How to use the disdat.logger.debug function in disdat

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few disdat examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if ctxt_dir is None:
            raise Exception("Unable to load context without a metadata directory argument")

        contexts = {}

        files = glob.glob(os.path.join(ctxt_dir, '*'))

        for ctxt in files:
            if len(target_contexts) > 0 and ctxt not in target_contexts:

            #_logger.debug("Loading context {}...".format(ctxt))
            meta_file = os.path.join(ctxt_dir, ctxt, META_CTXT_FILE)

            if not os.path.isfile(meta_file):
                _logger.debug("No disdat {} meta ctxt data file found.".format(meta_file))
                with open(meta_file, 'r') as json_file:
                    dc_dict = json.loads(json_file.readline())
                    dc = DataContext(ctxt_dir, **dc_dict)
                contexts[dc.local_ctxt] = dc

        return contexts
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def remote(local_context, remote_context, remote_url):
    """ Add a remote to local_context.

    Note that this local context may already have a remote bound.   This means that it might have
    references to bundles that have not been localized (file references will be 's3:`).

        local_context (str):  The name of the local context to which to add the remote.
        remote_context (str):  The name of the remote context.
        remote_url (str): The S3 path that holds the contexts, e.g., s3://disdat-prod/beta/


    _logger.debug("Adding remote context {} at URL {} on local context '{}'".format(remote_context,

    # Be generous and fix up S3 URLs to end on a directory.
    remote_url = '{}/'.format(remote_url.rstrip('/'))

    data_context = _get_context(local_context)

    data_context.bind_remote_ctxt(remote_context, remote_url)
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    dl_retry = 3
    s3 = b3.resource('s3')
    #print(f"get_s3_key the b3[{b3}] and client[{b3.client} and resource[{b3.resource}]")

    if filename is None:
        filename = os.path.basename(key)
        path = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            except os.error as ose:
                # swallow error -- likely directory already exists from other process
                _logger.debug("aws_s3.get_s3_key: Error code {}".format(os.strerror(ose.errno)))

    while dl_retry > 0:
            s3.Bucket(bucket).download_file(key, filename)
            dl_retry = -1
        except Exception as e:
            _logger.warn("aws_s3.get_s3_key Retry Count [{}] on download_file raised exception {}".format(dl_retry, e))
            dl_retry -= 1
            if dl_retry <= 0:
                _logger.warn("aws_s3.get_s3_key Fail on downloading file after 3 retries with exception {}".format(e))

    #print "PID({}) STOP bkt[] key[{}] file[{}]".format(multiprocessing.current_process(),key,filename)

    return filename
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Re-use this bundle, everything stays the same, just put in the cache

        pipe (`pipe.PipeTask`): The pipe task that should not be re-run.
        bundle (`disdat.api.bundle`): The found bundle to re-use.
        uuid (str): The bundle's uuid
        data_context: The context containing this bundle with UUID hfr_uuid.

    pce = PathCache.get_path_cache(pipe)
    if pce is None:
        _logger.debug("reuse_bundle: Adding a new (unseen) task to the path cache.")
        _logger.debug("reuse_bundle: Found a task in our dag already in the path cache: reusing!")

    dir = data_context.implicit_hframe_path(uuid)

    PathCache.put_path_cache(pipe, bundle, uuid, dir, False)
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#    continue

            # Src path can contain a sub-directory.
            sub_dir = DataContext.find_subdir(src_path, dst_dir)
            dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, sub_dir, os.path.basename(src_path))

            if dst_scheme != 's3' and dst_scheme != 'db':
                file_set.append(urllib.parse.urljoin('file:', dst_file))

            if src_path.startswith(os.path.dirname(file_set[-1])):
                # This can happen if you re-push something already pushed that's not localized
                # Or if the user places files directly in the output directory (or in a sub-directory of that directory)
                file_set[-1] = src_path
                _logger.debug("DataContext: copy_in_files found src {} == dst {}".format(src_path, file_set[-1]))
                # but it can also happen if you re-bind and push.  So check that file is present!
                if urllib.parse.urlparse(src_path).scheme == 's3' and not aws_s3.s3_path_exists(src_path):
                    print(("DataContext: copy_in_files found s3 link {} not present!".format(src_path)))
                    print ("It is likely that this bundle existed on another remote branch and ")
                    print ("was not localized before changing remotes.")
                    raise Exception("copy_in_files: bad localized bundle push.")

