How to use the docassemble.base.error.DAError function in docassemble

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def pdf_concatenate(*pargs, **kwargs):
    """Concatenates PDF files together and returns a DAFile representing
    the new PDF.

    paths = list()
    get_pdf_paths([x for x in pargs], paths)
    if len(paths) == 0:
        raise DAError("pdf_concatenate: no valid files to concatenate")
    pdf_path = docassemble.base.pandoc.concatenate_files(paths, pdfa=kwargs.get('pdfa', False), password=kwargs.get('password', None))
    pdf_file = DAFile()._set_instance_name_for_function()
    pdf_file.initialize(filename=kwargs.get('filename', 'file.pdf'))
    return pdf_file
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raise DAError('Unknown data type ' + str(type(sub_data)) + ' in list in attachment metadata' + self.idebug(target))
                        newdata = list(map((lambda x: TextObject(x)), data))
                        metadata[key] = newdata
                    elif type(data) is str:
                        metadata[key] = TextObject(data)
                    elif type(data) is bool:
                        metadata[key] = data
                        raise DAError('Unknown data type ' + str(type(data)) + ' in key in attachment metadata' + self.idebug(target))
            if 'content file' in target:
                if type(target['content file']) is not list:
                    target['content file'] = [target['content file']]
                target['content'] = ''
                for content_file in target['content file']:
                    if type(content_file) is not str:
                        raise DAError('A content file must be specified as text or a list of text filenames' + self.idebug(target))
                    file_to_read = docassemble.base.util.package_template_filename(content_file, package=self.package)
                    if file_to_read is not None and os.path.isfile(file_to_read) and os.access(file_to_read, os.R_OK):
                        with open(file_to_read, 'rU') as the_file:
                            target['content'] +=
                        raise DAError('Unable to read content file ' + str(content_file) + ' after trying to find it at ' + str(file_to_read) + self.idebug(target))
            if 'fields' in target:
                if 'pdf template file' not in target:
                    raise DAError('Fields supplied to attachment but no pdf template file supplied' + self.idebug(target))
                if type(target['pdf template file']) is not str:
                    raise DAError('pdf template file supplied to attachment must be a string' + self.idebug(target))
                if type(target['fields']) is not dict:
                    raise DAError('fields supplied to attachment must be a dictionary' + self.idebug(target))
                target['content'] = ''
                target['valid formats'] = ['pdf']
                options['pdf_template_file'] = docassemble.base.util.package_template_filename(target['pdf template file'], package=self.package)
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def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.playground = None
        if 'filepath' in kwargs:
            if'SavedFile', str(type(kwargs['filepath']))):
                #logmessage("We have a saved file on our hands")
                self.playground = kwargs['filepath']
                if os.path.isfile(self.playground.path) and os.access(self.playground.path, os.R_OK):
                    raise DAError("Reference to invalid playground path")
            self.filepath = None
        if 'path' in kwargs:
        return super(InterviewSourceFile, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    def set_path(self, path):
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def finalize(self):
        #sys.stderr.write("finalize: starting " + str(self.section) + '/' + str(self.file_number) + "\n")
        if cloud is None:
        if not self.fixed:
            raise DAError("SavedFile: finalize called before fix")
        for filename in listfiles(
            fullpath = os.path.join(, filename)
            #logmessage("Found " + fullpath)
            if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
                save = True
                if filename in self.keydict:
                    key = self.keydict[filename]
                    if self.modtimes[filename] == os.path.getmtime(fullpath):
                        save = False
                    key = cloud.get_key(str(self.section) + '/' + str(self.file_number) + '/' + path_to_key(filename))
                if save:
                    if self.extension is not None and filename == self.filename:
                        extension, mimetype = get_ext_and_mimetype(filename + '.' + self.extension)
                        extension, mimetype = get_ext_and_mimetype(filename)
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def text_of_table(table_info, orig_user_dict, temp_vars):
    table_content = "\n"
    user_dict = copy.copy(orig_user_dict)
    #logmessage("i is " + unicode(user_dict['i']))
    header_output = [table_safe(x.text(user_dict)) for x in table_info.header]
    the_iterable = eval(table_info.row, user_dict)
    if not hasattr(the_iterable, '__iter__'):
        raise DAError("Error in processing table " + table_info.saveas + ": row value is not iterable")
    if hasattr(the_iterable, 'instanceName') and hasattr(the_iterable, 'elements') and type(the_iterable.elements) in (list, dict) and docassemble.base.functions.get_gathering_mode(the_iterable.instanceName):
        the_iterable = the_iterable.complete_elements()
    contents = list()
    if hasattr(the_iterable, 'iteritems') and callable(the_iterable.iteritems):
        for key in sorted(the_iterable):
            user_dict['row_item'] = the_iterable[key]
