How to use the ddtrace.ext.http.URL function in ddtrace

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ddtrace examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github florimondmanca / ddtrace-asgi / tests / View on Github external
assert r.status_code == 200
    assert r.text == "Hello, world!"

    traces = tracer.writer.pop_traces()
    assert len(traces) == 1
    spans: List[Span] = traces[0]
    assert len(spans) == 1
    span = spans[0]
    assert span.span_id
    assert span.trace_id
    assert span.parent_id is None
    assert == "asgi.request"
    assert span.service == "test.asgi.service"
    assert span.resource == "GET /"
    assert span.get_tag(http_ext.STATUS_CODE) == "200"
    assert span.get_tag(http_ext.URL) == "http://testserver/"
    assert span.get_tag(http_ext.QUERY_STRING) is None
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / contrib / molten / View on Github external
def test_route_failure(self):
        app = molten.App(routes=[molten.Route('/hello/{name}/{age}', hello)])
        client = TestClient(app)
        response = client.get('/goodbye')
        spans = self.tracer.writer.pop()
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
        span = spans[0]
        self.assertEqual(span.service, 'molten')
        self.assertEqual(, 'molten.request')
        self.assertEqual(span.resource, 'GET 404')
        self.assertEqual(span.get_tag(http.URL), '')
        self.assertEqual(span.get_tag('http.method'), 'GET')
        self.assertEqual(span.get_tag('http.status_code'), '404')
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / contrib / tornado / View on Github external
fqs = ''
        response = self.fetch('/success/' + fqs)
        assert 200 == response.code

        traces = self.tracer.writer.pop_traces()
        assert 1 == len(traces)
        assert 1 == len(traces[0])

        request_span = traces[0][0]
        assert 'tornado-web' == request_span.service
        assert 'tornado.request' ==
        assert 'web' == request_span.span_type
        assert '' == request_span.resource
        assert 'GET' == request_span.get_tag('http.method')
        assert '200' == request_span.get_tag('http.status_code')
        assert self.get_url('/success/') == request_span.get_tag(http.URL)
        if config.tornado.trace_query_string:
            assert query_string == request_span.get_tag(http.QUERY_STRING)
            assert http.QUERY_STRING not in request_span.meta
        assert 0 == request_span.error
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / contrib / tornado / View on Github external
def test_nested_wrap_handler(self):
        # it should trace a handler that calls a coroutine
        response = self.fetch('/nested_wrap/')
        assert 200 == response.code
        traces = self.tracer.writer.pop_traces()
        assert 1 == len(traces)
        assert 2 == len(traces[0])
        # check request span
        request_span = traces[0][0]
        assert 'tornado-web' == request_span.service
        assert 'tornado.request' ==
        assert 'web' == request_span.span_type
        assert '' == request_span.resource
        assert 'GET' == request_span.get_tag('http.method')
        assert '200' == request_span.get_tag('http.status_code')
        assert self.get_url('/nested_wrap/') == request_span.get_tag(http.URL)
        assert 0 == request_span.error
        # check nested span
        nested_span = traces[0][1]
        assert 'tornado-web' == nested_span.service
        assert 'tornado.coro' ==
        assert 0 == nested_span.error
        # check durations because of the yield sleep
        assert request_span.duration >= 0.05
        assert nested_span.duration >= 0.05
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / contrib / flask / View on Github external
assert rv.status_code == 200
        assert == b'\xc3\xbc\xc5\x8b\xc3\xaf\xc4\x89\xc3\xb3\xc4\x91\xc4\x93'

        # ensure trace worked
        assert not self.tracer.current_span(), self.tracer.current_span().pprint()
        spans = self.tracer.writer.pop()
        assert len(spans) == 1
        s = spans[0]
        assert s.service == 'test.flask.service'
        assert s.resource == u'üŋïĉóđē'
        assert s.start >= start
        assert s.duration <= end - start
        assert s.error == 0
        assert s.meta.get(http.STATUS_CODE) == '200'
        assert s.meta.get(http.METHOD) == 'GET'
        assert s.meta.get(http.URL) == u'http://localhost/üŋïĉóđē'
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / contrib / django / View on Github external
def test_middleware_trace_errors(self):
        # ensures that the internals are properly traced
        url = reverse('forbidden-view')
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 403

        # check for spans
        spans = self.tracer.writer.pop()
        assert len(spans) == 1
        span = spans[0]
        assert span.get_tag('http.status_code') == '403'
        assert span.get_tag(http.URL) == 'http://testserver/fail-view/'
        assert span.resource == ''
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / View on Github external
def test_list_no_match(self):
        span = Span(name='Name', tracer=None)
        span.set_tag(URL, r'')
        filtr = FilterRequestsOnUrl([r'http://domain\.example\.com', r'http://anotherdomain\.example\.com'])
        trace = filtr.process_trace([span])
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / contrib / django_old / View on Github external
assert response.status_code == 404

        # check for spans
        spans = self.tracer.writer.pop()
        assert len(spans) == 2
        sp_request = spans[0]
        sp_template = spans[1]

        # Template
        # DEV: The template name is `unknown` because unless they define a `404.html`
        #   django generates the template from a string, which will not have a `` set
        assert sp_template.get_tag('django.template_name') == 'unknown'

        # Request
        assert sp_request.get_tag('http.status_code') == '404'
        assert sp_request.get_tag(http.URL) == 'http://testserver/unknown-url'
        assert sp_request.get_tag('django.user.is_authenticated') == 'False'
        assert sp_request.get_tag('http.method') == 'GET'
        assert sp_request.span_type == 'http'
        assert sp_request.resource == 'django.views.defaults.page_not_found'
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / tests / contrib / falcon / View on Github external
        except Exception:
            assert 0

        traces = self.tracer.writer.pop_traces()
        assert len(traces) == 1
        assert len(traces[0]) == 1
        span = traces[0][0]
        assert == 'falcon.request'
        assert span.service == self._service
        assert span.resource == 'GET'
        assert span.get_tag(httpx.STATUS_CODE) == '500'
        assert span.get_tag(httpx.URL) == ''
        assert span.parent_id is None
github DataDog / dd-trace-py / ddtrace / contrib / django / View on Github external
if (
                config.analytics_enabled and settings.ANALYTICS_ENABLED is not False
            ) or settings.ANALYTICS_ENABLED is True:

            span.set_tag(http.METHOD, request.method)

            # Do not fail if we cannot build an absoluate uri, use the request path as a fallback
                span.set_tag(http.URL, request.build_absolute_uri(request.path))
            except Exception:
                log.debug('failed to build absolute uri from %r', request.path, exc_info=True)
                span.set_tag(http.URL, request.path)

            _set_req_span(request, span)
        except Exception:
            log.debug('error tracing request', exc_info=True)