                if not os.path.isdir(src_path):
                    o = urllib.parse.urlparse(src_path)

                    if o.scheme == 's3':
                        # s3 to s3
                        if dst_scheme == 's3':
                            aws_s3.cp_s3_file(src_path, os.path.dirname(dst_file))
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# a batch EC2 instance might not have access to the S3 remote. To
    # get around this, allow the user to create some temporary AWS
    # credentials.

    if aws_session_token_duration > 0 and job_role_arn is None:
        sts_client = b3.client('sts')
            token = sts_client.get_session_token(DurationSeconds=aws_session_token_duration)
            credentials = token['Credentials']
            container_overrides['environment'] = [
                {'name': 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'value': credentials['AccessKeyId']},
                {'name': 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', 'value': credentials['SecretAccessKey']},
                {'name': 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN', 'value': credentials['SessionToken']}
        except Exception as e:
            _logger.debug("Unable to generate an STS token, instead trying users default credentials...")
            credentials = b3.session.Session().get_credentials()
            container_overrides['environment'] = [
                {'name': 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'value': credentials.access_key},
                {'name': 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', 'value': credentials.secret_key},
                {'name': 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN', 'value': credentials.token}

    job = client.submit_job(jobName=job_name, jobDefinition=job_definition_fqn, jobQueue=job_queue,

    status = job['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']
    if status == 200:'Job {} (ID {}) with definition {} submitted to AWS Batch queue {}'.format(job['jobName'], job['jobId'],
                                                                                         job_definition_fqn, job_queue))
        return job
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tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            with open(os.path.join(tempdir, 'hyperparameters.json'), 'w') as of:
                json.dump(_sagemaker_hyperparameters_from_arglist(arglist), of)
                args = ['train']  # rewrite to just 'train'
                # On mac OS, tempdir returns /var, but is actually /private/var
                # Add /private since it that dir is shared (and not /var) with Docker.
                if on_macos:
                    localdir = os.path.join('/private', tempdir[1:])
                    localdir = tempdir
                volumes[localdir] = {'bind': '/opt/ml/input/config/', 'mode': 'rw'}
      "VOLUMES: {}".format(volumes))
            pipeline_image_name = common.make_project_image_name(pipeline_setup_file)

        _logger.debug('Running image {} with arguments {}'.format(pipeline_image_name, arglist))

        stdout =, arglist, detach=False,
                                       environment=environment, init=True, stderr=True, volumes=volumes)
        stdout = six.ensure_str(stdout)
        if cli: print(stdout)
        return stdout
    except docker.errors.ContainerError as ce:
        _logger.error("Internal error running image {}".format(pipeline_image_name))
        _logger.error("Error: {}".format(six.ensure_str(ce.stderr)))
        return six.ensure_str(ce)
    except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:
        _logger.error("Unable to find the docker image {}".format(pipeline_image_name))
        return None
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force_all:     force recomputation of dependencies
        input_tags (dict):  Tags used to find the input bundle
        output_tags (dict):  Tags that need to be placed on the output bundle
        force_all (bool): whether to re-run this pipe
        output_bundle_uuid (str):  Optionally specify exactly the UUID of the output bundle IFF we actually need to produce it
        central_scheduler: Use a centralized Luigi scheduler (default False, i.e., --local-scheduler is used)
        workers: The number of luigi workers to use for this workflow (default 1)
        data_context: Actual context object or None and read current context.
        incremental_push (bool): Whether this job should push tasks as they complete to the remote (if configured)
        incremental_pull (bool): Whether this job should localize bundles as needed from the remote (if configured)

        bool: True if tasks needed to be run, False if no tasks (beyond wrapper task) executed.

