = False
                msg = ("Please select the size of your machine. "
                       "Memory sizes are in MB, unless you add G "
                       "(e.g. 1G). Disk sizes are always in GB\n."
                       "Please start small, you can always resize."
                title = "Configuring Machine Size"
                fieldNames = ["Memory", "# Cores", "Disk Size"]
                fieldValues = ['512M', '2', '4G']
                fieldValues = easygui.multenterbox(msg, title,
                        fieldNames, fieldValues)
                if fieldValues:
                    args.mem, args.cores, args.disk = fieldValues
                    return False

        elif chce.startswith('List '):
            args.subcommand = 'list'
        elif chce.startswith('Start '):
            args.subcommand = 'start'
        elif chce.startswith('Stop '):
            args.subcommand = 'stop'
        elif chce.startswith('Modify '):
            args.subcommand = 'modify'
        elif chce.startswith('Destroy '):
            args.subcommand = 'destroy'
github kieranjol / IFIscripts / View on Github external
video_dir 	= tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root)
inmagic_xmlfile = 'blablabla.xml'


# Find all image files
video_files 	  =  glob('*.tif') + glob('*.jpg') + glob('*.jpeg')
no_of_emptyfields = len(video_files) # the number of inmagic records based on the number of files

msg = "Fill out these things please"
title = "blablablabl"
fieldNames = ["Year",
	      "Film Title","Copyright", 
              "Donation Date", "Director", "Reference number of first record", "Accession number of first record "]
fieldValues = []  # we start with blanks for the values
fieldValues = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames)

# make sure that none of the fields was left blank
while 1:
        if fieldValues == None: break
        errmsg = ""
        for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
            if fieldValues[i].strip() == "":
                errmsg = errmsg + ('"%s" is a required field.' % fieldNames[i])
        if errmsg == "": break # no problems found
        fieldValues = multenterbox(errmsg, title, fieldNames, fieldValues)
msg ="User?"
title = "Pick a name yo!"
choices = ["Fiona Rigney", "Fleur Finley", "Kasandra O'Connell", "Kieran O'Leary"]
user = choicebox(msg, title, choices)
github kieranjol / IFIscripts / legacy_scripts / View on Github external
#More interviews    
    msg ="User?"
    title = "Pick a name yo!"
    choices = ["Kieran O'Leary", "Gavin Martin", 
               "Dean Kavanagh", "Raelene Casey", 
           "Anja Mahler", "Eoin O'Donohoe", "Brian Cash","Unknown"]
    user = choicebox(msg, title, choices)

    msg = "Fill out these things please"
    title = "blablablabl"
    fieldNames = ["Source Accession Number",
                  "Filmographic Reference Number", 
                  "Identifier-Object Entry/Accession Number:"]
      # we start with blanks for the values
    fieldValues = multenterbox(msg,title, fieldNames)

    # make sure that none of the fields was left blank
    while 1:
            if fieldValues == None: break
            errmsg = ""
            for i in range(len(fieldNames)):
                if fieldValues[i].strip() == "":
                    errmsg = errmsg + ('"%s" is a required field.' % fieldNames[i])
            if errmsg == "": break # no problems found
            fieldValues = multenterbox(errmsg, title, fieldNames, fieldValues)
    print fieldValues  
    # Prints info to screen. Make this actually useful! 
    #print "Reply was:", fieldValues
    #print "Your selection was:\n Workflow =  %s\n Scanner = %s\n Preparation actions = %s\n User = %s\n" % (workflow,scanner, preparation, user)

    # Store md5 checksum.


EasyGUI is a module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python. EasyGUI is different from other GUI generators in that EasyGUI is NOT event-driven. Instead, all GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls.

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