How to use the function in datalad

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few datalad examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def initiate(self):
        if self._initiated:
        self._initiated = True
        d = opj(self.repopath, '.git', 'bin')
        if not exists(d):

        suf = '-' + self.custom_remote_name.rstrip(':') if self.custom_remote_name else ''
        self._file = _file = opj(d, 'git-annex-remote-datalad' + suf)

        if exists(_file):
            lgr.debug("Commenting out previous entries")
            # comment out all the past entries
            with open(_file, 'rb') as f:
                entries = list(map(assure_unicode, f.readlines()))
            for i in range(len(self.HEADER.split(os.linesep)), len(entries)):
                e = entries[i]
                if e.startswith('recv ') or e.startswith('send '):
                    entries[i] = '#' + e
            with open(_file, 'wb') as f:
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def get_extracted_files(self):
        """Generator to provide filenames which are available under extracted archive
        path = self.assure_extracted()
        path_len = len(path) + (len(os.sep) if not path.endswith(os.sep) else 0)
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):  # TEMP
            for name in files:
                yield assure_unicode(opj(root, name)[path_len:])
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def get_DIRHASH(self, key, full=False):
        """Gets a two level hash associated with a Key.

        full: bool, optional
          If True, would spit out full DIRHASH path, i.e. with a KEY/ directory

        Something like "abc/def". This is always the same for any given Key, so
        can be used for eg, creating hash directory structures to store Keys in.
        self.send("DIRHASH", key)
        val ="VALUE", 1)[1]
        if full:
            return opj(self.path, val, key)
            return val
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def get_archive(self, archive):
        archive = self._get_normalized_archive_path(archive)

        if archive not in self._archives:
            self._archives[archive] = \
                                 opj(self.path, _get_cached_filename(archive)),

        return self._archives[archive]
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of the result (we are asking the location for the same archive key often)
        if key not in self._contentlocations:
            fpath = self.repo.get_contentlocation(key, batch=True)
            if fpath:  # shouldn't store empty ones
                self._contentlocations[key] = fpath
            fpath = self._contentlocations[key]
            # but verify that it exists
            if verify_exists and not lexists(opj(self.path, fpath)):
                # prune from cache
                del self._contentlocations[key]
                fpath = ''

        if absolute and fpath:
            return opj(self.path, fpath)
            return fpath
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def _get_normalized_archive_path(self, archive):
        """Return full path to archive

        So we have consistent operation from different subdirs,
        while referencing archives from the topdir

        TODO: why do we need it???
        if not isabs(archive) and self._toppath:
            out = normpath(opj(self._toppath, archive))
            if relpath(out, self._toppath).startswith(pardir):
                raise RuntimeError("%s points outside of the topdir %s"
                                   % (archive, self._toppath))
            if isdir(out):
                raise RuntimeError("got a directory here... bleh")
            return out
        return archive
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for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_, followlinks=False):
            for d in dirs:
                subdir = opj(root, d)
                         os.stat(subdir).st_mode |

    if leading_directories == 'strip':
        _, dirs, files = next(os.walk(dir_))
        if not len(files) and len(dirs) == 1:
            # move all the content under dirs[0] up 1 level
            widow_dir = opj(dir_, dirs[0])
            lgr.debug("Moving content within %s upstairs" % widow_dir)
            subdir, subdirs_, files_ = next(os.walk(opj(dir_, dirs[0])))
            for f in subdirs_ + files_:
                os.rename(opj(subdir, f), opj(dir_, f))
    elif leading_directories is None:
        pass   # really do nothing
        raise NotImplementedError("Not supported %s" % leading_directories)
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if (os.environ.get('DATALAD_USE_DEFAULT_GIT', '0').lower()
                    in ('1', 'on', 'true', 'yes')):
                git_fpath = find_executable("git")
                if git_fpath:
                    GitRunner._GIT_PATH = ''
                    lgr.log(9, "Will use default git %s", git_fpath)
                    return  # we are done - there is a default git avail.
                # if not -- we will look for a bundled one

            annex_fpath = find_executable("git-annex")
            if not annex_fpath:
                # not sure how to live further anyways! ;)
                alongside = False
                annex_path = op.dirname(op.realpath(annex_fpath))
                alongside = op.lexists(op.join(annex_path, 'git'))
            GitRunner._GIT_PATH = annex_path if alongside else ''
            lgr.log(9, "Will use git under %r (no adjustments to PATH if empty "
                       "string)", GitRunner._GIT_PATH)
            assert(GitRunner._GIT_PATH is not None)  # we made the decision!
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def get_max_path_length(top_path=None, maxl=1000):
    """Deduce the maximal length of the filename in a given path
    if not top_path:
        top_path = getpwd()
    import random
    from datalad import lgr
    from datalad.dochelpers import exc_str
    from import path
    prefix = path.join(top_path, "dl%d" % random.randint(1 ,100000))
    # some smart folks could implement binary search for this
    max_path_length = None
    for i in range(maxl-len(prefix)):
        filename = prefix + '_' * i
        path_length = len(filename)
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                max_path_length = path_length
        except Exception as exc:
                "Failed to create sample file for length %d. Last succeeded was %s. Exception: %s",
                path_length, max_path_length, exc_str(exc))
    return max_path_length
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def _get_key_path(self, key):
        """Return path to the KEY file
        # TODO: should actually be implemented by AnnexRepo
        #       Command is available in annex >= 20140410
        (out, err) = \
            self.runner(['git-annex', 'contentlocation', key], cwd=self.path)
        # TODO: it would exit with non-0 if key is not present locally.
        # we need to catch and throw our exception
        return opj(self.path, out.rstrip(os.linesep))