    _logger.debug("driver {}".format(driver.DriverTask))
    _logger.debug("pipe_cls {}".format(pipe_cls))
    _logger.debug("pipe params: {}".format(pipe_params))
    _logger.debug("force: {}".format(force))
    _logger.debug("force_all: {}".format(force_all))
    _logger.debug("input tags: {}".format(input_tags))
    _logger.debug("output tags: {}".format(output_tags))
    _logger.debug("sys.path {}".format(sys.path))
    _logger.debug("central_scheduler {}".format(central_scheduler))
    _logger.debug("workers {}".format(workers))
    _logger.debug("incremental_push {}".format(incremental_push))
    _logger.debug("incremental_pull {}".format(incremental_pull))

    if incremental_push:
        _logger.warn("incremental_push {}".format(incremental_push))

    if incremental_pull:
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if verbose:
        print("resolve_bundle: looking up bundle {}".format(pipe.processing_id()))

    if pipe._mark_force and not isinstance(pipe, ExternalDepTask):
        # Forcing recomputation through a manual annotation in the pipe.pipe_requires() itself
        # If it is external, we don't recompute in any case.
        _logger.debug("resolve_bundle: pipe.mark_force forcing a new output bundle.")
        if verbose: print("resolve_bundle: pipe.mark_force forcing a new output bundle.\n")
        new_output_bundle(pipe, data_context)
        return regen_bundle

    if pipe.force and not isinstance(pipe, ExternalDepTask):
        # Forcing recomputation through a manual --force directive
        # If it is external, do not recompute in any case
        _logger.debug("resolve_bundle: --force forcing a new output bundle.")
        if verbose: print("resolve_bundle: --force forcing a new output bundle.\n")
        new_output_bundle(pipe, data_context)
        return regen_bundle

    if isinstance(pipe, ExternalDepTask):
        # NOTE: Even if add_external_dependency() fails to find the bundle we still succeed here.
        # Thus it can look like we reuse a bundle, when in fact we don't.  We error either
        # within the user's requires, add_external_dependency(), or when Luigi can't find the task (current approach)
        assert worker._is_external(pipe)
        if verbose: print("resolve_bundle: found ExternalDepTask re-using bundle with UUID[{}].\n".format(pipe.uuid))
        b = api.get(data_context.get_local_name(), None, uuid=pipe.uuid)  # TODO:cache b in ext dep object, no 2x lookup
        if b is None:
            _logger.warn(f"Unable to resolve bundle[{pipe.uuid}] in context[{data_context.get_local_name()}]")
            reuse_bundle(pipe, b, pipe.uuid, data_context)  # Ensure that the PCE results in a file that cannot be found
            reuse_bundle(pipe, b, b.uuid, data_context)
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import disdat.api as api  # 3.7 allows us to put this import at the top, but not 3.6.8

    # These are constants
    verbose = False
    use_bundle = True
    regen_bundle = False

    # 1.) Get output bundle for pipe_id (the specific pipeline/transform/param hash).

    if verbose:
        print("resolve_bundle: looking up bundle {}".format(pipe.processing_id()))

    if pipe._mark_force and not isinstance(pipe, ExternalDepTask):
        # Forcing recomputation through a manual annotation in the pipe.pipe_requires() itself
        # If it is external, we don't recompute in any case.
        _logger.debug("resolve_bundle: pipe.mark_force forcing a new output bundle.")
        if verbose: print("resolve_bundle: pipe.mark_force forcing a new output bundle.\n")
        new_output_bundle(pipe, data_context)
        return regen_bundle

    if pipe.force and not isinstance(pipe, ExternalDepTask):
        # Forcing recomputation through a manual --force directive
        # If it is external, do not recompute in any case
        _logger.debug("resolve_bundle: --force forcing a new output bundle.")
        if verbose: print("resolve_bundle: --force forcing a new output bundle.\n")
        new_output_bundle(pipe, data_context)
        return regen_bundle

    if isinstance(pipe, ExternalDepTask):
        # NOTE: Even if add_external_dependency() fails to find the bundle we still succeed here.
        # Thus it can look like we reuse a bundle, when in fact we don't.  We error either
        # within the user's requires, add_external_dependency(), or when Luigi can't find the task (current approach)