How to use the discretize.CtsSysDyn function in discretize

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few discretize examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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ptype = RHTLP_PROB
        raise ValueError("Unrecognized prob_type: "+str(ptype_tag.text))
    # Build CtsSysDyn, or set to None
    c_dyn = elem.find(ns_prefix+"c_dyn")
    if c_dyn is None:
        sys_dyn = None
        (tag_name, A) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"A"))
        (tag_name, B) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"B"))
        (tag_name, E) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"E"))
        (tag_name, K) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"K"))
        (tag_name, Uset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"U_set"))
        (tag_name, Wset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"W_set"))
        sys_dyn = discretize.CtsSysDyn(A, B, E, K, Uset, Wset)

    # Extract LTL specification
    s_elem = elem.find(ns_prefix+"spec")
    if s_elem.find(ns_prefix+"env_init") is not None:  # instance of GRSpec style
        spec = GRSpec()
        for spec_tag in ["env_init", "env_safety", "env_prog",
                         "sys_init", "sys_safety", "sys_prog"]:
            if s_elem.find(ns_prefix+spec_tag) is None:
                raise ValueError("invalid specification in tulipcon XML string.")
            (tag_name, li) = untaglist(s_elem.find(ns_prefix+spec_tag),
                                       cast_f=str, namespace=namespace)
            li = [v.replace("<", "<") for v in li]
            li = [v.replace(">", ">") for v in li]
            li = [v.replace("&", "&") for v in li]
            setattr(spec, spec_tag, li)
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assumption = dumped_data["assumption"]
    guarantee = dumped_data["guarantee"]

    if verbose > 0:
        print "A =\n", A
        print "B =\n", B
        print "E =\n", E
        print "X =", X
        print "U =", U
        print "W =", W
        print "horizon (N) =", N
        for (k, v) in cont_prop.items():
            print k+" =\n", v

    # Build transition system
    sys_dyn = discretize.CtsSysDyn(A, B, E, [], U, W)
    initial_partition = prop2part.prop2part2(X, cont_prop)

    return (sys_dyn, initial_partition, N, assumption, guarantee, env_vars, sys_disc_vars)
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if ("version" not in elem.attrib.keys()):
        raise ValueError("unversioned tulipcon XML string.")
    if int(elem.attrib["version"]) != 0:
        raise ValueError("unsupported tulipcon XML version: "+str(elem.attrib["version"]))

    # Build CtsSysDyn, or set to None
    c_dyn = elem.find(ns_prefix+"c_dyn")
    if c_dyn is None:
        sys_dyn = None
        (tag_name, A) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"A"))
        (tag_name, B) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"B"))
        (tag_name, E) = untagmatrix(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"E"))
        (tag_name, Uset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"U_set"))
        (tag_name, Wset) = untagpolytope(c_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"W_set"))
        sys_dyn = discretize.CtsSysDyn(A, B, E, [], Uset, Wset)

    # Discrete dynamics, if available
    d_dyn = elem.find(ns_prefix+"d_dyn")
    if d_dyn is None:
        horizon = None
        disc_dynamics = None
        if not d_dyn.attrib.has_key("horizon"):
            raise ValueError("missing horizon length used for reachability computation.")
        horizon = int(d_dyn.attrib["horizon"])
        if (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"domain") is None) \
                and (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"trans") is None) \
                and (d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"prop_symbols") is None):
            disc_dynamics = None
            (tag_name, domain) = untagpolytope(d_dyn.find(ns_prefix+"domain"))
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- `spec`: a GRSpec object that specifies the specification of
          this synthesis problem.

        - `verbose`: an integer that specifies the level of verbosity.

        if (not isinstance(cont_state_space, Polytope) and \
                cont_state_space is not None):
            printError("The type of input cont_state_space is expected to be " + \
                           "Polytope", obj=self)
            raise TypeError("Invalid cont_state_space.")
        if (not isinstance(cont_props, dict) and cont_props is not None):
            printError("The input cont_props is expected to be a dictionary " + \
                           "{str : Polytope}", obj=self)
            raise TypeError("Invalid disc_props.")
        if (not isinstance(sys_dyn, CtsSysDyn) and sys_dyn is not None):
            printError("The type of input sys_dyn is expected to be CtsSysDyn", obj=self)
            raise TypeError("Invalid sys_dyn.")

        # Process the continuous component
        if (cont_state_space is not None):
            if (cont_props is None):
                cont_props = []
            cont_partition = prop2part2(cont_state_space, cont_props)
            disc_dynamics = copy.deepcopy(cont_partition)
            disc_dynamics.trans = disc_dynamics.adj
            for fromcell in xrange(0,len(disc_dynamics.trans)):
                disc_dynamics.trans[fromcell][fromcell] = 1
            if (sys_dyn is not None):
                disc_dynamics = discretize(cont_partition, sys_dyn, verbose=verbose)
            if (verbose > 0):