How to use the function in docplex

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few docplex examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        If CPLEX is installed locally, we can use that to solve the problem.
        Otherwise, we can use DOcplexcloud. For docloud solve, we need valid 'url' and 'key'.
        Note, that if 'url' and 'key' parameters are present,
        the solve will be started on DOcplexcloud even if CPLEX is available.
            e.g. this forces the solve on DOcplexcloud:
            model.solve(url='', key='bar')

        Using '', it is possible to control how to solve.

        if model_params['write_lp']:
  'Writing the lp file!')

        ctx = Context()
        ctx.solver.docloud.url = model_params['url']
        ctx.solver.docloud.key = model_params['api_key']
        agent = 'docloud' if model_params['cplex_cloud'] else 'local'

        # There are several ways to set the parameters. Here are two ways:
        # method 1:
        if model_params['mip_gap']:
            self.model.parameters.mip.tolerances.mipgap = model_params['mip_gap']
        if model_params['time_limit']:

        # # method 2:
        # cplex_parameters = {'mip.tolerances.mipgap': model_params['mip_gap'],
        #                     'timelimit': model_params['time_limit']}
        # ctx.update(cplex_parameters, create_missing_nodes=True)


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