            user_dict['row_index'] = key
            contents.append([table_safe(eval(x, user_dict)) for x in table_info.column])
        indexno = 0
        for item in the_iterable:
            user_dict['row_item'] = item
            user_dict['row_index'] = indexno
            contents.append([table_safe(eval(x, user_dict)) for x in table_info.column])
            indexno += 1
    user_dict.pop('row_item', None)
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def finalize(self):
        if not S3_ENABLED:
        if not self.fixed:
            raise DAError("SavedFile: finalize called before fix")
        existing_files = list()
        for filename in os.listdir(
            fullpath = os.path.join(, filename)
            #logmessage("Found " + fullpath)
            if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
                save = True
                if filename in self.keydict:
                    key = self.keydict[filename]
                    if self.modtimes[filename] == os.path.getmtime(fullpath):
                        save = False
                    key = s3.new_key()
                    key.key = str(self.section) + '/' + str(self.file_number) + '/' + str(filename)
                    if filename == self.filename:
                        extension, mimetype = get_ext_and_mimetype(filename + '.' + self.extension)
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def make_image_files(path):
    #logmessage("make_image_files on " + str(path))
    if PDFTOPPM_COMMAND is not None:
        args = [PDFTOPPM_COMMAND, '-r', str(PNG_RESOLUTION), '-png', path, path + 'page']
        result = call(args)
        if result > 0:
            raise DAError("Call to pdftoppm failed")
        args = [PDFTOPPM_COMMAND, '-r', str(PNG_SCREEN_RESOLUTION), '-png', path, path + 'screen']
        result = call(args)
        if result > 0:
            raise DAError("Call to pdftoppm failed")
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if 'fields' in target:
                if 'pdf template file' not in target:
                    raise DAError('Fields supplied to attachment but no pdf template file supplied' + self.idebug(target))
                if type(target['pdf template file']) is not str:
                    raise DAError('pdf template file supplied to attachment must be a string' + self.idebug(target))
                if type(target['fields']) is not dict:
                    raise DAError('fields supplied to attachment must be a dictionary' + self.idebug(target))
                target['content'] = ''
                target['valid formats'] = ['pdf']
                options['pdf_template_file'] = docassemble.base.util.package_template_filename(target['pdf template file'], package=self.package)
                options['fields'] = dict()
                for key, val in target['fields'].iteritems():
                    logmessage("Set " + str(key) + " to " + str(val))
                    options['fields'][key] = TextObject(str(val))
            if 'content' not in target:
                raise DAError("No content provided in attachment")
            #logmessage("The content is " + str(target['content']))
            return({'name': TextObject(target['name']), 'filename': TextObject(target['filename']), 'description': TextObject(target['description']), 'content': TextObject("\n".join(defs) + "\n" + target['content']), 'valid_formats': target['valid formats'], 'metadata': metadata, 'variable_name': variable_name, 'options': options})
        elif type(target) is str:
            return({'name': TextObject('Document'), 'filename': TextObject('document'), 'content': TextObject(target), 'valid_formats': ['*'], 'metadata': metadata, 'variable_name': variable_name, 'options': options})
            raise DAError("Unknown data type in process_attachment")
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if hasattr(field, 'datatype') and field.datatype in ['object', 'object_radio', 'object_checkboxes']:
                    if field.number not in selectcompute:
                        raise DAError("datatype was set to object but no code or selections was provided")
                    string = "_internal['objselections'][" + repr(from_safeid(field.saveas)) + "] = dict()"
                    logmessage("Doing " + string)
                        exec(string, user_dict)
                        for selection in selectcompute[field.number]:
                            key = selection[0]
                            #logmessage("key is " + str(key))
                            real_key = codecs.decode(key, 'base64').decode('utf-8')
                            string = "_internal['objselections'][" + repr(from_safeid(field.saveas)) + "][" + repr(key) + "] = " + real_key
                            logmessage("Doing " + string)
                            exec(string, user_dict)
                        raise DAError("Failure while processing field with datatype of object")
                if hasattr(field, 'label'):
                    labels[field.number] = field.label.text(user_dict)
                if hasattr(field, 'extras'):
                    for key in ['note', 'html', 'script', 'css', 'min', 'max', 'minlength', 'maxlength', 'show_if_val']:
                        if key in field.extras:
                            if key not in extras:
                                extras[key] = dict()
                            extras[key][field.number] = field.extras[key].text(user_dict)
                if hasattr(field, 'saveas'):
                        defaults[field.number] = eval(from_safeid(field.saveas), user_dict)
                        if hasattr(field, 'default'):
                            defaults[field.number] = field.default.text(user_dict)
                    if hasattr(field, 'helptext'):
                        helptexts[field.number] = field.helptext.text(user_dict)